Chapter Three

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Jason groaned as he heard a familiar voice yell his name. Only one other person had the key to his apartment and that was his close friend Mya. He suddenly felt someone jolt up beside him.
"Is that your mom? Oh my God!" Her squeaky voice did nothing for his headache. Finally opening his eyes, he squinted at her trying to figure out why he'd even slept with her last night. The girl started swearing in Spanish and it all came back to him. He'd been at a Latin club, seen the way she moved her hips and just couldn't resist. "Why are you still sleeping?! Your mother is here and... This is so embarrassing!"
"Relax," he paused.
"Tatiana!" She loudly whispered. She shook her head as she searched around his room for her clothes, placing each item on when she found it.
"It’s not even my mom, anyway."
"Well then who the fuck is it? Your sister?" He shook his head. "Cousin?" Another head shake. "Assistant?" Nope.
"It’s my friend, Mya." He pushed the covers aside and yanked on his pyjama bottoms before walking her to his bedroom door.
"She has a key to your house? Why?" He didn't like how she was asking all these questions as if it was her business but if he planned to hit it again he needed to end things on a good note.
But then again, Jason was pretty confident that no matter how things would end here, they'd be hooking up again sooner or later. "And it's your business because?" He opened his door and led her out into the living room. "Now you can see the door sweetie, don't let it hit you on the way out, aight?" He kissed her cheek and gave her ass a little push before watching her saunter out of his house, head held high so as not to be embarrassed. "What's going on, Mya?" He went over to her and gave her a hug.
"I just dropped by to cook something up for you cos I knew you would be hungry." She checked the clock on his wall. "Damn, you know its 2 o' clock, right? Why hadn't you woken up yet?" Jason gave her a look. "You're right, I don't want to know."
"So how is my dear brother doing?" Jason was Mya's boyfriends' younger brother. Mya had known Jason first, having met him when she worked at a small coffee shop her senior year at college. The two hit it off instantly and got on like a house on fire but there was never anything romantic because the two were almost the same when it came to their love life so it wouldn't have ever worked out. However, when Mya had been introduced to his brother Chris, she started to rethink her ways and now 7 years later she was still with him.
"He's fine. He said he was gonna invite you out to the bar soon because he wants to whoop your ass at snooker."
Jason laughed, his dimples showing. "Tell him I said bring it on."
"I hate being the messenger; can't you guys just call each other? Damn."
"Are you cooking or what?" Jason ducked when she playfully threw a sponge at him and watched as she got the pots and pans out.
"I need your help." Mya declared. She wiped the corners of her mouth once she'd finished eating breakfast. Jason sighed and leaned back, placing his arms above his head.
"I knew there was a reason to your visit. Aight, spill it, what do you want?"
"I need you to have sex with my friend."
She offered him a smile when his eyebrows creased. "Come again?"
"I. Need you. To-."
"I heard you, I'm just wondering if you're serious or not." Her smile didn't waver and the hopeful look in her eyes stayed. "Damn, you are serious." He chuckled. "Why do you want me to do this?"
"You're you. Having sex is your hobby. And besides, I know you're going to say yes so let's cut all this inquisitive shit. We're gonna be at the-."
Jason stood and placed their dishes in the sink. "Hold on a minute, Mya. How do I know that this girl is clean? And besides, I have standards, what if she looks like King Kong's sister?" Mya stood up to go and join him.
"And here I thought you just fucked anything with a vagina." She chuckled at her own joke as he folded his arms, face hardening. "A'ight, I'm sorry, damn. To answer your questions, yes she's clean. She makes it a point to get checked like damn near every 3 months. And no, she doesn't look like King Kong's sister. I think she's really beautiful actually. She knows it but she's modest about it." Jason nodded, liking what he was hearing. He liked a confident woman but not one who walked around declaring their beauty.
"Does she have a name?"
Mya gave him a look. "No, she's called 'Unknown'." She answered sarcastically before sighing. "Her name's Alexandra Armstrong." She didn't miss the look that passed over his features. "What is it?"
"N-nothing, its nothing. Why do you want me to do this again?"
"Because she split up from her man a couple of weeks ago and even though she acts like it doesn't bother her, I can tell that she's stressed the hell out. I need you to de-stress her." she grinned and the hopeful look returned.
"And what's in it for me?"
"A good time? I don't know, you come up with something. I have to go pick up colour samples and go meet with a client so just so you know I'm taking Alex out to club Talisman tonight. Make sure you're looking fresh when we put the plan into action. Thanks again, Jay!" She jogged into the living room, kissed his cheek and walked to the door. "Later."
"Bye." As soon as he heard the door shut, Jason ran to his laptop and opened it. Once he got to Google, he typed in Alexandra Armstrong Chicago and clicked on the images. He couldn't help but let his jaw slack when a picture of a conservatively dressed Alex came up. "My, my, my, oh how you have grown." He clicked on another picture of a smiling Alexandra next to an old white man as they stood in front of a sign that read 'Congratulations, McKinley&Co'. "Well, this should be fun."
"Now I believe that by switching over our target audience, we could end up cutting the costs of production. Say for instance we changed the original Red and Green theme to-."
"Mrs Armstrong, you have a call from Miss Cooper on line 1." Her assistant Tracey's usually chipper voice sounded frightened. Alex sighed as she peered around her room before checking her colleagues' faces. She looked at her watch and saw that it was 7pm; they'd ran over time again. "Alright guys, we'll pick back up tomorrow morning, you can all go. Have a good evening." She waited until everyone had left the room before retreating into her own office.
"What's the emergency, Mya?" she asked upon entrance, knowing that Mya would be there waiting for her.
"Get your shit, we're leaving."
Alex chuckled. "No we're not, I have work to do, now if this is not an emergency, can you go?"
"Alex, look at me." Sensing the serious tone in her voice, she looked up and stopped splaying out papers on her desk. "I'm doing this for you. Because I love you. And I don't want to see you have an anxiety attack or something. You're stressed, okay? I know you are. So admit it, Alex. Stop burying yourself into work. It’s not gonna erase the fact that Jonathan left you for Alexis. Live a little, Alex. I know you're hurt, but don't let it rule you. You're stressed the hell out so let me do this for you."
Alex sighed and began packing up, realising that there was no point in arguing with Mya once she'd set her mind on something. "What's my surprise?"
"Its just someone to help you get de-stressed. Now, hurry up so we can go."
Alex didn't miss the fact that she said her surprise was a someone not a something.
"This better be good, Mya."
"Believe me girl, by the end of tonight, you'll be thanking me."


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