Chapter Twelve

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Mya found Alex sitting on the steps outside of the house. "Thank God you're here, here I was thinking that you were seriously getting some ice and I would have to follow your ass. I love exercise but in this heat?" She sat next to her and sighed. "You alright?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, I just needed a little bit of time to... Cool off, I guess. I really was about to choke her."

"Your sister can do that to people." They shared a laugh before Mya put a hand on Alex's knee. "I know you're angry but you need to stop letting it show. That's when Alexis feels she has the upper hand."

"I try, Mya. Lord knows I do, but she just gets on my nerves. How dare she try to say it's my fault? She knows about how even in my relationship with Jonathan, I was worried I kept doing things wrong. With my high school boyfriend, I was always worrying that he'd go to someone else because of my faults. I don't see WHY she tried to blame me when she was the one who couldn't keep her legs closed for a hot second." Mya nodded in agreement before looking out onto the neighborhood. There were kids playing outside without a care in the world making the most out of life. It put a warm smile on her face. "You want kids someday?" Alex asked following her friends' gaze.

"Hell yes. I'm turning thirty in 2 months and I'm still yet to be married or a mother."

"Does Chris want kids?" Mya shook her head no. "Does he want to be married?" Again Mya shook her head.

"He says we're already married and that we don't need a piece of paper to certify that and as for babies..." She shrugged. "Every time I try to bring up the subject, he makes a damn excuse and we don't end up talking about it."

"Well then force him to talk about it. You're right, our biological clocks are tick ticking away and we're not getting younger. Both of you have achieved great things already in your life, together and separately. I personally think marriage or a baby is definitely the next step for y'all." She thought about what Alex had said for a moment before nodding and deciding that she and Chris would talk about it whether he liked it or not. She reached out and pulled Alex into a tight hug.

"I'll definitely talk to him today. Thank you Alex, I love you girl."

"I love you too now let me go, you know you got a gorilla grip!" She joked, laughing when Mya pushed her away. "Let's go, my mom is probably actually expecting the ice." With one last look at the group of children they walked to the nearest store.

It had taken almost 6 hours for everything to be ready. Everyone had helped out from next door neighbors to the people delivering some of the food that wasn't going to get barbecued by Alex's uncle Adonis. The party was expected to begin within the next 10 minutes and some guests had began arriving. Most of the Armstrong family didn't live far so they were the first to fill up Adele's house.

"Mom you look beautiful, I'm sure Gerry's gonna love what you're wearing regardless." Alex said as she saw Adele fiddling with her eggplant coloured dress. Gerry was her mom's on and off boyfriend for the past 8 years. He had the most electric blue eyes she had ever seen and the sweetest smile a man could have. Some of their family didn't like him because he was white but most of them learned to welcome him in. Especially Alex, who'd formed a special bond with the architect. Her mother thanked her before turning and taking in her outfit.

"You look nice. Who are you dressing up for?" Her mother winked and Alex looked down at herself, fingering her flowing white tribal printed maxi dress. "Jason maybe?"

"No. Oh no, no, no, no. I just chose this because I think it looks nice." Her mother looked at her unconvinced.

"What is going on between you two? I'm curious. I mean, I saw the way he looked at you this morning and I know for a fact you two slept in your room." Alex blushed as she replied.

"Don't get excited mom, they're just friends with benefits. They just have sex and that's all." Alexis answered, suddenly appearing at the door wearing a strapless striped tube dress. Alex scoffed at her sisters' choice of wardrobe, more precisely she was shaking her head at the amount of cleavage Alexis had on show.

"Is that true?" She nodded. "Alexandra Amelia Armstrong! What is wrong with you?"

"Mom, you wouldn't get it. I was depressed about the whole Jonathan situation and we slept together. It made me feel better so we've come up with a deal ever since." Her mother simply shook her head disappointedly at her. Alex stood up and walked out, slamming her shoulder into Alexis'.

"And everybody calls me the slut." She laughed and walked away, leaving Adele wondering why her daughters couldn't get along.

Downstairs, Jason was having a conversation with a group of females. One of them was pushed up against his right arm whilst the others were hanging onto every single word he said. He finally spotted Alex and watched curiously as she stomped down the stairs followed by a grinning Alexis. He knew something had happened between them... Again.

Damn, this was partly his fault.

"Where are you look- oh, Alex. You know what I heard?" He turned his attention to the brunette woman beside him. "Her man Jonathan left her for Alexis. Ain't that some shit?" She cackled and Jason sighed as the rest continued.

"Put yourself in the man's shoes though. If you could choose between Alex or Alexis who would you choose?" They all said Alexis and Jason's eyebrows' furrowed. "I mean even though they look exactly the same, Alexis is more exciting, she's sexier, she's the life of every party. I mean, look at her now." They all turned their gaze onto Alexis who was laughing and mingling with a group of men and women, the men obviously trying to keep their eyes on her face instead of her chest.

"And then you look at Alexandra. She's smart and pretty and all but-" They turned the other way and watched as Alex catered to an elderly woman who needed a napkin. Jason frowned. What was wrong with that? She was just helping. He began to feel himself getting slightly annoyed at the ladies' comments. "So I don't really blame ol' Jonny boy for switching."

"She is a kind girl, you gotta give her that." Jason added. "And maybe she's not sexy like Alexis but she is beautiful you have to admit."

"Yeah, she a'ight." Murmured the woman beside him. The three in front of him suddenly straightened up. "She's coming this way."

"Alex! Hey, girl! Long time no see!" Jason's frown deepened at the fakeness of the women around him. Alex gave them all a genuine smile.

