Chapter Fifteen

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Alex burst through Jason's door when he opened it for her 20 minutes later. "Oh, hey- no, just come in, I don't need a hi or anything." He said sarcastically, walking into the living room and around the sofa before literally throwing himself at the space beside her. "Hi, Flatty." He only said this, hoping that he'd get a remark out of her but she continued to stare out in space. "Alex, where's your head at?" He softly asked, gently taking her chin and turning it towards him.

Alex didn't know whether to tell him. She didn't understand why she shouldn't tell him, it wasn't an important matter to him. But then why had his face flashed into her mind as Jonathan and her kissed? Was it because she was comparing their technique? Or how passionate kissers they were? But it all came spilling out before she could stop it. "I kissed Jonathan. Well, Jonathan kissed me, but I responded." He froze completely and she felt his fingers stiffen. "That's not even the weirdest thing. Whilst I was kissing him, your face came into my mind and as soon as it did, I ran out of there." He felt his heart flutter as she whispered the last part.

"Because of me?" She nodded frantically and a wide genuine smile was plastered all over his face. "Aww, don't make me blush, Alex." He slid his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah because of you. And I don't even understand why. It was seriously so weird, I felt as if I was cheating on you or something." She shook her head and snuggled into his side. He inhaled and shut his eyes in pure ecstasy. There he goes again. Once again the enchanting smell of vanilla and strawberry had him feeling hypnotized. "Am I a bad person?"

"What? No. Hell no, you're not a bad person. Stubborn and rude at times, maybe but-." She pinched him. "I'm sorry. Why? What makes you think that?" She shifted a bit more until her legs were swung around the arm of the chair and her head was resting on Jason's lap. "I hate to kill the sentimental mood and all, but the position you're in right now is perfect for-."

"JASON!" She scolded, attempting to sit up. He pulled her back down towards him and encircled his arms around her torso. "I'm saying it because well, that must make me as bad as Alexis, right? I kissed my sister's boyfriend... Which is the same thing that she did." She pouted as she started lightly tracing shapes on Jason's arm.

"You're not like Alexis. Don't ever compare yourself to her because you two are just different. Even back at Jefferson, you two were so different. She was popular, hot, eccentric, bubbly- OW!" She pinched him again and tilted her head to send him an annoyed look. "Was I finished? Damn. As I was saying, she was all those things and then some but you were smart, a good friend, really feisty and you weren't a coward. It still amazes me just how different y'all are."

"And we were really close too." She whispered as her gaze lowered. By now, she'd shifted again so that her head was resting on his chest as she lay across the sofa. She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.

"I'm genuinely sorry about what happened at prom, Alex. Looking back now, it was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. I didn't think that it would cause such a huge rip between you guys." She placed a finger on his full lips.

"I thought we buried our hatred for each other." He removed it and entwined their fingers together, noticing how different his masculine hand was to her petite and delicate one.

"We did but I just really feel bad about it." Before he could apologize any more, she pushed forward and kissed him.

She hated to admit it, but she was slowly becoming addicted to the sinful drug that was Jason Arden. Everything about him just pulled her in. From the way he puts his all into their kisses, to how he was able to make an entire room go silent as soon as he walked in. Every time he smiled, she felt a tingle in her stomach. She felt as if a hundred butterflies were in there. And his voice... His voice could make her lose track of every single thing she'd been doing prior to hearing it. With one single touch, he could make shivers race down her spine. She hadn't felt this way since... Well, ever. The feelings she experienced with Jason were so much more than what she had ever felt with Jonathan in the 5 years she'd been with him and Jason had only come back into her life two weeks ago. She started to wonder whether it was just his body that had her feeling so amazing but after the last week, she knew it couldn't be true. His face wasn't the only thing that was beautiful. Although, they had separate views on politics, the way he talked about the things he was passionate about would inspire anyone. In high school, Jason wasn't always the sharpest tool in the box but Alex could see now that he must have worked hard at college because he really knew a lot. And he could hold an amazing conversation?

Oh, and did she mention that the sex was off the charts? It was earth shattering amazing. Like 'forget your own name and birthday' amazing.

He was perfect marriage material. But thinking about it now, he and Alex would probably always argue. Their personalities would clash. Where Jason liked to take risks, Alex preferred to stay on the safe side. Both were hard-headed and stubborn which was the perfect equation to arguing. She was actually amazed that they hadn't argued yet. Then there was the fact that he wasn't the biggest fan of commitment. She would never tell him but it really bothered her yesterday when he had another girl over but she already knew what Jason was like, so in a way she should've expected her to not be the only one he was sleeping with. But then she'd been extremely happy when he called back for her to come over. It obviously meant that he'd decided she was much better company.

They finally pulled apart and he smirked as she softly stroked his face. "Jonathan has nothing on me when it comes to kissing." She laughed and he couldn't help but grin.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "Did you and Alexis ever have sex?"

