BONUS: It's Been Six Years (Fools and Thieves)

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Tbh It's Been Six Years has been my favorite thing to write in this story. Like it's not something I have enough time to make into a full thing, but most definitely a good creative stretch for me.


I reached my arms up, nearly groaning at the pops and snaps my bones made at the stretch, before relaxing scratching my head. I looked at the sleeping woman beside me, shaking my head. My feet swung off the edge of the bed, and I grabbed my robe, tying it firmly around myself before walking out into the terrace of the small suite.

The blossoms looked magnificent as they rained down on the meadow. I recalled fond memories of playing amongst them as a child, and then my own two rascals tramping through the mess of green and pinkish hues. A pair of arms slinked around my shoulders and I shrugged them off.

"You weren't in bed when I woke up," she said, a pout on her lips.

"Was I meant to be?"

"It's common courtesy. A lady likes to wake up with her dignity, you know."

"If she truly had such a grandeur about dignity should wouldn't slip herself into bed beside strange men."

"You're no stranger. In fact you're a regular," she retorted.

"You make yourself sound like some sort of prostitute."

"William, darling, you forget that I've seen what catches your eye. Excuse my frankness, but it seems that's all that you seem to keep in your company."

"Have you not a thing to do?"

"I can think of a few things, I'd love to do. How about once more for old times sack, Willy boy," she purred, nipping my ear.

I shoved her away glaring at her.

"You have no right to call me that."

"I have every right. You need to forgive and remember what we are to one another. Can those people you have warm your bed at night truly satisfy you as I have? Do those harlots listen and nurture you as I did?"

"Anna, stop it. You know what we had is done."

"And yet you keep coming back, you always come back to me." She ran her hands down my chest and looked me in the eyes. "I've been doing better, ask that witch friend of yours. No longer a harm to anyone, reigned in those demons, just as you requested. Stop avoiding me."

"You as well as I know that the reason I keep coming back has nothing to do with you."

"Ah yes, yes. You've already destroyed your first mate bond, I can only imagine the damage that would be done if you were to cut me off."

I clutched the railing. I couldn't let her rile me up. Enzo wants her throat ripped out, but he wants to live more. I had to remind myself and him of that. We needed her alive.

My first chance who got away, and my second chance who snapped and went insane, damaging my physical and psychological health. Oh how much Olympus seemed to hate me in the mating draw.

Not that I ever told anyone that Anna was my second chance mate. At the time when we were together, it hadn't mattered because in my eyes it was obvious and I was so deeply infatuated with her. I was so enamored by the idea that someone could love me. Her jealousy was a sign that she was so mad for me that she couldn't bear the thought of not being the one by my side. It was a sign that she would never leave me as he did.

Looking back, I've realized how much of my decisions were influenced by not wanting another Noah. I had prayed for his opposite as a second chance. Anna was in every way what he was not. She was blonde, dark eyed, Noble, formally educated, a lion shifter, short, curvy, and she had shown signs of loving me. She was my dream. A fool's dream. Now she is a waking nightmare that I cannot shake off.

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