XXXIII: The City (Natus Part One)

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"Look!" Malick points to the land ahead of us. "The city practically glitters."

I nod looking at the island with just as much wonder, watching it twinkle under the sunlight like a diamond. Every few moments, the magical field surrounding it would glow a faint pink, then vanish.

"It's the Atlantis of the land, only much smaller." William states, coming behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Smaller?" I ask, flabbergasted. 

From what I could tell from maps and descriptions, Natus was massive. That would mean that Atlantis spanned more mass then the Supernatural Capital, meaning that even though we believed that we had the most diverse sea creature shifters, they probably had many more.

"Much smaller. Atlantis is almost twice the size, has way more people as well. Even dolphins hold political power there."

"Dolphins?" Malick echoes, shaking his head in disbelief.

"From what Kyrenia has told me, mermaids aren't the humans of the sea, those mammals are." he reports.

"I wish I could see it." Malick says.

"Many of their sea shifters say the same about the land. It is something that would make our bond with them much stronger." 

"Your Majesties, we are prepared to make a final jump." a young caster says, taking position next to us.

I look around to see eight casters at the compass points, a ninth more powerful practitioner at their center, their commander.

"All hands on deck! Those of you who aren't manning this vessel or helping with the jump, get below deck! Orion, on your count." 

I watch Roman go below deck, Malick's medical team coming up to help the casters after the incantation.

"Can I stay above? I want to see this." The previous incantations only required five not all nine. 

"Of course." William says, nodding to Orion to give him the go ahead.

The ship was now at the head caster's command.

"Are you all ready?" he questions his team, looking around, receiving curt nods. "We call on Aeolus and the Boreas and to lead us forward and back."

A ring of magic forms around Orion at the mention of Aeolus, the casters directly in front, behind, and to the sides of him being surrounded by a ring as well at the mention of the Boreas, each murmuring incantations under their breaths. I watch as a line connects them all respectively to Orion, the eight of Orion's circle that each line touches glowing brighter. This was where the previous spells ended.

"We call on Poseidon, god of the sea, Hermes, god of travelers, Hephaestus, god of craftsman, and Athena, goddess of the city, to grant us safety and good passing into allied waters." 

A ring forms around the remaining, two more circles appearing as their lines connect to Orion's.

"Your Majesties, I need clearance to enter the wards, step into the remaining circles." he orders.

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