Chapter 19: Power High

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Caine smirked as chaos erupted in front of him. The people running away from his warriors and moments later getting captured by them was probably his favorite thing to watch.

Earlier that morning, he and his warriors had crossed the barrier using the tunnel. They had spent some time in the clearing along the barrier as a select few scoped the area. Once a path was found and a plan made, they marched through the forest and attacked the unsuspecting people of the North.

Caine slowly walked through the streets, taking in the environment. He had to give it to the banished Luxians, they had found ways to survive and function as normal. Sadly, that was all about to end. But to ensure that, there were some old friends he needed to see.

He stood in what looked like a town square. It certainly wasn't as large as the one in the South, and there was no statue erected at its center. He looked at the chaos and soaked it all in, he really was enjoying this.

"Master" he heard Abdul say from behind him

He turned towards the voice of his trusted warrior and his smirk instantly turned into a grin. Abdul was given the task to find the former guardians, and he had fulfilled his task.

Standing before him, each accompanied by a shadow warrior was Geoffrey, Ilda, and Gawain. They did not look very pleased to see him.

"My old friends" Caine greeted them "It's so good to see you all again"

"Wish we could say the same" Geoffrey mumbled

Caine ignored him, he expected some feistiness. He looked them over, then walked towards them, stopping in front of Gawain first.

"Well, don't you age well" he commented "You almost look the same as you did when you got banished" he added with a grin

He moved down the line and stopped in front of Ilda and Geoffrey.

"Do you two still hate each other? Your parents would be very proud if you did" he said

He stepped back and looked at them all. He wanted to comment on their silence at his words, but he had more important things to get to. He turned to Abdul.

"Bring their families to me" he instructed

"There will be no need for that" Geoffrey said causing Abdul to stop in his tracks

"And why is that?" Caine asked

"We know who you're looking for," Ilda said

"You do?"

"Yes. And sadly, the five of them aren't here" Geoffrey answered, stressing on the number five

Caine began to feel uneasy.

"And where might they be?" he asked, his teeth gritted, his cocky demeanor now gone

"In the forbidden forest" Gawain answered "Actually, they've probably already found the table"

This time the former guardians' faces were plastered with grins. Caine immediately lost it.

"Lock them up!" he instructed and the warriors began to drag them away to cages Caine had created hours before "Warriors! Go to the forbidden forest and find those descendants! Now!"

A group of warriors immediately went out, all going in the direction of the forest.

"They will defeat you!" Gawain yelled as he was being dragged away

"No matter what you do!" Geoffrey added

"Destiny will be fulfilled," Ilda said

Caine didn't respond, he was too afraid that they were right. But he wasn't going to give up. He would defeat the new guardians like he defeated the first, and all of Luxia would be under his control.

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