XXXVI: Piled High

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It's been a few days, but now we are back at the castle, our final moments here before touring Anicia, not to see these walls for a few months.

When the doors are pushed open, I expected to have to walk to Nana's wing to be welcomed back, have a few fleeting welcomes on the way there.

What I had not expected was for William and me to be bombarded by our advisors. Ramos was speedily catching me up on a few urgent reports I had to sign and read over, Edward doing the same to William. My mate and I exchange a small look with one another, but that second of a glance said it all. How the fuck had things gone to shit in our absence.

Apparently, a small fire started near one of the far stables, spooking some horses who then ran off into the woods, few yet to be found. To top that off, those damned so-called 'revolutionaries' decided to plan a small attack, damaging a nearby town hall in Juniper. To show their support for the crown, the citizens of Juniper apprehended the heathens, and are awaiting our council to try them.

As Ramos continued to rattle off occurrences, I found myself frowning. Our work was piled higher than expected. It would take thirteen hours roughly to finish it all, but William and I have meetings to attend within the next hour that could stretch on for gods know how long.

"Is that all?" I question, allowing Ramos to catch his breath.

"Yes- Wait, no. Your parents have come to visit to see you off on your tour, they will be at dinner tonight, as well as Roman and I's uncle."

"Well, at least there is something to look forward to at the end of this busy day. I take you both and the councils were in chaos with all of this."

He nods.

"The Lords were surprisingly cooperative with one another during this. The elders guided them well and were able to put together the funds to contract things, as well as collect the prisoners for questioning. We just need your approval on one or two. They've also come up with a few drafts for a peace treaty to present Hazelwren, however nothing that they take enough pride in to bring to your audience. How was Natus?" he questions, walking with me toward the study.

"Amazing. The city was absolutely breathtaking, and we gained a new pet." I tell him.

"Really? Another dragon?"

"No. An Enfield. It has the head, torso, and front paws of a snow fox, its hind legs and wings are that of a bald eagle."

"I take it that his Majesty is the one who wanted it?"

"Of course. I told him no to buying one in the market stalls, then what happens on our trek back to the castle? He finds an injured one that he just has to help." I shake my head.

"Do you think it will get along well with the dragon?"

"We'll see later on."

I enter our study and see a mass of scales dart across my vision, settling on my shoulder, purring contently.

I laugh at Kyren's antics, scratching under the dragon's chin, then set to work, William joining Ramos and me there a few moments later with Edward in tow, and Nika nestled in his arms.

The two advisors point out the most urgent stacks before leaving us.

William rests the kit on his lap, sifting through papers to see what he would prefer to start with, and I can feel Kyren shifting on my shoulders, trying to get a better look at the enfield.

His weight is lifted off my shoulder and seconds later I hear a hiss followed by a growl as Kyren flys up to Nika. William, not wanting to be caught between the two animals senseless rivalry, places Nika on the ground, where Kyren follows, landing just a small ways away from her.

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