XLVII: Our People

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It's been thirty years since I updated, sorry y'all. But this chapter is half filler and half them finally returning home to the castle, so enjoy it I guess!

We are ending this in 8 chapters.

I know sad, but it's been amazing writing this and seeing your reactions!



As our carriage stops at the end of the castle's path to the front door, a trumpet is sounded.

Two guards come forward, opening the door, and William and I hope out, helping the young prince and princess out after us.

The castle's inhabitants looked at our children quizzically, not sure about what to make of them. Mira got excited at the attention, waving to a few of them, and they awkwardly waved back.

We walk up the path to the open doors at the end of them, where Queen Natasha awaits us in all her glory, looking at the children with a curiosity.

William smiles at his mother, giving her a hug, whispering what sounded like I missed you to her.

She pats his back, and they pull away from the embrace, her a bit testy eyed.

I follow suit, showing my own affection to my second mother.

I feel a small tug on my left pant leg and look down at Art, who once again, despite our best efforts, had a thumb in his mouth.

"Daddy, when can we eat?" he asks, slightly pouting.

In the carriage, an hour or so ago, I promised a feast on our arrival. Clearly, Artan expected that immediately.

"Soon, pup."

This interaction immediately got Nana's attention.

"These are your children? And I never got so much as a two worded message?" she took slight offense to this before turning back to Mira and Art. "Come, children. I'm your grandmother, you may call me Nanny. Let's go get you a snack. The feast isn't to start for a while."

She extends her hands, and we both watch as our pups hesitantly take them, letting themselves be guided away.

Soon after our attention is pulled in a thousand different ways as lords and ladies greet us and discuss something's that we've missed. I briefly caught up with Samara, asking her to tutor Artan, then I spoke with Rose's parents.

When I managed to get out of the center of the madness, I found Roman speaking with a man taller than him in hushed tones.

"I'm sure your just reading too much into this." Roman reassures the man.

"It's been a while Roman, who is this?"

"This is Evan, one of Malick's new recruits at the medical bay. He's also my new shadow."

Evan rolls his eyes.

"Your Grace." he bows. "He makes my position sound simple. I'm from a warrior caster tribe in Natus. I trained at the same medical school as Malick."

"I look forward to seeing you take and give life then." I joke.

He flashes me a quick smile at this.

Soon after we are called into the feast, and I'm rejoined with my family. The usual staff brought out dishes, placing them on the table, offering it to those assembled. The out came the cup bearers.

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