Chapter Six

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Mya reached for her nearest drink and gulped it down just for the need of something to do. The air was thick. You could cut the tension with a knife. "So..."
"So what do you do for a living now, Alex?" Jason asked, hoping to lighten the mood even though he knew exactly what she did. He had to say, he was thoroughly impressed when he saw she was junior executive partner at her advertising firm. The glare she gave him when she turned around could've melted ice.
"Don't call me that." He smirked.
"Is that not your name?" She rotated in her chair to fully face him and made sure their eyes were level. It must've been because of her age and how she'd matured but now when she looked at him up close, she didn't get as lost in his eyes as she used to when she was younger.
"What, you're not gonna call me 'Flatty Ally'?" Mya couldn't contain the peals of laughter that flew out of her lips.
"He called you Flatty Ally?" She raised her hand. "High five me, Jay. That's a good one." Mya knew about how much her friend lacked in curves when they first met, but she was also there when Alex grew into her body, inheriting an ass that was bigger than hers and breasts that fit her body shape. She slowly dropped her hand and seized her laughter when she saw that the two of them were engaged in an intense staring match.
It was only then that Jason noticed the flicker of pain in her eyes when she spoke the nickname. He needed to diffuse the serious situation quickly. "Well I can't exactly call you that now, can I?" He said with a wink that made her roll her eyes and scoff.
"You're an ass." She stood and grabbed her purse. "Thanks for trying, Mya but I'm just gonna go." She kissed Mya's cheek and rolled her eyes again at Jason before leaving.
After a few seconds, Jason stood up and began to follow her. "Where are you going?" Mya asked. She was alarmed by the look on Jason's face.
"Forget our deal, I think seducing Little Miss Armstrong will be a fun challenge that I'm not missing out on." He stated, keeping a close eye on her as she made her way down the glass stairs.
"Look, I'm not even sure now. Besides, this fine ass brother approached her earlier so she might just take him up on his offer." Mya quipped, watching Jason for any facial changes. She wasn't surprised when his head shot back to her.
"The hell she will." He murmured as he left, trying to catch up with her.
Alex pushed and weaved through the crowd, wanting to be as far away from Jason Arden as she could. Whilst walking, she felt someone snake their hand around her arm and she turned around to see a dirty looking brother grinning slyly down at her. She wanted to vomit. He reeked. "Say baby, why don't you give me a dance?" When he spoke, Alex had to hold her breath and turn her head. Not wanting to say anything else to him, she ripped her arm away and continued to head to the exit. Not a second later, he reached for her arm again. "You're looking mighty fine, I must say. Let me introduce myself."
"Look, I'm gonna be polite with it. I don't want to dance with you. Now leave me alone." She didn't wait for an answer and pushed him away as she turned back around headed for the door. The third time, she felt his arm on hers, she felt him drag her back onto the dance floor. "I thought I told you-."
"Dance with me." She looked up at the owner of the voice and gritted her teeth when she saw it was Jason. "Weren't expecting me?" She stayed quiet, deciding that not saying anything would be the best way so as not to cause a scene. She'd grown out of her high school days and had decided she didn't want to be the kind of woman known for being loud. "Oh, so you ain’t talkin'?" He slid his arms around her and let them rest slightly above her behind. She glared at him and opened her mouth to cuss him out. "Sorry, my bad." He raised his hands higher and pushed her body flush against his. With one hand he softly tilted her chin up. "I know you hate me but just hear me out, okay? And don't hurt my feelings, at least dance with me." She narrowed her eyes even further and placed her arms around his neck.
"Talk." His emerald gaze returned onto her and she looked away. "I appreciate Mya's efforts but I'm not sleeping with you, Jason. You gave me hell. You and I hate each other"
"Haven't you ever heard that hate-sex is the best kind there is?" Despite herself, she cracked a small smile. She couldn't lie; he had a good point there. "Well, I'll be damned, I got you to smile!" She tilted her head back up to him. Suddenly, the sounds of ‘Soul Sista’ by Bilal were being played as everyone started to slow dance. "Damn, I love this song." She wanted to tell him that she did too, because Bilal was one of her favourite artists, but it was already weird with the two of them dancing, they didn't need to start having anything in common so she just nodded. "I mean, will it be that bad? Sleeping with me? It is just one time." He bent his head slightly and lightly flicked her ear lobe with his tongue, smirking when she slightly shivered and tried to play it off.
She closed her eyes, trying to push away the heat and the sudden pull she felt at his tongue snaking out to touch her. She couldn't lie at this point. Her attraction to him was still there. But now, she knew that it wasn't just an attraction because of his looks. This- Whatever she felt right now was pure sexual attraction. "It's... Just sex, right? One night?"
"I'll rock your damn world and have you asking Jona-who?" She could feel her resistance slipping out of her hands the more Jason's breath came into contact with her skin. He leaned further down and placed a sensual kiss on her shoulder. "Just once." He kissed her again, going higher. "Let yourself go." He reached the base of her neck and swirled his tongue there, making Alex's breath shallow and her head tilt back. Jason smirked. The art of seduction was easy. Even for a woman like Alexandra.
Almost as quick as his thought had came, her head came back up and she stepped away from him, placing distance between them. "Oh, you're good. You're real good." She chuckled and turned to leave, deciding to say one last thing before she left. "You nearly had me with that neck kiss too! Yeah, you're good."
"Alex, wait." He caught up to her and handed her a business card he'd dug out of his pants pocket. "In case you change your mind." She looked down at his hand, took the card and walked away, a grin making its way onto her face.
Jason looked around the club, and finally made eye contact with Mya, who had been watching the entire exchange. She gave him a thumb up sign that he sarcastically returned. Maybe seducing Alexandra would take a lot more work. It made sense. After all, he'd teased her for four full years; he didn't expect her to have been crawling into his bed tonight. "Excuse me." He heard a velvety voice beside him and turned around to face a leggy woman with perfect butterscotch skin, a neat blonde, wavy weave and a cute smile. "You're looking pretty lonely over here."
Well, it was Alex's loss and this cute girls' gain. "I do? Why don't you keep me company?" He flashed his dimpled smile and she immediately walked over to him, grabbing his hand and leading him out. Just like that. Yeah, he definitely had to rethink his strategy for Alex. He wasn't worried though. She had his card so he expected a call within a week. It would've been 5 days, but he knew because of their past she'd be stubborn. But then again, he'd given her a neck kiss.
He gave her three days tops.

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