She squealed as he flipped them over. "I see where you're going with this and don't worry, you are much better than her." 'Probably the best I've ever had' he wanted to add, but decided against it. "In fact, let me show you how much better you are than her." He tugged her emerald green ruffled shirt out of her pants and pushed it up. He dipped his head and swirled his tongue around her navel, chuckling against her skin when she moaned. The moment he blew on her skin, she arched up and off the sofa at the sinful contrast of his hot tongue and then his cool breath.



She scooted backwards and adjusted her shirt. "Yes wait. You said that this would also be about business so before we do any of this other stuff, let's talk business." He rolled his eyes but began anyways.

"I want to open another restaurant in Barbados. It doesn't feel right that even though that's where it all began, the company has nothing there. Actually, I say I want to open it, but it's already happening as we speak. The branch is being opened within two months but I-."

"Need to advertise it. Well, let me tell you now, you've come to the right person. Do you currently have any ideas on what you want so that I can get the best team on this project?" He nodded and went upstairs to retrieve his folders on the Bajan restaurant. By the time he went downstairs, Alex had tied her hair, had paper strewn across the table and she was writing away.

"I really want this one to do better than the rest so I want to make sure that we include the fact that there's now a bar available, which is away from the restaurant." She wrote down everything he said and they continued to work like this for the next couple of hours; Jason talking and Alex writing, adding her own opinion sometimes.

With a huge sigh, she placed her pen down and stretched. "I'll have to go in and get the contract tomorrow but welcome to McKinley&Co."

"This should be fun." He said and she turned towards him, a confused expression on her face. His hand trailed down her body until it lay on her thigh. "Late nights in the office with nobody around..." His fingers crawled higher. "Just you and me."

"Where are you going?"

He paused. "What?"

"On the phone you said you were making flight reservations."

"Oh, we are going to Barbados for Thanksgiving." She sprang up.

"Did you say we?"

He followed her up. "Yes. We. As in you and I. Me and you. Jason and Alex." She shook her head repeatedly.

"That's why you wanted me to- Aha, oh no. I'm sorry, Jason but I'm not going to Barbados with you." She chuckled as he neared her.

"Its just for six days, Flatty, stop overreacting." he pulled her towards him and she sighed. "Don't tell me you'd rather be in this shitty weather than in the warmth of Barbados?" she bit her lip and he could feel her resolve weakening. "If the idea of going on holiday with me bothers you so much, we can make this a business thing, that way your firm will understand. You can come down and see the site."

"I guess..."

"Besides, technically you work for me now so you have to do what I say. And I say you come with me."

"Technically, dumbass, I work with you." he rolled his eyes at her. "I don't know. I'd feel bad leaving Mya, Chris and everybody else who's flying out."

"Six days, Alex. Six days to just step away from all the drama. Six days to let loose and four days where I am able to have you to myself the entire time." she playfully slapped his shoulder.

"Is sex always on your mind?" he reached down and squeezed her butt.

"Yeah. So... are you coming with me? We leave next Tuesday."

She stayed quiet for a moment before wrapping her arms around his neck and jumping into his arms. "Why the hell not? I'm coming." He spun her around in glee, excited and thrilled that she had agreed. "Now what were you saying earlier about showing me how much better than Alexis I am?" she purred seductively and he didn't waste anytime running up the stairs.

Tuesday couldn't have came any quicker. At work, Alex avoided Jonathan like the plague, knowing that he'd bring up the kiss which was something she just wanted to forget about. When she'd told Mya about the kiss, Mya had started throwing every single cuss she knew at Jonathan as Alex laughed. "So when are you gonna be back?"

"Like I told you, girl, by Monday we'll be back." Alex said as she did her last minute packing. Jason was going to come pick her up before they made their way to the airport.

"I still can't believe you're leaving me for Jason." she sniffed and Alex couldn't help but laugh. "I'm just playing, but enjoy yourself, you need this, Lexi."

"Thanks Mya. Imagine if Jason takes us to Barbados by private jet!"

Mya started giggling. "Girl please!"

"I know... wishful thinking."

"Their family private jet is with their cousin in London right now." Alex's face dropped. She didn't really think they owned a private jet. "I gotta go. Have fun and I love you!" She hung up the phone and Alex shook her head as she zipped up her bag, ready to go.

Jason descended the stairs and checked that he had everything. Once he was satisfied, he turned off all his appliances and left a note for Raymond, who was going to look after his house whilst he was gone. He couldn't wait to get to Barbados. Six whole uninterrupted days with Alex. He hoped she wouldn't mind when he told her that most of his family lived down there and were awaiting his arrival.

Knock- Knock.

"Must be Raymond." he whispered as he jogged to the door. When he opened it, his face twisted in confusion. "Alexis?"

"Hey Jase, can I come in?"

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