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The greenery was beautiful, the air was fresh, the sky was azure and void of any clouds. Birds were singing their sweet melody in the branches that blossomed with pale pink petals. Distributing most of the gorgeous light and heat, the sun was high and gleaming.

The morning was a beautiful part of the day and yet to the women that filled the hotel suite, morning was the last thing they wanted to see.

"Alright girls, wake up!" A chipper voice exclaimed, yanking the curtains open to reveal the light and making everyone else wince. "Wake up, wake up, wake up! Today is the day! Today is double wedding day!" She stepped over some bodies until she reached one who lay on her side, one hand over her eyes and the other on her belly. "Alex! Wake up!"

"Go away, Olivia." She muttered, not opening her eyes. Olivia kissed her teeth and started clapping in front of her face until she opened her eyes. "If looks could kill..."

"Yada yada yada, I'd be dead. Now can you please get up and wake the rest of these heifers up?" She turned around to inspect the room that was littered with women, party decorations and alcohol bottles. "And where the hell is Mya? And your mom for that matter?"

Alex yawned as she sat up, only realising now that she had managed to snag the spot on the sofa. Thank God, the last thing she needed was a bad back to add to her list of problems about her body. "Oh. She snuck out whilst y'all were asleep and went to Chris' room. As for my mom, she's probably getting breakfast downstairs."

Olivia shook her head and kicked the woman behind her in the butt to try and wake her up. "Antoinette, come on! Get up." She turned back to Alex. "Great. Can you help me get these women up so we can clean this room please?" Alex nodded and got up without a struggle. "I would have never guessed you were pregnant if you hadn't told me. You're like what? Four months?" She nodded. "It just looks like you're getting fat."

Alex frowned. "Is that a compliment or...?"

"It's a compliment!" She giggled and pushed her playfully as more of the women stirred in their sleep and regained consciousness. "Oh and by the way, I never knew you talked in your sleep."

"I do?"

"Yeah. Most of the night you kept whimpering this one name. What was it again? Damn, I thought I remembered." Alex gulped, having an idea of who it probably was.


"Yeah! That's it! I would know who he is if you or Mya even bothered to come to our brunch meetings anymore but you don't call!" Alex smiled apologetically at her and promised they would drive over to Phoenix soon. "But seriously, who's this Jason guy? Is he the father of your baby?"
"You know what? When we're done with cleaning this room and we get a moment to ourselves, I'll explain the whole thing to you."

"It wouldn't happen to be the same Jason who's the best man for Mya's wedding would it? Chris' brother?" Alex bowed her head and began picking up bottles of alcohol. "GIRL! You mean to tell me that that fine ass man is the father?!"

"I didn't say that-."

"It was all over your face when I asked you before!" She gasped. "You do know he's staying in the room directly underneath us right?" Olivia saw the shocked expression on her face and began to worry about the situation.

"Last night was amazing! Don't you think?!" Asked Alexis, making Alex sigh in relief and walk away from Olivia.

Alex made her way into the bathroom and gulped. She had completely forgotten that they would be staying at the same hotel. In all fairness, it was his brothers' wedding so she should have expected him to be there. Suddenly remembering that her four months were up, she began to get nervous.

"Knock knock." She turned towards the person who had just walked in and smiled when she saw that it was Alexis. "You alright in here?"

"Just about drowning in these nerves."

"Nerves for what? Getting up there or about seeing Jason again?" Alex looked away.

"To be honest, it's probably both."

"What are you gonna say to him?"

She bit her lip. "If you asked me this a month ago, I would've said that my reply would be 'I can't be with you, its better for me.' But now? I don't even know. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. That and the fact that I feel horrible for messing with his emotions like I have been."

"Oh, you mean sleeping with Jonathan?"

Alex's mouth popped open. "How did you-?"

"I find out everything." Alexis patted her on the shoulder and picked up some litter. "I don't envy you." The two sisters walked out of the bathroom and saw the other 5 women awake and cleaning.

For the next 10 minutes they worked, chatting and giggling away. The loud knock at the door made them all abruptly stop. "I'll get it!" Yelled Olivia, jogging to the door. She looked through the peephole and her eyes widened when she saw beautiful jade eyes staring back at her. She rotated back to the women and stared directly at Alex. "It's Jason." She mouthed. Everybody else minus Alexis and Alex got excited and yelled at her to open the door, even going as far as to fix up their hair and give themselves cleavage to impress him.

Alex's eyes darted around the room trying to look for a quick escape until Alexis pushed her into the bathroom. When Olivia saw that Alex was gone, she opened the door. "Jason, hi. Anything I can, uh, help you with?"

Jason had arrived in his hotel room way earlier than the rest of the boys. He flew back to Chicago around midday and spent the rest of the day with Chris and all the other grooms men. He organised the whole thing for Chris and he didn't enjoy himself one bit. So whilst everyone else minus Chris were lapping up all the naked women at the club and devouring the drinks, Jason decided to slip out and head back to the hotel, hoping that he would catch Alex. Unfortunately he hadn't and decided to go to bed early, the only thoughts racing through his mind were that Alex could be doing anything with random men at that moment. Sleep didn't come to him that night so he had to instead listen to Mya and Chris' cries of passion from the room next door.

His mind was plagued with questions that he could ask her when he finally saw her but his need for answers didn't outweigh his need to hold her again.

So the next morning, he decided to venture upstairs to try and see her again, even though he had no clue what he would say as an excuse. After knocking, the first thing he heard were the excited squeals of women inside. Finally the door opened and he frowned because it wasn't who he wanted to see. "Jason, hi. Anything I can, uh, help you with?" Olivia offered, her smile slowly spreading across her face.

"I don't mind helping you with anything, boo!" Antoinette purred, gaining lots of laughs from the women.

