No Strings Attached Summary

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She thought she was in love.

Alexandra Armstrong believed that she had finally found the man of her dreams in Jonathan, only to find out that he was leaving her for her twin sister, Alexis. Heartbroken, she starts to hate all men, claiming that they're filled with bullshit and lies and she vows never to fall in love ever again. Because of this attitude, Alex begins to get extremely negative and stressed.

Her best friend, Mya is beginning to get tired of Alexandra's cynical attitude and so she enlists the help of her close friend, Jason, to destress her friend by making Alex sleep with him. Imagine her shock when the two claim that they already know each other. Alex, who knows of Jason Arden's old ways, doesn't jump at the offer but is surprised when sleeping with him gets her in better moods.

That's when the two start an arrangement.

They'd be lovers, no strings attached, no emotions involved.

What happens when Jason realises that Alex is not the same little girl he used to tease back in high school but is now a beautiful woman who makes his heart race?

Will Alex go for it or will she go running back to Jonathan when he wants her back?

Inspired by this YouTube fic I saw the other day, i loved it. 

COVER WAS MADE BY: LadeeTaiStar !! Thanks For Making It!

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