XLIV: The Letters

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"I'm sorry." he offers, looking away from me. "I had to."

"I don't want a fucking apology from you. I want an explanation. You know how our world treats mate bonds. I have half a mind to kill you for being stupid enough to use this fiasco as a cover up. William it doesn't matter how many great things are done during our rule if you make it seem like you can't control yourself! Think about our son, our future generations. They'll look at you with disgust. What could be worse to your reputation?" I ask him.

"Assassinating a rivaling king could!" he snaps.

I went silent.


"Asher told me something at the end of our visit. The twins that we'd buried, had been brought back from the dead for a third time, more blood thirsty. They wanted him dead to take the throne from Winston and Robin."

"But the heir to their throne has to be a child of their own."

Will shakes his head.

"Only Robin and Winston need to have a child together for the throne claim. Since Robin had been announced pregnant with Winston's child, Dacre knew that it was safe to take Asher out. The announcement of Winston's children with him only amplified his efforts. He wants dominion over all supernatural kingdoms, which would be terrible for the rest of us.

At first we had planned to just dethrone him, put his daughter in charge, but then the threat on Asher's head rose, and we knew it was clear as day that King Dacre knew that the hybrid was onto him.

We've sent spies over already, gathered some information. It looks like we can make the switch in power easily."

"How does he not suspect you're involved?" I question.

"He has rebellion in his rural sectors to deal with. Beyond these letters, which are only between me and Zion, I don't speak directly to Asher, and it isn't known that Zion is even alive right now, other than the Duke that granted her protection because she's mated to his son."

I remained silent. This was a lot to take in. This was a year and a half of plotting, of setting things into motion. I've been kept in the dark on the matter, I couldn't truly give council, not to mention that whatever is driving William to get into this stupid fight is older than than the both of us.

It's age old pride and remembrance of oppression that brings us here. It's the very reason why Anicia was founded.

At a time, Hazelwrenn was once the most powerful kingdom on this earth, rivaled by no one. They enslaved shifters to do their bidding and test spells on, used aquatic shifters as ingredients, sometimes as a meal, most times as pets. It was a dark time for those who shift. The only popular around that rose above it all were those who did the oppressing and those who did nothing and stayed out of it.

All casters, lived in the lap of luxury, not worrying about anything other than themselves, or keeping themselves from being the next target.

At the time, sirens and mermaids were nomadic, hard to keep track of, and there for hard to control. Amongst them they had more powerful, more ancient casters, from the time when earth was submerged in the depths of the sea. They were the biggest threat the witches faced.

They hid their scents, disguising as witches for generations, gaining information, then they toppled the Hazelwrenn Empire, setting shifters free, many of whom fleed immediately, along with casters who helped the resistance.

The casters for a time, learned from their mistakes, made amends, and sent some of their people, and a princess to the once shifter kingdom Natus. All was well between us until King Dacre's great grandfather came to power and called for a return to what he called "A Greater Hazelwrenn". He kidnapped some of our people, keeping them as pets. The higher class there is now rumored to breed them for better coats and attributes as if we are mindless beasts existing only for their amusement.

The one thing the old bastard wasn't able to do was break all ties with Natus. He still kept their population safe, abided by their treaty, only messing with Anicia and smaller nearby kingdoms. Dacre becoming bold enough to try and assassinate the very glue between shifter and caster relations in Natus is only foretelling of a terrible future if we go down this route.

"Do what must be done, but the second any suspicion is brought down to us, pull back. If anyone is dethroning King Dacre, it should be the acts of his own people's rebellion not spies from our nation nor the three kings. If blood shed is imminent, that's fine, but no one on our side is going to be the one with blood on their hands. It's crucial that history looks back at this entire affair as being the acts of Hazelwrenn's people. Maybe not forever, the truth will always come through somehow, but for a few generations it must if we are to amend our relations." I advise.

He takes my hand, thanking me for being understanding to the matter.

"It's for the better I didn't know of this. If I seemed worried all the time for our wellbeing it would alarm the people. During my lessons your mother once told me that if the king appears to have lost his head in one way or another, the people will not fall to madness unless their queen does. If this goes south at this point, I know that you are being safe while handling these affairs, and that peace of mind will be enough."

We continue discussing for the next half hour, him filling me in on all his plans, as well as showing me his kept journal of what matters truly occurred. He questioned me on places to hide it when all is said and done, and I pondered it for a few moments.

"The wall." I whispered, gaining a curious look from William.


"When I turned you into Medusa, I stumbled upon a wall in the castle that was blood activated, and turned half way, to allow the person to escape to the other side before going back in place. The wall was rather thick, and I didn't check around it in my panic, but there must be a crawl space on either side, or a hole where we can stash the journal."

He nods at this. With that we both decide to call it a night once again, succumbing to the darkness surrounding us.

I felt like I was being shocked awake, as I sat up in an instant, looking bewilderedly at a frustrated wolf form Artan, who's fur stood on end from whatever spell he accidentally casted on both of us. William looked heavily annoyed with the kid.

Art took a low stance, growling at the both of us, and William growled right back at him. Shocking us both, Artan pounced, sinking his small little claws through William's night gown, clinging onto him before resting on his Papa's shoulder.

I gingerly pick the pup off of him before William seriously considered fighting him.

"He's probably just hungry." I tell my husband, earning a confirming yelp from Arty. 

We get up, preparing a late breakfast for our little family, letting Art take his plate to the windowsill to see the snow falling.

"What happens to the skin shell of your dragon in the basement?" I question, taking a sip of my coffee.

"I'm offering it to Samara. It's a hard to come by spell ingredient. Hopefully it can help her in some way."

I laugh at this.

"She'll appreciate it I'm sure. Before we leave the island to return to Hemera, we should go to that painter again and have a portrait of Artan done."

He nods in agreement.

"I can't wait to see my mother's reaction to him. No one but Regan and the twins know of his existence back in the castle. We can send my mother the solo portrait ahead of us without much explanation."

"She'll spoil him more rotten than you have already done."

"Hey! He's my pup, how could you not give that face anything his heart desires." Will comments defensively, gesturing to Artan who has his attention turned to us upon his loud mention.

I smile at the pup, watching him become disinterested in out chatter again. William is right. I couldn't say no to such a sweet boy.

"Remind me when we return to have Samara tutor him. I would not like to get electrocuted for a minor inconvenience."

I burst out laughing at this, nodding my head in agreement.

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