X: Lunch and a Request

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"Sorry I'm late, Nana!" I say, rushing into the room.

"It's okay. Leave us." she commands the servants in the room.

"What is it you wanted to speak with me about?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see the prince today is all."

I could feel a slight blush at the title.

"I'm not a prince-"

"You're mated to the King, until your coronation, you are one. Speaking of which we must start your training. Despite my best efforts, you still slouch like a bum, and never keep your hair in a unruly manor. Oh! I must get your measurements too. I really need to find some seamstresses that won't go out and gossip all our secrets away, do you know of any?"

"I- Don't you think you're moving all of this quickly? I haven't been announced to the people yet-"

"Exactly! You're announced two moons from now. Before I was announced to the people my training had been in progress for eight months, and most queens before me had a whole year. Being announced isn't just the announcement, you immediately have a public counsel after, the people will ask questions, as will the lords and ladies. You must know what to say and how to say it. You can't be dressed as you are now. Many of those nobles will know you don't come from money already, and you'll also be the first ruler to break the vile laws code. If you're not at the top of you're game they'll tear into you, and plot your downfall before you're even crowned and that's the last thing we want."

A public counsel? I could just barely keep everything together with the staff here, not to mention the entire court and a few villagers. The queen's before me were all noblewoman, they knew they had a fate to possibly be queen, and were already doing that to a few thousand on their land, yet they needed a year to prepare them for their peers and the entire kingdom. These were people with connections. Sure I understood that William had connections, so I would make suggestions and leave it to him, but I've never met anyone from another island beyond this one and Gaia. Sure I knew a few nobles, but those hardly counted for anything. I would be the first male, and the first werewolf king. This would be the first time there were two kings. I had more pressure on my shoulders, more things to prove. If I didn't do this correctly, it would doom the line for generations. That is if it didn't stop here. I couldn't bear the kingdom children, William would have to have a third party do it, and that might very well kill me in the process. I hadn't thought this through. How was I ever going to be King?

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to scare you. You'll do fine. You've got a good head on your shoulders, if you keep that head high the nobles will respect you. You rose in ranks here, and many of them see you as a familiar face because of it, don't fret too much about them. I've seen you deal with the entire staff of this castle, and it's not like the entire kingdom will be rushing at you at once, just two at a time, you can handle that. I just need to brush you up on your history and where we stand now, and you'll be set. You have one advantage none of us have ever had. You understand how the peasants mind works, understand what poverty is like, and also know what it feels like to be paying off a debt you didn't create. The people will see themselves in you, and for that they will like you instantly. Most of our training was to make us agreeable, and likable to them, you already have that."

"Won't they all ask how we plan to produce a heir and all that?"

"As long as it's a full shape shifter child under the age of six, the mark can be passed on. It's one of our greatest kept secrets."

"Really? How is that possible?"

"As you're aware we can shift into any beast we want. It makes us very malleable and shows our clear lineage to witches. It also endangers us and makes us prime test subjects for our witch cousins, which is part of the problem we have with the kingdom to the east of us. They make us pets and will sell to the highest bidder. Which is in part why our relations with them are so poor. Hopefully William can fix these bonds within his rule. If a Lord were to want to take over they could easily kill us off and make the soul survivor pass the mark to their child. That is why I expect you not to say a word."

"I understand."

She smiles at me.

"Now what was this about a girl out on the trails with you?"

"Nothing to worry about. My friend just found their mate is all."

"I know you wouldn't cheat on my son, don't look so worried. I was just teasing you." she pinches my cheek causing me to resist the urge to slap it away.

"Nana, do you think it would be fine if I took a few days off and went to visit my parents in Gaia?"

"I don't think it's the best idea. I would need to send a trusted guard with you and that would raise suspicion. I also don't think William would have left without you if he didn't think you'd be in the castle the entire time where my guard was here to protect you."

"Roman is from Gaia, and if we take Ramos too it will seem as if they are just coming to visit their great aunt. I can even take that friend of mine, she's a witch and knows more than enough protection spells. Plus, what His Majesty doesn't know won't hurt him."

"Not even coronated and you're already defying his orders?" she exclaims. "I couldn't be prouder."

I shake my head at her as she dramatically wipes away fake tears, but still thank her for approving the impromptu trip.

"I'll go convince the brothers to come along." I excuse myself.

An hour later I find myself in my chamber along with Samara who is frantically removing items from the wardrobe for me to pack away into my traveling sack.

"If you move any faster you'll wear holes into the stone." I tell her as I fold one of my tunics.

"I'm just excited. I've never been off of Hemera and now I get to go meet the people responsible for creating the creature that is both one of the best and worst things to ever welcome themselves into my life."

"Don't you have to pack your own clothes?"

"I already had a trunk full from my last splurge in the market place. Speaking of wardrobes, when do I get to see you in silk and satin with gemstones and a golden crown?"

"Not until I'm announced most likely. Isn't that such a strange thought? Me in front of a crowd of people commanding them?"

"You'll do just fine."

"Noah, I'm very fortunate that you considered me to go along on this trip to the mother-island, but why must you have the protection?" Ramos asks, barging in.

"Good evening Ramos. Why, I'm fine thank you for asking. The trip? You're welcome for the paid leave." I say, ignoring his question.

"Does William know his runaway mate is going on this trip?" he wonders, looking around the room, taking items off the desk, playing with them.

"As long as we get back before he does, he won't need to. Would you like to accompany us or not?"

"Of course I'm accompanying you all. I refuse to cover you if that mate of yours is angry when he returns though."

"Deal. We leave at dawn tomorrow morning, so go prepare."

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