XIX: The Painter

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Longer than usual cause I felt bad for not updating in a while.


"Who was the founder of this kingdom?" Nana moves her glasses further up her button nose, peering at me expectantly.

"It's a trick question. The five islands were once their own separate kingdoms. They were founded by Richmond I, Kai I, Thanos Carlton, Ysal I, and Ren II. The five men, each full shape shifters, took to an island, dedicating it to their patron deity. Kai founded Hephaistos for Hephaestus, Richmond founded Gaia for the primordial goddess, Ysal founded Oceanos for the titan god Oceanus, and Ren founded Uranos. Thanos founded Hemera for the primordial goddess of day, hoping that it would bring the kingdom luck and good fortune.

Each of the five men lead shifters who held a better affinity for those elements, Thanos' being the smallest as it was composed manly of full shape shifters, who are lowest in numbers even today. The five kingdoms weren't brought together until later as gradually they began to make marriage deals with one another and their children ended up being mates." I figured with my hands under the desk, out of her sight, looking her straight in the eye.

As I answered her rapid fire questions, the very first lesson she taught (basically beat into me with a ruler if I'm being honest) rang through my head.

Even if you are nervous or unsure, appear confident; make eye contact; intimidate the opposite party. Even if you are wrong, you appear so sure in your answer that they will begin to doubt themselves and think their in the wrong.

She nods at this and goes on to say "What Gods are worshipped on Oceanos?"

"They pay homage to Pontus and Oceanus but as of late, it seems that the tide has turned more towards the favor of Poseidon."


"Mainly Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen, and Apollo, the god of healing and the sun, but Helios, Eos, and the Hesperides also have their festivals there."


"It heavily depends on what type of shifter one is but most common are the Horae, Gaia, Selene, Artemis, and Nyx."

"What of Uranos?"

"Atlas, Zeus, the Anemoi Winds, Uranus, Kronos, Hera, and the Harpyiae."


"As there is a wide range of people from the other different islands there are no recognized deities that are specifically worshiped among the common people. Royalty usually only pray to Aphrodite, Hecate, Hemera, Athena, Bellona, Apollo, and Hebe."

Nana claps her hands in excitement.

"Wonderful. You'll be ready by the coronation, I'm sure of it. How are your lessons with William going?" she asks, settling back down.

"Good. He said I'm learning how to control it much faster than he expected." I answer, honestly.

She nods at this, giving me a dazzling smile.

"That's amazing! You'll make the official transition from peasant to royal smoothly." she says this confidently, and made me believe it.

"Yeah, to everything except for being waited on. That will be an interesting change."

She laughs at this, dismissing me for the day.

I decide to go on a walk alone through the gardens, wanting to see the flowers go into bloom.

I ended up in the Jade garden and looked to the fountain fondly.

Where William and I officially became mates was that spot.

The King & the Stable BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