XVI: Castel

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I lie my head against William's chest as he softly plays with my hair, both of us staring at the ceiling in a comfortable silence, the ship rocking beneath us as it glides through the sea.

"Will, we should get up and do something," I tell him.

"I know something we could do..."

"And what's that?" I remove my head from his chest to peer at him.

He crashes his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

I straddle him, continuing on with the kiss, both of us pulling away for breath, our foreheads pressed against each other.

"You look adorable in my shirt, love." he tells me, causing me to chuckle.

"Thank you. Now come on you lazy bum, the ship docks today. I want to see us pull into the harbor." I pull him out of bed, forcing him to get ready for me.

I don't know why but I'm so excited to go back. There are so many books I have yet to read for our research, and I wanted to explore the island I would be calling home for the rest of my days.

"Do you have any work to do once we return?" I question.

"Yes. It shouldn't take too long, my ambassador is able to draft documents on my behalf and I just need to stamp them. This will be so much easier with another person that is officially able to help me. I can't wait until you get coronated." William sighs.

"You know I've been thinking-"

"Here we go..."

"Hey!" I swat his arm, playfully. "I was thinking that we should instate a council of elders. It would give former kings and queens something to do, and they could provide insight into the past for those new leaders. It could be made from a former monarch and four lords from the surrounding islands. We could also make official royal judges and they should be the top lawyers or judges from all the islands."

He seems to ponder my words for a moment before nodding.

"That would give the royal family more time with their kids, and provide more insight on the people without as much of a hassle."

"Exactly. I don't know how you ever ran this country without me." I tease.

He rolls his eyes, taking me under his arm as we walk aboard the deck.

"There are the two love birds," Roman says.

"Are we any closer to shore?" William questions.

"Not to my knowledge."

William nods, leading us both to a more secluded part of the deck, where we spent our time eating and talking.

"Land ho!" the lookout calls.

I spring up, looking towards the direction he pointed to enjoying the fast view of the land.

Hemera looked beautiful. Trees guarded the borders, the castle easily seen in the distance as well as the city.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" William says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah. The castle looks breathtaking surrounded by all of the trees."

"Maybe I should take you on a trip up to the mountains."

I turn in his arms, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I'd like that."

Hours later we sat in the Queen's quarters with the set and were all laughing merrily.

"Malick, what do you plan on doing for your birthday?" Nana questions, laying her hawk eyes on him.

"You know I'm not one for celebrating. I'll do as I do most holidays, and leave it at that."

Most holidays he went to his twin's grave and wept. I don't remember a time where I ever knew him, but apparently, when they were young, he went out into the wilderness of the southern side of the castle, and the search party found his body scattered across the forest. Malick always says that he doesn't remember him much, and I think he hasn't truly missed him for a while, but he feels guilty if he lets go.

"Nonsense. I'll have a feast prepared. You'll be a year past mating age and maybe a nice dinner will be the proper way to wish you luck in finding your mate."

"Fine, but if I blow out those candles and my mate isn't suddenly before me, I'm going to be disappointed." he warns, causing Nana to make a defensive move in response.

The rest of us began to laugh at the exchange.

After dinner, everyone left to attend to their duties. Malick was needed to look at a guard, Roman had to go give out instructions for tonight's training, Ramos was on schedule to serve Lady Miranda, and William had to go back and look at the documents piled on his desk from his absence. 

Only Nana and I remained, and we sat side by side by the hearth, looking at the flames dance in the fireplace.

"Nana," I say, catching her attention.

She hums in response.

"I've been wondering. Out of all the boys lined up by the stables that day, why'd you pick me?"

She looks over to me smiling.

"You had Dustin's eyes. Kind and doe-like, but a fierce passion and focus at the pupil. He was my brother. He died when I was young, our estate got raided during riots. I kept you around because you acted kind of like him, but I eventually fell in love with just you as a person. You became like a second son to me. You know, I've always wanted a second child, one that didn't need to be pressured with the crown and learning how to take over a kingdom. One who could just be a boy, go out and explore. In the end, you became him."

I felt tears well up in my eyes, as I hugged her tightly.

Her words meant a lot to me. When I was younger I always worried she was just being kind, but knowing she actually did care is nice.

"I'm glad you chose me," I tell her.

"So am I."

We sat there watching the embers burn out before we put them out, and went our separate ways to retire for the night.

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