BONUS: The King's Mate II

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It's been a week since I'd found my mate and life couldn't possibly have gone better.

Currently we were both sat in the gardens sat across from each other, his adorable glasses perched on his nose as his eyes scanned the royal decree before him, the quill in his hand tapping an unknown rhythm on the table as he proofread it. Occasionally the beats would stop and the air would be filled with the sounds of the quill scratching the paper and the scribbles of his edits. I waited patiently for him to finish, not at all minding the comfortable silence that has encompassed us

He looks up at me at last, putting down his quill and folding his hands on the table.

"Well, what did you think?" I question.

"It was nearly perfect, just needed a few tweaks here and there. I also made an addition to it at the very end. When do you plan to release this?" he questions.

"After you meet my mom for tea tomorrow afternoon."

"I'd nearly forgotten about that." he admits. "I've never seen your mother- well other than that one time she came to the stables and chose Rachel as her personal horse attendant."

"Ah yes. Rachel is quite the energetic one. Were you both close?"


I hesitated for a second before saying "I would say so, yes."

"Smooth." Chandler scoffs.

"What else was I meant to say? 'It's funny that you mention her, I was kind of hoping she'd be my mate when I came here'?" I snap.

"I was simply pointing out that your hesitation is suspicious is all. If I recall correctly you both had quite the 'friendship'."

"Hush up, and keep that snout of yours silent."

I cut off my link to Chandler and look to William apologetically.

"My wolf tends to but into conversations where the other party can't hear him, sorry."

"It's quite alright. I find it endearing."

Chandler may as well have swooned at the king's compliment, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Stop complimenting him, you'll inflate his already huge ego." I groan.

He laughs at this and I glare at him for a few seconds before joining him. His laughter was simply contagious.


Later that day we went out on a date to one of the waterfalls a few miles outside of our castle.

Noah's bare back faced towards me, waist deep in the water. He turns towards me, a breathtaking smile across his face.

"Won't you join me?" he questions, laughing when I clumsily got in the water with him.

I stopped just a few inches behind him. Both of us were bare as the day we were born, neither of us anticipating actually coming down from the hill we were watching the falls from and going for a swim.

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