Chapter Four

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"No, no and HELL NO."
This was going to be much harder than she originally planned, Mya thought.
They'd started the evening at a classy Italian restaurant then proceeded to Club Talisman. After being hollered at by a whole bunch of guys, they finally sat down in a secluded booth and Mya told her of her idea. "I'm not sleeping with someone that I hardly know! What is wrong with you, Mya?!" Alex fumed, folding her arms over her chest.
"Hear me out. It’s just one night, okay? One night for you to let all your stress and anger out and get a good screw while you're at it. I personally think it's the perfect idea! What could go wrong?" She nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders as Alex rolled her eyes.
"Let's see, I could catch Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, herpes-- Do you want me to continue?!" She didn't understand how Mya could even suggest such a thing. Suggesting that Alex have a one night stand with a complete stranger was absolutely absurd.
"When was the last time you got some?" Alex's silence was all the indication she needed. "Exactly. It’s been 2 months since you had sex.  Now girl, I know you. You're kind of like me. 2 months is WAY too long to go without. I mean, I remember a time when whenever you and Jonathan were apart for more than a week, you went into withdrawal from the lack of sex."
"MYA!" Alex hissed, embarrassed at the true fact. A frown formed on her face when a tall man with dreadlocks approached their table from nearby. Obviously he'd been listening to their conversation.
"Excuse me, ladies. I'm Scott." He extended his hand and once Alex gave him the once over, she shook it. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and approach you two lovely women." Alex's cheeks reddened as she felt heat creep up from her neck.
"That's so embarrassing, I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Don't be. I think you're a beautiful woman and if you, uh, need someone to help scratch that itch," he pulled a card out from his jacket, "contact me sometime." With a wink to Alex and a smile to Mya, he left, both ladies staring after him as he walked away.
"He. Was. HOT. My goodness. I've never been one into men with dreadlocks but the way they were framing his face... Mm, mm, mm." Alex couldn't help but nod. "I already see your resolve weakening. Go check if he's clean and go buck wild tonight. Shoot, I know if I wasn't with Chris I'd do that." Alex shot her look. "Alright fine, never mind. Besides, I already got you someone."
"Right, I forgot he was your 'surprise'." She rolled her eyes and gently placed the card in her purse. "When's he getting here?"
"So you're gonna do it?"
Alex sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "We'll see."
"Ah! That's not a no!" She squealed.
Alex took a sip of her apple martini. "And it's also not a yes. I'll be right back, I need to call Yvette and make sure-"
"Sit your ass back down, Lexi." She commanded. Yvette was the department receptionist, so Alex claiming she needed to call her meant that the issue was work related and Mya was trying to make sure that work was not even mentioned tonight. "Hand me your phone." Alex shook her head and held onto her phone tighter. "Lexi. Hand me your phone."
"I'm not giving you my phone." Mya narrowed her eyes at her, before gasping as she looked behind Alex's shoulder.
"Oh my goodness, is that LaLa Vasquez?! What is she doing here?" Falling for the bait, Alex quickly turned just as Mya reached forward and yanked her phone out of her hands. "Thank you." She turned it off and slid it into her purse as Alex glared daggers at her.
"That wasn't funny."
"It wasn't a joke, boo." When her phone buzzed with a new message, she quickly typed something back before putting away her own phone. "Now, your surprise is nearly here, so once he does arrive, I'm gonna leave you two here after I introduce you, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Alex could already tell that she was beginning to weaken to the idea. She couldn't lie, she was sexually deprived and although the idea of messing around with a stranger didn't exactly excite her, she knew she needed to be relieved.
"Ooh, there he is. JASON!" Mya stood up and bent over the glass railing that was next to their booth, waving her hand frantically to try to capture his attention. Alex didn't know why, but suddenly she began to fix up her hair, wanting to make a good impression. "Alright, he's coming up." As soon as Mya stood, so did Alex, turning around to finally see who Mya had hired.
Who she saw was definitely not who she expected. "Alex, this is my close friend-"
"Jason Arden." She said venomously, folding her arms in front of her chest. She looked him up and down and despite herself; she had to admit he was still absolutely gorgeous. Freshly shaven head and facial hair that sat upon a perfect caramel face. His forest green eyes seemed to be filled with desire as his eyes roamed her body. He'd gone for the casual look with dark wash jeans, a navy shirt, black vest and a simple stud in one ear. His physique was just how Alex liked her men. Strong but not too much muscles that their necks were extremely fat. He still towered over her and still had that same cologne that seemed to suck her up.
"Hold up, you two know each other?" A smirk crept up on Jason's face.
"We go baaaack." He drank in her image and couldn't help the sudden heat rising within him. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a mauve knee length wrap dress, that had a deliciously low dip at the back. She had truly grown up and the pictures he'd seen online did not do her justice. She was stunning. Her smooth chocolaty skin looked like silk underneath all the lights and when he'd been shocked when he saw the huge roundness that was her ass when she turned around to greet him. He didn't remember her having that before.
"How far back? Alex you never told me you knew Chris' brother!" That's when Alexandra whipped around to face Mya, allowing Jason another eyeful of her behind.
"Chris' brother? Jason Arden is- Oh my gosh, I should've known. They do look alike!"
"Oh, don't say that, I'll take that as an insult." He said, placing a hand over his chest. When the girls sat back down, Jason took the seat beside Alex, chuckling when she scooted away from him. Mya narrowed her eyes at the two's behaviour, a small smile pulling at her lips. She scratched her thought from earlier; now thinking about how easy this would now be and how judging by the way they were acting now, Alex would have the time of her life.
"I'm sorry, I have to know, how do you guys know each other?"
"Remember how I always told you how much I hated my high school days?" Mya nodded and Jason sighed, the same smirk still on his face. Alex jerked her thumb in his direction. "This is the jackass who made my four years at high school absolute hell."

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