Chapter 8: Fire vs Ice

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Jacquelyn's eyes lit up at the word "fight" and jumped out of bed, running to her gown that was resting on a chair in the room.

"I don't think that will work for where we're going," Ryia said

"Agreed" Morgaine added

"We don't have anything else to wear," Alianor said

"Yeah, it's not like we stopped by our houses while running away from the shadow people to get extra clothes" Jacquelyn commented

"Don't worry girls, I've got this" Morgaine grinned

Jacquelyn's eyes widen at her grin.

"She's going to turn us into frogs" Jacquelyn hissed

After about ten minutes, they all ran down the stairs, Alianor and Jacquelyn sporting different attires.

Their long gowns had shortened and were now just over their knees. Underneath were black tight trousers that went all the way down to their shoes.

At the bottom of the stairs, they bumped into Gawain.

"Where are you all off to?" He asked, a steaming cup in his hand

"The book showed us the last two guardians," Morgaine said

"It's Henry and Philip" Ryia informed

"Ah" Gawain responded "I'm not surprised"

"They have a fight this morning at the arena. We're going there to meet them" Morgaine informed

"Mind if I come along?" He asked

"Sure" "Why not" the girls answered

Gawain placed his cup on the closest flat surface.

"Royale, I'm heading out with the girls" he informed his wife who was in another room

"Ok" came her response

They all headed out the door, Gawain taking his coat off the rack before he exited. Once they were off the compound, they walked down the street, following the other people who were also headed to the arena.

"So are all these people going to see the fight?" Jacquelyn asked

"Yes," Gawain answered "The Sword fights and other combats are part of our tradition here on the north side. We do it every year after we celebrate Solaria. Though, there's never been these many people going to see one single fight" he added looking around at the crowd they entered

"I bet they're all going to see Henry and Philip" Morgaine said

"It is THE fight of the whole festival. It's all everyone has been talking about" Ryia said

"What's the big deal with this Philip and Henry guys?" Jacquelyn asked

"Well..." Gawain began

Gawain decided to tell them everything from the beginning. Geoffrey and Ilda had always had a complicated relationship. They were friends as kids, but something changed, and they soon hated each other. Their hatred grew when they got trapped in the north by Caine.

The banished people were scared and worried and needed guidance. They looked to the guardians for such. The guardians became the official government of the North, but, they needed a leader. Geoffrey believed that he should be the new leader, but Ilda thought she should. The people voted, and Geoffrey won, simply because they didn't think a woman could do it.

For years Ilda was bitter, and a rivalry between her and Geoffrey ensued. Things got a bit better for her when her son Payton grew older. She believed that he could be the new leader of North Luxia, and convince many people there of it. This caused protest and eventually forced the guardians to make a new rule. Someone from each generation of the guardians' family would be eligible for leadership.

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