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I watched him nervously as he inspected everything around our main hall. I couldn't tell if it was in admiration, or a sort of deranged "So this is what these cockroaches have managed" kind of manor. From the unsettled feeling I was receiving from the servants, it was anyone's guess. I glance to Ramos at my right side and he just shakes his head.

King Dacre gave out an unimpressed grunt, grabbing his drink out of his son's hands.

I made a move to go on and start the tour of the grounds to kill time and show off, but he held up a hand.

"King Noah, I've been here before. You mustn't give me the grand tour. How about we cut to the chase and get to that meeting yes?"

"His Majesty is still in a meeting." Ramos states, drawing Dacre's attention to him for the first time this hour.

"We can have drinks in the gardens until he is finished." I suggest.

He nodded, and I watch as three of the five servants I asked to tag along branch off to prepare a trolley.

The remaining two opened the doors for us, I thanking them, and I lead the group to the closest seating area in the jade garden's. Moments later the three returned, pouring the four of us wine, before standing off to the side.

"You thank your help?" Ryland questions, as if it's the most peculiar thing in the world.

"My mother raised me to have good manners with everyone." I reply, taking a sip from my cup.

"Weren't you once a servant here?" The king questions.

This question made me tense. Every time it's been asked, it was followed by some demeaning statement. I will not be insulted on my own soil by a foreigner. Especially not by one trying to kill not only one of our best allies, but one of our closest friends.

"Is that a problem?" I question, my voice icy.

"Not at all. You're someone to be feared. The people will look to you and see hope, and love you for your bravery in staying at your current status, seemingly undeterred. The people will be willing to do a lot for a monarch they can get behind. Dare I say, would die in their name."

"You speak as of from experience." I tell him.

"No, no. I speak from previous observations. My daughter, Zion, would have been a great leader for the people. They all loved her as if she was apart of their own families."

I put on a mask of concern, cocking my head to the side at the king, taking note of the sad look across the prince's face.

"What happened to her?"

"A rogue vigilante group murdered her in cold blood." The monarch spat. If I hadn't known any better I would say that his anger matched that of Hades, but knowing as I do, this was a performance Dionysus would be proud of. "They wanted to uproot the monarchy, so they took out who they saw as the future of our government. Thankfully, we had a good support system to support us when the pain of her death was too much."

I give a solemn nod to Dacre, then turn to Ryland, clapping his shoulder.

"I can't imagine what it's like to lose a sibling. If any of my brothers had passed in such a brutal way, I would- I don't know what I'd do. You're strong for not seeking out personal revenge. I'm sure she's looking down on you right now, trusting you to carry on her legacy as a ruler of Hazelwren."

"Thank you. That means a lot." he whispers.

I give him a weak nod and we're all saved from the somber conversation as the wind carries the distressed screeches of Mira through the garden.

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