Chapter Twenty Six

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Two months.

It had been two months since he had last held her. Two months since he had last touched her and two months since he had last heard her voice.

He had tried his hardest to stay away from her just to give her the space and time she needed to sort through her feelings but it was hard. Within the last two months, he had seen her twice and both times she hadn't noticed him and she was with Jonathan.

He yearned for her touch. He missed the hypnotic vanilla and strawberries scent that drove him wild.

Many times he found himself wondering whether giving her space and three months was crazy. Was he pushing her right into the arms of another man? Each time the thought came, he would shake his head and conclude that he was making the right decision. If she did love him as much as she said then she would come back. She would realise how much of a cowardice she was being and come back to him for them to spend the rest of their lives together. He wanted her to experience what life would be like without him.

Jason chuckled bitterly as he downed the glass and placed the childhood photo of him and his father to the side. If only his father could see him now. No longer was he a party hard playboy. He was steering the family company in the right direction and had fallen in love. What a coincidence that he was in love with the woman whose father had ran off with his mother.

For a split second he wondered where his mother was until he realised he didn't care. In his mind Teresa Jones was a woman who had sucked it up for 15 years before leaving and ruining two happy homes.

LeRoy Arden had plenty more women after that but Jason knew he never loved any of them as much as he loved Teresa. It was sad. His father died loving a woman that didn't love him anymore. Jason didn't want history to repeat itself and that's what he feared would happen if Alex didn't come to her senses.

It frustrated him that she was willing to end their relationship as opposed to facing her fears and overcoming them together. Jason was scared. That's why it took so long for him to say I love you. When he had confessed to not saying it yet to his family back in Barbados, they had all cursed him out for confusing Alex's feelings.

"The poor girl thinks yuh don't love her! Of course she's running away after witnessing that stupidity! If you had told her you loved her she wouldn't have questioned what she had seen and she would have believed you! But no, not yuh! You still holding heavy onto the pain your mother put you through huh? Now yuh can't even say I love you nuh, even when it matters the most. When yuh bout to lose a very special woman!" His grandmother had ranted, as everyone agreed and nodded their heads. But either way they didn't understand.

Every time he would say that to a woman, she would end up leaving him. First his mother, then Zara and now Alex. The only difference was that he was ready to fight for Alex. If he had to, when those three months were up, he would tie her to a chair and make her understand that he was not going to let her go ...Ever. Even if he had to have his wicked way with her to get her to see.

A low groan escaped his throat at the thought. Two whole months. That was the longest he had ever gone without. Ever. Sure wherever he had gone women would try it on him but he would decline each and every time. The one consistent woman who had gotten on his nerves the most was Harley. Since the first time they had met, she was constantly trying to seduce him. She had gotten close one time around a month ago after Jason had spotted Alex and Jonathan leaving the McKinley&Co building laughing together. They hadn't spotted him but he damn sure spotted them.

"What's on your mind Jason?" She had cooed, her olive toned manicured hand sliding down the shoulder of his navy tailored suit and travelling lower. "Anything that I can help with?" Jason, getting lost in the sensation, allowed her hand to roam. "I can help you with anything, you know that right?" But the moment her hand touched his length, he grasped it tightly.

"Thank you for the offer but no. Now can we get back to the work please?" She huffed and returned to her seat as they got back to scheduling the grand opening of the restaurant in Barbados.

That was a month ago and the opening had been a week ago. Everyone had come out to see, to eat and to experience. At first, it was filled with family but then the tourists began to pour in. Travis, Vivienne, Violet, her husband, Regina and her family, Chris and Mya had all flown out to help celebrate with Jason. Jason remembered grinning hopefully when he saw Mya, hoping that it meant that Alex was coming as well but that didn't happen. Mya had smiled apologetically and told him she wanted to come but it wasn't the best option.

In understanding, he had nodded but that still hadn't stopped how much it hurt knowing that she wasn't there to support him. So after the opening, he decided to stay in Barbados for the remainder of time until he went to get Alex back. Nobody knew he was staying here except for Mya and Chris who would call him regularly to update him on their upcoming nuptials. Not wanting to waste anymore time, they decided to move the date to 2 months away because they wanted it to be in time for Mya's 30th. Hopefully by that time everything would be alright with Alex again and there would possibly be a double wedding on the cards. Jason frowned as he remembered what Mya had told him about Alex and Jonathan. According to Mya, Alex had started a similar deal with Jonathan just like the one that brought he and Alex together again. It angered him but Mya had reassured him that it was because last time that was how she dealt with a broken heart and now she hoped that it would help again. No matter the explanation, it still hurt and annoyed him.

