Chapter 13: The Secret's Out

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Caine stood in the castle library. All the shelves in the room were empty. Their books all laid on the floor, some closed, others opened.

The search for the Book of Dark Magic had begun the day before and Caine had his warriors searching the castle library. Every shelf and drawer were searched, but they had come up empty.

Caine was angry, but it made sense. They wouldn't put a book like that in a library with normal books. But where else could it be? Was it even in the castle?

He wanted to slap himself when the answer to his own question came to him. Would the king even have any business with a book like that? No. But he knew who would.

"Warriors! Search the rest of the castle for the book" he loudly instructed, wanting to make sure he didn't miss anything.

As the warriors walked out of the room he turned to Abdul who was standing next to him.

"Get me some more warriors, we have a few old friends of mine we need to visit"


Alianor read the black cloth covered book, as she occasionally looked up to see where she was going.

The journey was beginning to become tiring. They were no longer walking on flat ground, but up a hill. Reading while walking caused her to slow down, and Alianor found herself at the back of the pack. As always, Henry tried to take the lead, even though he didn't have the map anymore. He would ask Ryia which way to go and she'd tell him. Right behind him was her best friend. By a number of times she saw Henry shook his head, she was pretty sure Jacquelyn was talking his ears off.

In the middle were the best friends Philip and Ryia. Alianor had dubbed them that. They were always together and vibed with each other well, just like her and Jacquelyn.

For the millionth time that day she looked up to see where she was going and back down at the book. But before she could start reading again, her head shot back up. She squinted her eyes at the pair in front of her. She could have sworn she saw them holding hands.

She was about to look away but then she saw it again! It was subtle and quick. Philip had held onto her fingers with his only holding on for a second before letting go.

She squinted at the pair again...what was going on with them? She smirked to herself as she saw it happen again, this time he held on for a little longer before letting go.

There was a little secret romance going on, and she was the only one who now knew.

Alianor quickly looked back to her book when Philip turned. He was checking to see if she was looking. He then turned back to Ryia, his full attention on her, not knowing that Alianor's eyes were on them again.

She smiled to herself again, there was something powerful about knowing a secret...a good one at least.

The hand holding continued as they walked uphill, but it eventually ceased when the group stopped in front of a steep cliff.

"Why are we stopping?" Alianor asked

"Because there's a mountain in our way" Jacquelyn answered teasingly pointing to the front of them

"It's a cliff actually," Ryia said looking down at the map in front of her " And we have to climb it to get to the table"

"There's no alternate route?" Henry asked

"Not that I can tell. The drawing of the path goes right over this cliff" she answered

"This can't be our only choice right?" he questioned "There has to be asked safer easier way"

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