XXXI: New Members of the Court

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I wake up to hear William excitedly exclaim "Noah! Wake up! Asher left us a letter." 

I sit upright, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and look at him quizzically.

"As you know, we have the next week and a half before we are to start our tour. Asher wants us to visit his kingdom in that time to discuss our political ties, and acquaint you with our biggest ally."

"That's great news. That, however, means that we need to make sure our advisors are adjusted to the court before we leave."

"It's a good thing that we introduce them today then isn't it?" he tells me.

"Well, we might as well get up now then," I say, throwing off the duvet, getting ready for the day.

An hour later, I found myself staring at a fidgeting Ramos.

"You ready?" I ask him.

"I'm afraid that the nobility will question my competence."

"Of course they will. They were born into these roles, trained proper their entire lives. Some of them are corrupt and worry for their own skin. I say you prove that you are more capable than them all and give them a run for their fortunes. They will respect you better that way, and those that don't will slip up and reveal their unjust motives."

He looks himself over once more, then nods at me. We both exit the room, side by side going off to what was quite possibly going to be one of the stiffest breakfasts of either of our lives.

When we arrive, the nobility have already taken their seats, the highest ranking of them closest to the head of the table, the lower ranking farther away. I go to take my seat by my mate's side, Ramos sitting directly to my left, across from William's existing advisor, Edward.

Edward has been helpful in training Ramos these past months, teaching him the duties of an advisor in our kingdom. They filter what documents are deemed important enough to come to us, and what can be handled by them or the respective nobles in charge of the other islands. In a way, the Royal advisors are the head lords of Hemera. 

William stands, raising his chalice, catching everyone's attention. Well, almost everyone. One voice is heard laughing still, catching the attention of the others present, as we all look to the far end of the table where a young lord, probably not older than twelve years, is sat, hands clasped over his mouth, face heating up in embarrassment. I shake my head smiling at him, motioning to William to continue to save the child from the piercing gaze of those gathered.

"Today we have a joyous milestone in my reign. This is the first official gathering of our court with my crowned mate sitting at the head beside me. I am also proud to say that he already has a chosen, trustworthy advisor, who has been training with mine these past few months. Sir Edward, if you would introduce your equal." William states, looking to the man on his right.

As he is seated, Edward stands, commanding everyone's respect as he looks to Ramos and in a clear voice states, "Very few are ever truly capable of taking this position. Advisors are known to change throughout a monarch's reign in our history. King Noah's chosen candidate, however, dare I say, will stay for the long haul. In my brief time working alongside him, mentoring him, he has proven himself to be far more capable than even my predecessor, which is a feat not to be taken lightly. 

"Although he is only just barely twenty years of age, his soul seems to hold the wisdom of someone three times his age. I found myself feeling inferior to his knowledge, as he would shock me, getting ahead of his studies, going into a depth not even I had gone into. He has not come from as privileged a background as the lot of us, but if had, he would surely surpass us. In a way, it's better that he didn't, it gives him an edge that we all don't have, and he can offer an outside perspective. 

"Now, enough of my ramblings. If you would all welcome my companion, Sir Ramos. May he guide our new king with Athena's blessing, and help bring us to a Golden Age." 

We all raise our glasses towards him, murmuring differing forms of acceptance. 

Edward motions for him to stand and speak and Ramos begrudgingly does so.

"Thank you all. My mentor makes me seem as if I am some god among man, and although I am grateful, I cannot take such high praises. I was privileged enough to be the younger brother of the Head of the Guard, and as many of you who are familiar with King William's mother would know, she has the tendency to take youths such as myself under her wing. If it was not for her and Sir Edward's guidance, I would never be standing before you all today accepting this position." he humbles.

I smile at his discredit to himself. He always did this. You could see a small respect begin to form in the eyes of those assembled, and I knew that our kingdom would be in good hands in William and I's momentary absence. 

After breakfast, I take a stand to make another announcement.

"As many of you are already aware, two new councils will be created this year. These are the Council of Elders and the Council of the People. Both will work alongside the existing Council of Lords created in King Jacob's rule. We both hope to continue the work that King William's father started but passed on too early to finish. The elders will be former judges and nobility, and the Council of People is expected to be made mostly of more educated sectors, but others won't be discouraged. With that, you are all dismissed." 

The nobility slowly files out of the dining room, and William leads me to a side exit, not wanting to get caught in the traffic.

We return to our study, signing papers, and I take a moment to ask: "When are we leaving for Natus?"

"I have a ship prepared to leave tomorrow afternoon. It is a day and a half's journey. The witches need a few hours rest between large teleports." he explains.

"You know, I feel bad for mortals. It takes them months to cross oceans."

"Well, if they didn't so desperately want to murder those different than them, maybe the witches would help them too." Will counters.

"Fair point." 

We continue on working in silence until I hear a small growl that all but startled me to death.

Both Will and I peer over our desks to see half of a dragon sticking through the study door, the poor creature struggling to get the other half of him through.

"Are chamon's suppose to be able to go through solid objects?" I ask William.

"No. Imold's are, however. Must be a hybrid. Come, help me pull him through." he urges, grabbing one of the dragon's limbs and tugging.

I help him and suddenly Kyren pops free, flying off around the room, inspecting himself.

"Are we allowed to take him with us?" I question, looking to Will hopefully.


I whoop, grabbing Kyren out of the air, spinning him around, earning a hiss from the now disoriented reptilian. 

He wiggles out of my hands and decides that William's head is an optimal place to rest, nestling between my mate's brunet locks, just barely peering out.

I laugh, remembering months ago when William went around with snakes for hair, and he glares at me, removing Kyren, allowing the dragon to wrap around his bicep instead. 

"How are we to raise children with the little monster around?" he asks me.

"Don't insult him, he's just a baby." William gives me a pointed look. "We get children who aren't afraid of dragons, then set him as their guard dog. If anything, having him makes it easy. He'll take up their attention and stop them from doing anything stupid."

Will nods at my line of thinking, and we set to finishing our work for the week, Kyren occasionally walking across the desks and the sound of his wings thudding against the air keeping us entertained.

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