Jason was brought out of his thoughts when his eyes fell upon the letter. Mya had brought him that letter saying that it was from Alex but he still hadn't opened it. For fear of what the contents would be. Placing his glass aside, he reached for it, making all the photos on his lap drop to the floor. He stared at the envelope that had 'Jason' written on it for a full minute before taking the paper out. Her beautiful script writing filled the page and he started from the beginning.


Congratulations on the opening of the restaurant, I hope it was successful. I wish I was there with you on this special occasion but I resoluted that it wouldn't be the best idea for me... For us. I told you I needed time and me seeing you again wouldn't help. I do miss you. Even if you don't want to believe me, I do. And I'm still trying to get over you ... Unsuccessfully. Thank you for staying away, I appreciate you doing so. I remembered something that you said to me some time back. You said something along the lines of how I used to be face problems head on in high school but now I'm running away from them. I guess you're right.

But I need to ask you for a favour. I need more time. Certain things have changed, circumstances have changed and new things are now involved. I just need a month more to really get my mind right.

Say hi to your family for me.


Jason was seething. Another month? Two more months of this empty feeling? 'New things'? He knew damn well that that meant new people and that meant Jonathan. How stupid could she get? He loved the woman but damn! Jonathan had cheated on her with her own sister! Jason knew his track record wasn't exactly the best but Jonathan went with her sister! How could she not see that in no way was Jonathan the best option? Maybe he was the safer option because they had a past but in no way, shape or form was he the best option.

Jason stood and walked over to the mirror. For the first time ever in his life he was starting to doubt himself. Why the hell would she rather be with Jonathan?

6"2, athletic build but not like a basketball player. More like a football player. Broad shoulders, wide muscular back, bow legs and strong hands and feet. He rubbed the top of his head and glanced at the visage that stared back at him. Stubble was all around his face as he had been neglecting it, his usually glowing brown skin looked dull and his eyes didn't have the same glint they usually had.

He groaned and downed the rest of his drink, enjoying the bitter taste it left in his mouth and the burning he felt in his throat.

Two more months. Fine, he would wait that long. He didn't want to but he would have to.

For Alex the past two months had been... Interesting to say the least. The first month was the hardest. She found herself craving Jason's arms around her, missing his deep baritone laugh and just damn right needing him.

Her and Jonathan had grown quite close again over the time and she had made the stupidest decision of her life by agreeing to sleep with him. She wasn't thinking straight when it happened but it managed to serve as a great distraction from thinking about Jason. It had all started when she had asked Jonathan to assist her in unzipping her suit skirt after it had jammed. He complimented her choice in undergarments and even though she not only heard him but felt him, she decided to ignore him.

Jonathan didn't take the hint and he continued touching her. Had this happened months earlier, old memories probably would have flooded her senses and made her indulge in what he was doing. But she had moved on from him. Her reason now for allowing the two of them to sleep together was simply to try and get over Jason.

In the same way that she had used Jason in the beginning to get over Jonathan.

That one time at her house turned into many and before she knew it, she and Jonathan were caught up in an affair. Nobody approved of it, everybody said that she was simply stringing Jonathan along but she wasn't. She didn't want to stop their arrangement so she didn't talk about the explicits of 'what they were' and whether they were 'back together'. Although Jonathan would be the safer and easier option, there was no way she was getting back with him after what had happened with Alexis.

Mya was the only one who said nothing as she watched the mess that was occuring. In her words, she was going to 'sit back and let Alex learn from her dumb ass mistakes because obviously she wouldn't take anything that Mya said into account'. So she didn't tell Alex where Jason was and she didn't comment on Alex being with Jonathan. There was only one topic that Mya couldn't bite her tongue on however.

"What are you going to do about the baby?"

"What do you mean 'what am I gonna do?'? I'm obviously keeping it."

"Are you gonna let Jason be involved in his childs' life?"

"Of course I am! If the baby is even his. You know there's a small chance of it being Jonathan's?" Mya gave her a skeptical look and frowned.

"Bitch please. You and I both know very well that that baby belongs to Jason." Alex said nothing as they continued to eat. Mya had surprised Alex  at the office and offered to buy her dinner. Feeling extremely hungry, Alex accepted. "Are you gonna tell him any time soon or are you going to wait until these three months are over?"



"You said three months. I told him that I needed another month to be certain."

Mya rolled her eyes. "To be certain of what? That you've been absolutely crazy and stupid?"


"That you're an idiot?"


