Chapter 31: Battle for Luxia: Part 6

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Henry grabbed on to Alianor's hand just as her fingers slipped. He looked at her frightened face and watched as relief washed over it when she realized she was no longer falling.

He pulled her up and once she was out, she collapsed on the ground on her behind, breathing heavily.

"Why is it that I always have to come save you?" Henry asked with a smirk kneeling in front of her

"Shut up," she said playfully slapping his arm

Their moment of fun was short-lived when they heard Caine's voice.

"Thank you for getting this back to me. I've been looking all over for it"

Alianor turned and saw the open book in his hand. Dread and guilt instantly washed over her. Henry got up from his knees and made his way to Caine. Warriors got in his way, slowing him down. But that was all they did. A few balls of flame went their way and they were gone. With the last one down he made his way to Caine, but it was too late. The Moon guardian's hand was already in the air.

Caine had easily found the spell he was looking for. He remembered coming across it many years ago and wishing he would have the chance to use it. That chance finally came.

With the last of his warriors defeated, the guardians looked to Caine and knew that something more was coming. Their eyes instantly went to the ground, expecting another Crack to appear.

"Crescere umbra viventis!" Caine said

There was no earthquake, there was no cracking sound coming from the earth. Still sitting on the ground, Alianor looked up at Caine. She was the first to know what was going on.

The lone warrior that had been standing by his side the whole battle began to change.

She quickly picked herself up.

"Look" she pointed at the two

Soon, every eye was on them, and they quickly widened in shock, some in fear.

"What's going on down there?" Jacquelyn asked looking over the scene

Her answer came when she noticed what everyone was looking at.

Like the warriors before, this one began to grow, but this time more rapidly. Its limbs grew bigger as its body grew taller. There was no doubt that it was now stronger. The teeth in its mouth grew shaper and the red glow in its eyes seemed to brighten.

The new and improved Abdul stood thirty feet tall before them. The guardians stared, unsure of what to do next. But they had to think fast as Abdul charged towards them. He made his way to the closest guardian, Henry, who already had a fireball in hand, ready to throw it after him. He threw it, but it made no impact. Abdul's shoulder moved back at the impact, but he kept charging. Once he was close enough, he grabbed on to the guardian's outstretched hand and threw him to the side.

Henry went flying before he landing hard on the ground. Gasps came from the soldiers and other luxians around. He yelled out in pain, quickly gripping the arm he had fallen on.

The eyes that were on the wounded guardian quickly went back to the warrior as he spoke.

"Your little magic tricks won't work on me," he said, his voice large and deep with an eery tone

Doubt began to peek its head. What were they supposed to do? There was no way each of their magic was strong enough to defeat it.

"We have to work together" Alianor heard Morgaine say "Our little magic tricks won't work on their own. But if we work together, we will defeat you"

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