Chapter 28: Battle for Luxia: Part 3

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Philip walked swiftly through the forest, Alianor, Alistair and Zoricus followed behind him, trying to keep up. The young brunette held on tightly to her satchel, the book of Shadow magic was tucked inside of it.

"You really do know these woods young man" Alistair commented

"Thank you Sir" Philip answered "I learned from the best"

Alianor smirked as she walked behind him, knowing he was speaking about Ryia. She had observed them as they prepared for their battle for Caine. She found them to be the cutest couple ever and loved the way they spoke of each other.

The four were executing their part of the plan: Finding the other former guardians and recruiting people from the north to fight. Being the one that grew up in the North, Philip was the one that had to lead the way.

As they walked, they kept their eyes peeled for warriors, but not once had they come across one of the vile creatures. They weren't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

It took them some time, but they finally came to the tall hedge they were looking for. Philip led them along it.

"What's on the other side?" Zoricus asked

"You'll see" he answered

They walked for a little while before they came to a spot where there was a small gap in the base of the hedge.

"Take a look," Philip said

The older guardians bent over and looked through. They first saw the back of a large house and then a beautiful garden. It didn't take long for them to figure out where they were.

"We're at Gawain's house" Alistair stated

"Yes sir" Philip answered

"Is it bad that I'm jealous that his house is bigger than mine?" Zoricus asked causing the others to smile and shake their heads at him

Alistair was about to respond to his friend's question when he saw something step in front of them. They quickly stood upright and stepped away from the hedge.

"What is it?" Alianor asked

"Shadow warrior" her grandfather whispered

"What are they doing here?" she asked

"I'm guessing Caine has them guarding whoever is in the house like he did with us" Zoricus answered

"Of course" Philip sighed

"So how do we get past them?" Alianor asked

"Leave it to me"

Philip stepped in front of the hedge and got down on one knee, peeping through the gap. He quickly noticed there were more than one of the black creatures. He lifted his hand, palm facing forward. He took a deep breath and concentrated.

Nothing happened at first, but soon, tiny icy flakes emerged from his palms and quickly surrounded the warrior that was the closest. He was instantly turned into an ice sculpture. The other warriors noticed, but it was too late. Philip turned his hand to them, and they too had turned into ice within seconds.

He then waited to see if there were more, but the yard stayed clear.

"The coast is clear, for now at least," he said

"Well, let's go" Alianor urged

Philip squeezed through the gap, the others following behind him. They scanned the yard as they slowly and quietly made their way towards the house. They froze when they heard the back door open. They quickly looked at it and saw a woman waving them over. Realizing it was Royale, Philip quickly lead them over. They entered the house, and the door quickly closed behind them. It was then that the former guardians saw who had opened the door.

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