Chapter Thirteen

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Back. And forth. And back. And forth. Pause. Frustrated yell and back.

Alex struggled to keep her eyes open as Mya continued her pattern of movement across the room. "...Right?" Her head jerked up and she found herself looking into her friend's tear stricken face. It had taken almost an entire week for her to open up about what had happened in Florida with Chris. Although Alex had tried countless amount of times to get her to tell her, she would always reply saying 'it was nothing'. But today, something must have made her sad because the moment Alex walked through the door, Mya poured her heart out. "Have you even been listening to me?!" She screamed.

"Yes, of course I have." Mya's face twisted. "Okay, I lost you on your 231st journey forth." She sighed and got up to fix her and Mya a drink. "Look, if you ask me, the answer's simple: it's nearly Thanksgiving. You need to go back to your man. Do you love him?"

"With all of my heart, mind and soul."

"Then you should be able to compromise with him. Now, I love you boo, but you really need to go back home." Mya frowned.

"You tryna kick me out?"

"No, its just that Jason and I are doing role playing tonight and I dont-."

Mya raised her hand and began to walk away, shuddering in disgust. "Ew. It's okay, I'm out. I don't wanna be hearing y'alls nasty ass dirty talk." Jason had been over every night since their return to Chicago and frankly she was sick of not being able to sleep because of those two.

"And Mya Cooper is back, ladies and gentleman!" The women shared a laugh before going into the guest bedroom to help pack up Mya's things. "Remember, there's nothing wrong with compromising." She said, opening her apartment door for the petite woman.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks again for letting me stay here for the past week, girl."

Alex shrugged. "It's nothing, besides, I know you'd do the same for me."

"You know it. If all goes well with Chris, I'll see you at our house for Thanksgiving and if it doesn't go well... Keep your guest bedroom free." They shared a huge hug before Mya rolled her suitcase away and into the elevator. Alex sighed, shut her door then frowned when she looked up at her clock again. Where was he? She thought as she reached for her phone. When it started vibrating in her hand, she jumped but answered anyway. "Hello?"

"Alex hey, um-." She felt a smile make its way onto her face, she didn't know why but every time she heard his voice, either she'd end up grinning like a fool or her heart would slightly beat faster. On just his voice.

"Hey, where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago." She was craving the euphoric feeling he gave to her, especially after her and Jonathan had to spend the whole day basically side by side.

"Yeah, uh, my... uh, my car isn't starting so... I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight."

"Oh, well what about if I come over to your place? I'm dying to see your house anyway."

She heard wet noises in the background. "No, I dont- I don't think that would be wise, I mean it's so dark and-." Alex rolled her eyes.

"It's alright, Jason, I know when I'm not wanted somewhere. I'll just see you tomorrow night?"

He shut his eyes. "Yeah, definitely." She hung up without another word and Jason instantly felt horrible. He hated to cancel on her but something had come up. Literally.

"Was that your girlfriend?" He turned to the barely clothed girl whose tongue was running down the column of his throat and shook his head. "Well then why did you feel the need to call her and make up an excuse?" Jason paused. He didn't have an answer to that question. "You know what, don't answer that." She reached for his hands and placed them on her waist but it seemed as if he was in a completely different world. "Jason!"

He looked up into her annoyed face. "Yeah?" She pushed into him further.

"Would you touch me please? You sounded excited when I showed up and now after this call, you're being weird."

"Really? Oh, I'm sorry. You know I'm happy about you being here..." He trailed off as he pulled her into his lap.

"Tatiana!" She exclaimed in frustration.

"I knew that, baby, I was just messing." They resumed their previous activities even though Jason's mind was focused on how disappointed Alex had sounded over the phone.

"Why don't I put on some music?" Tatiana purred, strutting over to the stereo and pressing play. As soon as the music started, he froze.

He couldn't do this.

"Tatiana, I'm sorry, I can't do this."

"What? Wh-why?!" She pouted as he picked up her clothing and handed it to her.

"You wouldn't get it."

"Are you sure that Alex woman isn't your girlfriend?"

"She's not. But you really need to leave." She snatched her clothes out of his grip and began to get dressed, angry that he was suddenly rejecting her. Tatiana Jackson did not get rejected. Once she had slid her belted mac on, she raced down the stairs.

"Don't think about calling me ever again, Jason!" He followed her down and winced when she slammed his front door, shaking some of the tribal paintings around. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.


"What do you want?" She replied sharply.

"I realised that I was being mean. I shouldn't deny you the honor of seeing my magnificent house." He heard her softly chuckle before asking for his address. He gave it to her.

"I'm guessing your car is suddenly fine too?"

"Yeah, I wasn't starting it right."

