XXXVII: There are Dragons in the Sky

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For anyone planning on bringing your pet dragon to a dragon clan, I have one word of advise. Bring a submissive one. If they are anything like Kyren, they will hiss, and you will get judged.

Personally, I can't do shit whenever the dragon acts up, but since we've set foot on Ouranos, I haven't seen William's green irises. No, the green has been forever replaced with the piercing red of his dragon shift, as he needs to assert dominance not only on Kyren, but on the shifters we cross paths with.

Dragon shifters, I've learned, are a lot like witches or big cat shifters. They won't back down unless you prove you're above them. It is the main reason why the entirety of the dragon population is not based on one island, but scattered amongst them all.

Ouranos, like Hemera, has a variety, while Oceanos has high water attributed dragons, Hephaīstos fire, and Gaia earth.

I found there culture to be great as we've been touring around Ouranos for about two months now, meeting shifters I've never even knew existed.

Edward and Ramos have sent us biweekly updates, and I managed to find two breathtaking boxes in the marketplaces for William and I to store them in respectively.

William questioned my want to keep a memory of things, but after explaining it, he agreed with my antics. I wanted to keep record of how we are now, so that those who come after us can better understand the past, where we've come from. Things are well documented in our kingdom, but the monarchy always remains a mystery, much of what any of us know about them coming from noble or literate servant accounts.

When we return to the palace, I'd like more than anything to sit down with William and Nana, and write the stories of the past that are verbally passed down in their family.

For now, my projects in the towns we pass will do.

I've managed to begin discussions with the lords and ladies about what reforms I want to make to the island. They have plenty ideas of their own, many similar. Like they all want to begin watches to protect our kingdoms watery borders, as a few scouts have returned with worries about the humans. I feel as if we should try and enlighten a few humans, but this idea has been best left pinned for a later generation.

The supernatural world must unite itself first.

At the moment, I find myself cloaked, kneeling at the bedside of an aging woman, an elder dragon. She is a fighter. Tried to send me out, insisting that she wasn't ready to die yet, simply fighting off an illness and resting her eyes.

"I hope the clan has treated you well." she tells me. "You're a kind soul. It isn't your fault that you're in this position. The Olympians willed it. It's unfair of my clan to treat you poorly when you're acting on orders higher than any of us."

"You are very kind. I wish others have seen it as you do."

"When you're older, you come to understand that you must not worry about others lives, but first focus on your own. We have a group mentality, but in such a place, if the entire foundation of every individual is weak, we are weak too. We should not try to kill off those who we deem as our weakest links, when it's us who truly are the weak ones. It takes a strength to accept oneself, but we are too blind to see it."

I smile at this and nod. She is completely correct. I played with the flap of my satchel, knowing it's contents. This was my duty to carry out during this tour, my assigned task. I had seats to fill up. Twenty-five to be exact. It's been going on three months and I only have filled six, including the three chairs I filled when we left.

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