XXXII: The Queen's Spite (The Cocky Pretentious Bastard's Mate)

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I'm quite shocked that the chapter title does not exceed the character limit. Also, this is more of a slight filler chapter, but I hope you all enjoy it, as I plan to post the first of the chapters set in Natus tomorrow.



"Isn't this nice?" Nana says, eyes glimmering as she looks across the table. "All of us having dinner together again. No one is too swamped with work to visit me. No one having a rift with their mate and not wanting to cross paths. No secrecy. Just all of us, our loved ones, and a nice meal."

We all guiltily shift in our seats at her subtle hints. None of us knew that she was aware of Malick and Roman's previous conflicts. None of us meaning to purposely to skip out on these dinners with her.

"No matter, let's dig in. Youngest and eldest get first pick," she says, gesturing to the covered platters.

Ramos moves to open one of the closest ones and yelps, allowing the cover to clatter onto the mahogany dining table.

"Why is there a raw jackal on a plate?" he questions.

I roll my eyes, moving the platter onto a side table, drawing Kyren, who knew better than to go for anything on the main table's attention.

The dragon sniffed his meal before beginning to rip into the flesh of the small beast, and I left him to his own devices.

Ramos shook his head, uncovering the prepared ham, cutting himself a piece, then taking what he wanted from the other platters before sitting down. Nana finished gathering food on her own plate then slowly sat down. Then it was a free for all, all of us scrambling to grab our favorites before they were gone.

Once we all settled, Nana spoke up.

"Malick, Roman, how are you both?"

"Doing better. Not as many fights." Malick says, smiling.

They both genuinely did seem to be doing better. I hadn't witnessed anymore screaming matches, so whatever smaller spats they've had must have been able to be peacefully worked out.

"Things have certainly become hectic since the assassination attempt." Roman divulges. "It seems that whenever we finally think things have settled, there is another person attempting to breach our borders."

"Not to mention that the increase in training means more warriors coming to the medical wing," Malick adds.

"Our last 'date' was when I was in the medical wing for twenty minutes getting a gash inspected on my bicep."

"Here we were expecting you to have murdered each other by now. It seems that your work might kill you first." Sarah jokes.

"Yes. At first, we all doubted how this pairing could match, and now it makes sense. With your hours, anyone else would have gone mad." Samara says.

"You both are traveling to Natus with Noah and William, correct?" Nana questions.

"Yes. Should be a nice break." Malick says.

We all fall into a small period of silence, breaking into smaller conversations as we wrap up our main courses until we here Samara give out a gasp that had even Kyren turn to see what caught the witch's attention.

"What is that on your neck, Mr. Wren?" she demands, pointing to the younger of the brothers.

We turn to Ramos to see a small purple spot peeking from his collar and watch as he yanks up his shirt, a slight blush brushing his cheeks.

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