Chapter 7: Forest Rendezvous

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Ryia stood there, watching his figure disappear behind the trees and feeling the warmth disappear from her heart. It was always hard watching him walk away. This time especially, because he was going to put himself in harm's way in some hours.

She looked down at the ribbon in her hand, it was now a few inches shorter than it was a while ago, too short to hold her twists up in a bun like it was before. She took her long black twists in her hands and put them together, tying the ribbon around it, leaving her hair in a low ponytail.

Tightening her brown cloak around her shoulders, she turned in the opposite direction and began her journey back home.

Ryia took in the calming scene of the forest as she walked and became relaxed. It always had that effect on her. This was the reason she often found herself there, on the ground or sitting on a large branch.

She went there for the quiet time to think and draw...or when she wanted to see him. It was the only place they could meet almost every day, be alone and keep them a secret. She knew it was bad for them to keep things a secret, but it was the only way they could be together without any drama. She wouldn't be in any trouble, but she knew that he would. His family was...very complicated.

But things were going to change soon. He was going to tell them, and they were going to get married, and no one was going to get in their way.

After walking a good way, she found herself standing in front of a tall green hedge. She looked along it and quickly found the gap in it. She squeezed herself through it, and she was instantly in her grandfather's backyard.

She made her way through her grandmother's flower beds and her grandfather's vegetable beds, heading to the back door of the house. She stepped inside, pulled her cloak off and decided to head to the kitchen to get something to eat. After living there for five years, she was sure her grandmother was cooking something.

No, her parents didn't suddenly die, leaving her in the care of her grandparents. Her parents were well and alive, so were her four older brothers. Her brothers were large, muscular, tough and loud, something that was very annoying to their little sister. Her two older brothers were married, and their wives and children lived in her parents' house as well. As big as their house was, it was beginning to get a bit too crowded for Ryia, so she moved in with her grandparents who were very happy about having her there officially.

From time to time, when she couldn't deal with the crowded house, she would either find herself in the forest or at her grandparent's house, hanging out in her grandfather's study room, which was rarely used.

As she passed by the said study, she could hear voices from it. She stopped in her tracks and listened. She recognized her grandfather and Morgaine, but there were two other voices she didn't know.

Curious, she walked up to the door and knocked.

"Come in," her grandfather said

She opened the door and walked in. She smiled at her grandfather and then nodded at Morgaine, who she had become friendly with. Ryia's eyes fell on the strangers and her smile fell a bit. She didn't know who they were and why they were dressed that way.

"Ryia, you're back," her grandfather said

"I am," she said, her eyes still on the young girls

Alianor and Jacquelyn stared back at the young woman standing at the door. She didn't look like she was related to Gawain, but she certainly looked a little like her grandmother Royale. She had the same brown skin, button nose, and thick lips. She was a little petite, but her curves were very obvious, due to the tight brown corset around her abdomen, and the rather short skirt around her upper thighs. Dark brown tights were covering her legs, darker brown boots were on her feet.

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