Jason noticed Alexis rush out of the bathroom but said nothing. "Um, I just came to remind you ladies that bridesmaids and maid of honours are expected to be down at 4pm to be ready for their 5pm entrance."

Olivia narrowed her eyes at him, seeing through the act. "Anything else you need, baby?!" Yelled out another one of the women, suddenly appearing at the door. Jason bit his tongue and shook his head no.

"No, thank you ladies. Have a good day and I'll see you at the wedding." He briefly smiled before turning on his heel to leave. As if having second thoughts, he turned back around before opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something. Deciding against it, he shut it again.


"It's uh, it's nothing. Thanks again." He backed away from the door and slid his hands in his pockets.

"Jason?" He turned his head to see Alexis now at the door. "Alex isn't here." He gave her a sheepish look before nodding. "And about what I said before you left for Barbados-."

"Don't worry about it, Alexis." They shared a smile before he walked away.

Alexis waited until his footsteps faded. "Alex, he's gone!" Alexis yelled, waiting for her twin to step out.

"Alex, why were you hiding?" Asked Antoinette.

Just as Alex was about to answer, Mya pushed through the door and suddenly all eyes were on her. "What?" She shrugged. "I missed my boo." All the women shook their heads and smiled as Mya floated into the room, a satisfied smile plastered on her face.

Hours later and many arguments later, the bridesmaids were ready and standing outside the doors of the church.

The double wedding would consist of one woman getting married first and then they'd swap bridesmaids and groomsmen, if needed, to prepare for the second wedding. Mya's was first.

Alex looked around at Olivia and Antoinette, Mya's colleague and saw that their faces were calm and neutral, the complete opposite to her visage. She hoped and prayed that no one could see the conflict of emotions on her face or sense her nerves. Four months since she had seen him and the simple thought that he was on the other side of the door made her heart quicken. "It's time!" The voice was faint but she heard it all the same.

It was time. Time to face Jason. Time to face her fears.

The large wooden doors opened and she realised there was no turning back now. The music began and Olivia began to move. Alex waited a few seconds before following her down the aisle, keeping her eyes trained on everywhere but the altar.

Her eyes found Jonathan's and they shared a brief smile before he turned back around in his seat. Her heartbeat matched the volume of her heels hitting the ground. She stood in her place and finally tore her gaze up to Jason's. She could feel his heated stare on her the entire walk up and finally their eyes locked.

Damn, he looked good.

His skin looked slightly tanned, probably a further indication of where he'd been for the past four months. His full sensual lips looked fuller than usual but she didn't miss the faint shadows beneath his eyes and the dullness of his skin. Her core started to throb as her eyes roamed him further. Memories of their passionate nights filled her mind and goose bumps rose on her bare mocha arms.

She watched his tongue snake out to lick his full bottom lip and her breathing shallowed. She had to break the stare quick. Thankfully, the music changed and Mya began to walk in, serving as a great excuse to look away.

Jason's vision however, didn't waver. His eyes narrowed as he took her fully in. He had watched her walk in and resisted the urge to run up the aisle and whisk her away to lock her up in his suite. She avoided his stare but that didn't bother him, what did bother him was the little smile she had given that prick Jonathan. That had made the muscles in his jaw tick.

When she got close and took her place, finally looking him in the eyes, his shaft jumped beneath the zipper of his slacks. He had missed seeing those vulnerable cinnamon orbs. His mind flashed with images of her pinned underneath him, writhing in pleasure, her eyes never breaking his intense gaze. His mouth suddenly feeling dry, he licked it before watching the expression on her face quickly change into one of lust before changing back.

As Mya walked in, everybody's gaze turned to her but Jason kept looking at Alex. Something was off. He noticed her breasts had grown quite rounder and fuller, her shape had slightly filled out. Not that he was complaining. Until he remembered that she had had a fling with Jonathan, which meant that he had enjoyed those curves as opposed to him. He clenched his jaw tighter as the service began.

He watched as Alex's hands rested on her belly, an act that seemed so natural that it finally dawned on Jason. His eyes widened and his brows furrowed.

"You're pregnant." He said, more of a statement than a question. The reverend stopped speaking and the entire church turned to him. Alex looked caught and stammered over her words. "My God, you're pregnant aren't you?" She avoided his stare. "Alex."

"NO! Jason, Alex, you can talk this shit out later! Today is my day and you will not disrupt it! Reverend Richards, please continue." Mya commanded, making Alex sigh in relief.

Jason watched her for a second more before looking away, deciding that it could wait until the reception.

Alex had to suffer for another hour as it was her mothers' turn to get married. Both her and Alexis were happy that Adele was finally marring Gerry. Gerry had been patiently waiting for their mother to be ready and finally she had accepted.

The service was beautiful and not as long as expected. It brought a tear to her eye watching the genuine smile of happiness on her mothers' face when the ring was placed on her finger. She couldn't wait until she had that moment. As the thought appeared in her head, her head tilted towards Jason whose eyes were still trained on her. She had turned away and sighed, her hand absently rubbing her belly.

"Dance with me, honey!" Mya grabbed Alex's hand and pulled her onto the dance floor once the reception was in full swing. Alex giggled as they danced to Candy.

"Congratulations, Mya. You're married!"

"And you're pregnant!" Alex blushed as they continued to dance. "So what are you going to do about Jason?"

Alex sighed. "End it. And besides, I'm sure he hates me. I would hate me."

"He doesn't hate you! Girl, you should know he could never hate you!" Mya reassured her, the girls turning in time to the music.

"I don't know..." Just as Mya was about to reply, Jonathan stepped towards the women and asked if he could cut in. Mya didn't offer him a smile but nodded. "Sure, I have a husband to see! Gah, that sounds so weird but I love it!"

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