BONUS: Forgotten Blocker

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I held my hand out to Luna, smiling as her lips took the sugar cubes from my palm and she neighed in delight.

She'd been good for the Queen today, she deserved the reward. I took off her saddle and grabbed my grooming supplies and a stool, getting to work.

I was brushing her when the doors to the stable burst open. I turned to see William, but he was clearly not himself. His eyes looked wild as he scanned the room and when they landed on me, raging anger was held behind them.

"I win." Chandler teases, yipping in delight. That's when I realized I'd spent the entire day without my scent blocked.

I glanced towards the back door in the stable. If I full out sprinted I could just make it. But I knew there was no way in Hades I could out run the king. He used to race the horses, how the hell would I pull that off.

His gaze was unwavering as he took a step towards me. I tried to still my nerves, but he was already spooking Luna, and the last thing I needed was to get kicked in the chest. I back away from my position on the stool, and decided fuck it. If this is how I was going down, I'm going down a fighter.

"Stay away from me." I shouted, grabbing a broom, aiming it at him as I began to back away to the back entrance.

He looked confused before he began to laugh at the weak attempt at a threat. No matter, I'd done what I wanted to do. Get distance.

I turned on my heel and was off. Never in my life had I run so fast, darting from the stables into the mass of trees I'd come to know like the back of my hand. Seeing as I'd been here earlier, my scent would still smell fresh in a few places, enough to confuse him so I could get back to town. I heard a growl from behind me, and pumped my legs faster.

I managed to lose him just long enough to make it into town, ducking behind some alley to spray my self down, and drink the vial.

It wasn't even about remaining hidden, I knew I'd have to return to the castle and face the music, but I just wanted one last day before whatever awaited me.

So I nabbed a cloak from a vendor when their head was turned and made my day one to remember.

I did everything worth doing in town and once that list was all checked off, I decided to pay Samara a visit.

She pulled open the door, looking angry.

"Look you royal pricks-" she stopped when she looked at me. "I thought I told you if they came looking for you to runaway and not drag me down with you."

I laugh, and she invites me in. She pours me a cup of tea and I settle in her living room, bringing the warm cup up to my lips.

"They came by earlier. It was only three of them, the king and two of his guards, Roman and Gant. It seemed like a small scale inquisition. They didn't want this getting out much."

Of course they didn't. The king couldn't be tied to a run away stable boy. If I was kept alive what would become of me? Would I be chained to a room for the rest of my life, doing nothing but waiting for Anicia's dearest king to tire of his wife, playing house for him when he desired? Would I be nothing more than a living body for him to take his frustrations out on? Would I pose as his advisor, that he simply happens to have relations with?

I shook these thoughts from my head, Sammy looking to me concerned.

"If anything goes south when you go back, you come right back here and I'll aid your escape." I look to her shocked. "I have a merchant who owes me a few favors. We could escape to the Americas, join a coven and a pack right beside each other. It would be best to head to Natus but if we can't make it that far, that should be enough. I'd rather hang with you than see you miserable, locked up in some tower."

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