"I'll be there in 20." Jason pressed the end button on his phone when she hung up and sat on his couch to wait for her. What was going on with him? He had denied a night with a girl like Tatiana for a night with a woman like Alex. Tatiana was more flexible, more giving and wilder but she didn't have the same touch as Alex had. Tatiana didn't make him lose all control when her skin came into contact with his. Tatiana's kisses didn't leave his skin burning. With Tatiana, sex was just pleasing and satisfactory.

With Alex, it was off the charts, passionate and toe curling sex.

Something was truly going wrong. He never gave one girl his full attention. Never. But over the past week, he found himself always staying connected to Alexandra. Whether it was calling her whilst she worked for a fun, banter filled conversation or dropping by earlier than they had planned just so they'd be able to talk to fill the time before he left. Again, another thing he never did. Their bed buddies deal should have been just that. Them being friendly in bed.

But there was just something about Alex he couldn't get enough of. She intrigued him.

He was brought out of his thoughts when there was a knock at the door. He raced towards it and grinned when he saw her at the other side. "Welcome to my humble abode." She stepped inside and let out a low whistle.

"This is... This is nice." When he helped her remove her jacket, she raised an eyebrow at him.
"What, I can't be a gentleman now?" She laughed him off and walked into his living room, taking herself on a slow tour. "Did you come here to check out my house or...?"

She rotated towards him and leaned on her left leg, her left hand resting on it. "Last time I checked, you were the one who was making up excuses to that I wouldn't come here. What came up? Or should I say who came up?" He walked towards her and she turned again to finger and adore some of the paintings and small statues he had around the spacious room. "This is so weird."

"What, that we have so much in common?" She shivered at how close he suddenly was to her. She felt his fingers dance lightly at the small of her back and she leaned into his touch. "Who would have thought, right?"

Without another word, she turned in his arms and grabbed the back of his neck, bringing down his lips towards her own. Within a few minutes, their kiss escalated. Books on the shelf were knocked over, his briefcase was on the floor and his shirt was unbuttoned. He lay her down on the sofa and was about to devour the rest of her when a low rumble stopped him. Alex, completely embarrassed, covered her face with her hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't eat." Jason only chuckled and got off her.

"It's okay. Why don't I cook us up something?"

She gave him an incredulous look. "You cook?"

"Yes, I cook. Come on." She followed him into his kitchen and instantly fell in love. This was her dream kitchen. Every thing from the granite counter and kitchen island with a mini bar to the minimalist theme of it all. "Shut your mouth, Flatty, you might catch flies." She closed her eyes in ecstasy when she fingered the cherrywood cabinet doors. "I'm guessing you like it?"

"I love it. This is beautiful. If my kitchen looked like this, I'd have dinner parties every day just for an excuse to be working in this space for so long." He grinned at her behavior and took the marinated steak out of the fridge.

"You're lucky. This bad boy has been marinating for the past couple hours. It was supposed to be for me but because of the gentleman I am, I'll share." She sucked her teeth playfully.

"You need any help?"

"Yeah, can you make the salad for me? Everything you need is in the fridge." She followed his orders and began to work next to him.

"Aye aye, captain."

For the next 20 minutes, they worked and had a casual conversation about... Well, life in general. Alex wasn't surprised to find out that they didn't share the same thoughts on certain political issues which meant that music and art were one of the few subjects they had in common. "Hey, can I use your bathroom?"

"Third door on the right." She jogged up the stairs and stepped into the bathroom. Her jaw went slack. The bathroom was absolutely gorgeous. It was almost as if Jason had ripped images out of Alex's 'Dream House' fantasy and made them into reality for his own house. She adored the bathroom for a while, almost forgetting why she had actually came there in the first place.

Once she was done, she gently shut the door and promised herself that she'd work harder if she was ever going to get her dream bathroom and kitchen. Just as she was about to descend the stairs, she heard a soft melody. Instantly recognising it as the soulful sounds of Alicia Keys, she made her way into the room where she'd heard it being played. Upon entry, she gasped. By far, this was the most beautiful room in the entire house. It was so elegant, so amazing and so... Not Jason. Her eyes darted up to the mirror on the ceiling. "Okay, that is like Jason." She murmured to herself before realising that was she was doing was wrong. But she couldn't resist placing one foot on the deep, soft carpet. "Oh my goodness." She groaned in delight at the feeling of her foot sinking in.

"Are you okay in there, Flatty?"

Jason's shout made her jump back and shut the door. "Yeah, I'm fine." Alex walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen. She immediately froze at the sight.

"What?" He asked, alarmed at her stillness. She stepped in fully.

"This is really nice. It's gorgeous."

"Glad you like it 'cos this is the first time I've ever used any of this." He pointed to the lit candles in the middle of the table, the bottle of Haut Brion wine and the neatly set out plates, glasses and cutlery. She went over to him and kissed his cheek. "Is that all I get for my hard work?"

