Chapter 22: Prison Break

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Queen Amelia fetched her son-in-law and Asher's father, Prince Matthew, and his best friend Sir Bryce. They gathered around the table in the King's room, planning their escape and attack. It didn't take long for a plan to be formed and for everyone to take their places.

Jacquelyn, Henry, Asher and Bryce headed to the window where the guardians had come in. Outside, the boat still stayed afloat. One by one they climbed in, and once they were settled, Jacquelyn drove them away.

The boat moved downwards until its bottom touched the surface of the water. They stay close to the cliff the castle sits on, not wanting to encounter any of the creatures Caine has let loose in the ocean.

"Over there!" said Sir Bryce, pointing forward

They looked up and spotted the cave the king had told them about. Jacquelyn drives the boat to it and slowly enters the cave. It was dark inside, but it was soon illuminated by the flame floating in Henry's palm. Asher's eyes widened as he stared at the ball of fire.

"Wow," the teenager said

"I know right?" his peer said from the front of the boat

The boat continued to move forward until the walls of the cave were no longer dirt and rock, but bricks. Soon, they came upon a flight of stairs in the brick wall, and at its base, a floating wooden ramp. Jacquelyn brings the boat to it, and once settled, they all climb off.

They slowly ascend the stairs, and once at the top, they are greeted with exactly what the King told them they would find. Rows and rows of cells.

They were in the dungeon.

Henry finds a torch close by and uses his flame to light it. There were more torches around, but it would take awhile for him to shoot fireballs at each of them.

He thought of a better way to get the job done.

The fire guardian closed his eyes, concentrating. Within seconds, torch after torch in the dungeon lit up, revealing the prisoners. The sudden appearance of light surprises them, and murmurs erupted.

Taking a closer look at the cells, Jacquelyn saw the men in them. They were muscular, tall men, but they also looked beat down and discouraged. It was hard to believe they were the King's knights. Caine's warriors had tried to beat the courage out of them, and it looked like they were starting to succeed.

One of the men in the cells, whose eyes had just adjusted to the light, spotted the Knight and Prince.

"It's Sir Bryce, and Prince Asher!" he said

The murmurs grew louder as more knights looked through the bars and saw them.

"Fellow Knights..." Sir Bryce began "We have come to rescue you"

The Knights got even louder.

"Your time has come to finally defend your land" he continued "Caine believes he can come back and take over, let's show him whose kingdom this really belongs to"

Sounds erupted from the cells once more, this time it was cheering. The courage the warriors had tried to get rid of showed its head once again.

Being cut off from the outside world meant no invasions or attacks from outside kingdoms. What country in their right mind would attack an island surrounded by deadly creatures? Because of this, the Knights never got a chance to battle, a chance to defend their kingdom. All they did was restore peace when brawls erupted between citizens.

It was finally time to do more than just break up fights between neighbours.

The four smiled at their excitement.

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