Chapter 33: Back To Where It All Began

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The Guardians stood proudly in front of the dust pile, enjoying the cheers from their fellow Luxians.

"You did it," Alianor said to Morgaine, a large smile on her face

"No, we did it" Morgaine replied

"Yeah, we did" Jacquelyn grinned "We kicked some warrior butt!"

The guardians chuckled at their youngest, but quickly stopped and looked at her in worry as she began to cough and stick her tongue out.

"What's wrong?" Alinor asked

"I think there's shadow people dust in my mouth," she said with a disgusted look on her face

The other shook their heads at her before turning to the man they had to defeat next. With the shadow warriors and Abdul out of the way, there was only one enemy left. Caine

He stood there, dumbfounded. He honestly didn't think these new Guardians could defeat his trusted warrior. But he pulled himself out of his daze. There was no way he was going to let them win.

"You may have killed my warriors, but you won't defeat me"

"You really think you can take on six of us without your goons?" Morgaine asked with confidence, the guardians took their place behind her

"I did it with Solaria and your grandparents. Who's to say I can't do it again?"

"Oh please" Jacquelyn scoffed "You only defeated them because they gave up their powers so you won't steal it"

"And let's not forget, you had shadow warriors back then too. Plus the King's knights" Ryia added

"So you think you can defeat the great and powerful Moon Guardian on your own?" Caine asked

The Guardians nodded "We're sure of it" Morgaine said

"We'll see about that," he said before quickly waving his hands in the air

The group quickly looked around them and watched as dark grey smoke began to surround them.

"What's happening?" Jacquelyn asked

Her best friend was the first to figure it out.

"He's transporting us," he said

"To where?" Henry asked

The smoke surrounded them until it was pitch black. A second later, the wooshing sound of the smoke was gone. At first, they saw nothing. Then there was a familiar glow coming from behind them. The six quickly turned and was greeted by something they didn't expect.

"Is that..." Morgaine began, surprised by what she was seeing

"Yes" Alianor answered, looking at the object that had given them their power "It's the table"

Morgaine made her way to it, wanting to get a closer look. The guardians looked at each other in confusion.

"Why did Caine bring us here?" Philip asked

"Well if you must know..." they heard

They quickly turned to the sound of his voice. At first, they say nothing, but then a dark form emerged from the shadows at the edge of the cave. Caine walked into the light, revealing the sinister grin on his face.

"...I'm here to take your powers" he finally answered

Jacquelyn inwardly groaned. It had only been a day and someone already wanted to steal their powers.

"Do you really think we'll let you take our powers?" Henry asked amused, there was no way he would willingly give that up

"No, I don't expect you to" Caine answered "That doesn't mean I'm not going to"

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