"You ass!" She giggled as he took their plates of food to the table. He helped her sit before taking his own seat. They said grace and finally dug into their food. "Okay, you can cook." She moaned at the succulent taste and by the time her eyes had fluttered back open, she'd missed the way Jason's eyes darkened with desire.

He cleared his throat and continued to eat. "Any news on Chris and Mya's argument yet?"

"They should be talking it out right now, actually. Mya packed up from my apartment and went back to her house." He poured some wine into both of their glasses. "I think they're gonna be fine. With a love like theirs, they'll get through it."

He nodded. "You ever been in love?"

She gave him a look. "Yes. I don't even know why you're asking when you know I was in love with Jonathan."

"I know, I was just asking whether you'd say you were in love with him or you are in love with him." He winked at her when he saw her look down in thought.

He was right. She had said that she 'was' in love with Jonathan. Past tense. And it had just tumbled so easily out of her mouth, she didn't even have to think about it. Maybe she was farther down the road to forgetting Jonathan than she previously thought. "What about you? Have you ever been in love?"

He adamantly shook his head. "I don't do love. Love and I, we just don't mix."

"That's bullshit! Come on, Jason, so you have never been in love before?" She watched him shrug and shake his head again. "Are you serious? You're what, 29 and you have never, never ever ever been in love before? I don't believe you."

"I'm telling the truth. I mean, yeah I've had romantic feelings for women but I've never let it get to the point of being in love. Love leaves people vulnerable and I hate feeling vulnerable."

"Sounds as if you have trust issues with women."

She didn't miss how he tensed up. "You could say that. Women in my life don't usually stick around. The only woman who I can say I love is Mya and that's a sisterly love." She saw the pain in his eyes and placed her fork down.

"What about your mom?"

He chuckled bitterly. "Example A. She cheated on my father with-." he paused and looked at her. She had no idea. He decided now wasn't the time to tell her. "A guy who lived in the same neighbourhood and she ran off with him never to be seen or heard again. I haven't seen her since I was 12."

"Do you miss her?"

He was silent for a moment before his gaze snapped back up. "Nah. Why should I miss a woman who didn't give a damn about me, my dad or my brother?"

She reached across the table and gently rested her hand on top of his. "I'm sorry, Jason." They stayed quiet as they stared at each other, different thoughts racing through their heads. Jason was shocked that he had finally shared that with someone. He had never told any body about what happened with his mother but somehow with Alex it all came flying out and he didn't regret it at all.

"This food's gonna get cold." They were both brought out of their daze and continued to eat for the next 10 minutes. Once they were done, Alex helped Jason clear the table and wash the dishes, none of them saying a word. "So... Ready to pick up where we left off?" He snaked his arms around her and pulled her towards him. He wasn't expecting her to turn and let out a big yawn.

"I'm sorry... again. All that food, wine and heavy talk made me tired." Jason checked his watch and saw that it was 2am. "Let me go get my jacket and shoes so I can get out of here." she leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Jason. I really had fun."

Jason didn't know what came over him when he next spoke. "Why don't you spend the night? It's really late."

"Are you sure? I mean, we'd be breaking rule number one."

He shrugged. "We already broke it at your mom's house so what will one more night change?" She bit her bottom lip to try and contain the huge grin that was about to emerge. "Is that a yes?"

"Why not? Just show me where your guest bedroom is and I'll crash there." He frowned at her suggestion but still told her where she had to go. "Thanks again, Jason." He watched her leave and sighed as he found himself still staring after her way after she had left.

A knock at his door made Jason stop getting prepared for bed. "It's open." Alex walked in looking sheepish.

"I really have nothing comfortable to sleep in and it's too cold to go naked so-." He reached for his pyjama shirt and tossed it to her. "Thank you." She turned to leave but decided to step in further into his room, shutting the door behind her. "Your room is really nice, by the way. I would love to have a-."

He saw right through her act. "Get in, Alex." she slipped on his shirt and padded over to his Queen size bed. She almost had to climb into it. "I'm guessing you like the bed, Flatty?"

She moaned in response wriggling underneath the satin covers. Not a minute later had she fallen asleep.

Jason turned off the lights and slid in behind her. He tried to resist but he just couldn't so he wrapped her up in his arms, smiling and sighing in content when she leaned back into his body.

A second later, his smile dropped and his eyes flew open. What was he doing? Why did this feel so right? For the second time now, he was in bed with a woman... doing nothing but holding her and sleeping. The fact that both times were with Alex worried him. And then the fact that he made the effort to make dinner for her. He never did that. What was it about Alex that made her so special?

Was it possible that he was... No, no way. He didn't even want to speak the words. It wasn't possible. No way.

He was not falling in love with Alex Armstrong.

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