Chapter 14: The Climb

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Abdul stepped into the room, wondering where he should start tearing it apart. He had one goal, and that was the find the book of Dark Magic. He surveyed the room, it looked like it belonged to someone young, a young woman to be exact. But then it hit him, there was no young woman living in this house. Could it have been Alistair's daughter's old room?

He continued to look around, there was a table at the far end of the room, right next to a window. On it, was a book. He quickly walked over and picked it up. The small light brown leather covered book had the name "Alianor" at the front. He opened it to read. It looked like poems, and at the top, it was dated. The last few entries had recent dates. Why would Alistair's daughter come to this room to write? Was her name even Alianor? Then another thought came to him. Were there more descendants than they knew of? He searched the closet and checked the dresses, they all looked modern and too small to fit his daughter. It was then he knew he had to speak to his master.

When Alistair was questioned, the look on his face gave away that there was something he didn't want them to know. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting to say anything. Soon after a warrior that was sent to Zoricus' house showed up with the same predicament. A room was found, looked like it belonged to a young woman too, maybe around the same age as the one supposedly in Alistair's house. The warrior thought he should report it immediately, remembering Zoricus saying he lived alone.

There was again intense gazes between the three, Caine afraid to ask the question he desperately needed an answer for. For just a while, the book was not important.

"There are others," he said, rather than asked, but there was no response. "Who else lives with you two?!" he asked this time, louder

They contemplated answering. Should they admit to the existence of their granddaughters? If they didn't or lied, he was sure to go to Alistair's family, who may not be able to handle Caine and admit it. But Caine knew the answer to his own question, he just wanted confirmation.

"Alianor is my granddaughter"

"The room you found belongs to my granddaughter, Jacquelyn"

Caine grew furious.

"Where are they?!"

"We don't know" Alistair calmly answered

"Where are they?!" Caine asked again not believing him

"We don't know!" Zoricus repeated "We got separated when you sent your goons after us at the festival. We haven't seen them since"

There was no way to mask the worry in his voice. Their granddaughters were out somewhere and they had no idea what they could be going through.

Caine saw how genuine he was and believed him, but that didn't get rid of the anger. He had thought that he only had three families to deal with, and had everyone in Alistair's and Zoricus' family accounted for. Now, the chances of new guardians rising were higher than ever.

But then he thought, there was no way they could find the table if they were in the south. If he couldn't get past the barrier, neither could two magic-less young women. He turned to Abdul.

"Get the warriors to search the city for them"

"But Master, they don't know what they look like"

Abdul had a point. Not even he was sure what they looked like, he hadn't paid much attention to who was standing around the former guardians. A search wouldn't work, they needed another way to find them. Alianor's book caught Caine's attention and a smile appeared on his face. He knew just what to use to find them.

A tracking spell.


"This better work" Jacquelyn yelled up at Philip who was halfway up the cliff

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