"To be certain that he's the best thing for you and you're pushing him away?" Alex sighed and shook her head, deciding to drop the subject.

"You wouldn't understand."

"You know what? No, I don't understand. Alex I've been watching quietly for the past two months as you acted a damn fool and confused two men." Mya harshly whispered, not wanting anyone listening in on their conversation. "One cheated on you with your sister for Gods' sake and now you're sleeping with him again? Jason loves you, you love him! What are you doing with your life?" Alex bowed her head in shame, realising that her friend was right. "I don't understand! Help me as your friend and as your sister, help me understand what's going through your head because right now I'm not too sure! Jason's lost, confused and hurt. He was really looking forward to seeing you on the opening but you didn't show up. Why? Because you're a coward. Honestly girl, I think this is single-handedly the stupidest thing you have done. If Jason wasn't involved, I would high five you for getting revenge on Jonathan but I don't- I don't..." She sighed and threw her napkin on top of her half eaten food. "You know what? This is your mess, I don't know why I'm trippin' to be honest."

"Mya, I understand what you're-."

"Suddenly I've lost my appetite. Let me get back to work." She threw a few bills on the table and with a frown firmly planted on her face she put her jacket back on to try and survive the harsh February weather.

"No wait, Mya-."

"I'll talk to you later." Alex watched as her best friend walked out of the restaurant without a backward glance.

She placed her elbows on the table and held her head in her hands. Was she really being that much of a coward?

2 weeks later, Alex had finally finished up on her current project and the only thing she wanted desperately was to eat, shower and sleep. The pregnancy only made her hornier and hungrier for food but the only thing she was craving at that moment was Jason. She leaned against the back of the elevator and sighed deeply. Just a month and a few weeks left before she would face him again.

How would she break it to him that although it was the hardest thing to do, she couldn't change her mind?

Alexandra shook her head as she walked towards her apartment. Mya had started talking to her again but Alex resolved that it was because she needed someone to help plan her wedding, which was happening in two months. "Alex, are you still there?!" Only now did she remember that Mya was on the phone. She had zoned out as soon as she entered her building, Mya's voice fading out. "Did you hear me tell you about how I want you and Olivia to wear the same dresses?"

"But I thought I was the Maid of Honour and she was the bridesmaid?" Alex asked, her key still in the lock. Olivia was Mya's cousin who lived in Phoenix.

"Well, I love you both equally so I want you to wear the same stuff." Alex rolled her eyes and stepped inside her home, her eyes widening at what she saw.

"Mya let me call you back." She hung up and stood still, not sure where to stand for fear that she'd be burned by one of the hundred candles that had been neatly placed in her hallway.

Her heart raced as she thought about who it could be. Jason. What would she do if it was him? As she heard heavy footsteps she braced herself for his warm, caramel face but was shocked when she saw Jonathan instead. "J-Jonathan? What's all- how did you get in?"

"I still have a key to this apartment. Alex,"

"Jonathan what is all of this?" He approached her, walking through the parted candles that led towards her. "I thought you were coming over tomorrow night?"

He nodded and placed his hands on his shoulders. "I know but we need to talk." Alex's eyebrows creased in confusion. What kind of talk would he need to have? There was nothing to talk about. They had sex regularly, unfortunately worked together and that was it.

"Talk? Ab-About what?" Alex anticipated his answer but the moment he dropped down to one knee, her mouth dropped. "Shit." She cursed, the word just tumbling out of her mouth.

What the hell was he thinking?

"These last two months have been amazing, Alex. I've rediscovered all the reasons why I fell in love with you," THROUGH HAVING SEX? Her mind yelled, but she stared at him blankly, letting him finish. "We belong together. You and I both know that and I also know your little secret." He reached up and gently palmed her belly, making her gasp. "With this baby, we can be the family that we always dreamed about being."


"We can raise this baby in a house filled with love."


"I'll be the best man I can possibly be for you. I will protect you."


"Never let anybody harm you. Make sure you get all that you want plus more."


"We are amazing together. We have a secure future together. Don't you want that life? The whole 'big house with a white picket fence, a dog and three kids' life?"

She gulped as she realised only one name kept ringing in her head throughout his entire speech. Was Jonathan was the better option for her? She wanted a relationship where her heart would be safe and even though he had broken it previously, she knew she could protect herself against him. Jonathan wasn't Jason. Whether that was a good thing or bad thing, she didn't know.


"I know I messed up before and I apologise but I promise it will never happen again. Alexandra Amelia Armstrong, will you marry me?"

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