"April, Linda, Georgia and Faye! How are you guys?" She hugged them all and they answered her.

"I'm fine!"

"Well that's wonderful to hear, I actually came for Jason." She turned to him. "My uncle needs some help-." Jason cut her off when he scooped her into his arms and crashed his lips down onto hers, making each woman's eyes bulge out in shock. Alex responded to the kiss quickly and it soon turned into a passionate exchange of tongues. Finally, Jason pulled away and grinned.

"What were you saying, honey?" Alex gave him a questioning look. Not only questioning the public kiss but also the endearment.

"I was- my uncle needs some help with the barbecue so I came to you to--"

He kissed her again. "No problem, baby." He shook his head and kissed her again before turning to the four women. "I just can't get enough of this woman!" He swiftly slapped her ass and began to walk away. "You have nice friends, Lex." He left leaving four shocked, embarrassed women and another confused yet dazed one in his wake.

"It was nice seeing you girls." She left them with their mouths still open, wondering why Jason had suddenly kissed her.

"ALEX!" She heard what sounded like Gerry's voice and ran screaming towards him when she saw him walk in looking smart. They hugged for a while before she pulled away. "You look stunning."

"So do you! I see you're looking all handsome for my mother."

"GERRY!" Alexis yelled, shoving Alex out of the way as she hugged him. He loved them both like they were his own but he always did feel closer to Alex. She was much like him and they'd often have long conversations about the latest book he'd just read or world issues. "Mom was just looking for you, let me go get her." She disappeared up the stairs.

"Alexis does know that her dress is mighty low at the front, right?"

"Believe me, she knows."

They shared a laugh. "Where's Jonathan?" Alex sighed.

"Out back with Uncle Adonis and everybody else."

"Oh, but you two are usually joint at the hip!" He exclaimed, making Alex chuckle bitterly.

"Didn't mom tell you?" He gave her a confused look. "Jonathan and I broke up. He's with Alexis now. Actually, they were technically together way before that but hey."

Gerry gasped. "Jonathan Goodman? The same sweet young Jonathan that has been coming here for the past 5 years cheated on you with your sister?" He whispered, so that nobody else would hear, even though Alex was almost positive that everyone knew anyway. "Where is he? Him and I need to have a conversation." Alex saw the sudden rage in his eyes and moved to block his path.

"Gerry, its alright. Besides, I'm sure mom wouldn't want you ruining your silk shirt, which is very nice by the way." His face softened and he thanked her. "Now I have to go check on this cake and then make sure that the DJ has the right music for when you and mom-" Gerry grabbed her hands.

"Go, sweetie." Her lips quirked up and she began to continue her work. Every year at any Armstrong function, Alex would always end up having to handle any problems that would occur. As soon as she opened the door to the kitchen, she shut her eyes in frustration.

Once again she'd have to save the day.

"I've been wanting to ask you this all night," Uncle Adonis began, directing his question to Jonathan who was sitting down holding a beer. It was now past 12am and the handful of guests who had decided to stay for longer were either seated outside or reminiscing in the living room. "Why exactly did you fall for Alexis in the first place?" He asked just as everybody else around them nodded and murmured.

"Well, I guess it was her personali-."

"BULL SHIT!" Laughed a young light skinned guy who was also seated on the patio. "Her personality? Come on now, playa! We must not be talking bout the same Alexis." The amount of laughter and answers of agreement made him frown.

"She has a warm personality once you get to know her." The cackles got louder. "I'm serious. She can be giving, attentive and-."

"We're not talking about in the bedroom!" Everyone high fived the dark skinned brother who had just spoke.

"Watch it, that's my niece, Dwayne." Jason took a swig of his beer and everyone went silent as Mya walked up to them.

"Chris, baby, can I talk to you for a second?" He saw the troubled expression on her face and got up quickly, leading them away inside the house.

"Now she has the entire package. Chris is one lucky son of a bitch." The light skinned guy said, shaking his head in appreciation as his eyes followed her behind.

"I have to agree with you Ian. She has the body of a video vixen, she's book smart, street smart, beautiful in the face and heart and she has her own money. What more could a man want?" Asked the youngest of the group of men, Nathan.

Dwayne shrugged. "Ask Jonathan. He had all that and then some yet he traded it in for someone with only three of those six things."

Jonathan narrowed his eyes. "Which three does Alexis have?"

"Body, face and she's street smart." He sighed and decided to let go. It was a pointless battle. "Alex on the other hand, she's beautiful, she's intelligent, high position on her job and did I mention that she's beautiful?"

"You forgot her ass." All the men except for Jonathan and Adonis nodded in agreement and chuckled at Nathan's comment.

"Watch it, Nate." Adonis said, pointing his bottle threateningly at the young man. "I forgot to ask, are you and Alex together?"

Jason looked up at the question and shook his head. "Nah man, we're just..." He shrugged, not sure how to word it to her uncle.

"Friends with benefits?" Ian filled in. When he nodded, he tapped their bottles together and grinned. "Ain't nothing wrong with that."

"Jonathan, green is not your colour man!" Added Nathan when he noticed the sudden look on the man's face.

"I'm not jealous."

Jason's eyebrows rose. "You're not jealous?" He shook his head again and Jason couldn't help the chuckle that tumbled out of his mouth. "So explain to me why every time you see Alex and I near each other you get this look in your eyes?"

"I don't get a look in my eyes. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't."

Their conversation continued for another 20 minutes as Adonis and others continued to pack away. Jonathan had become suddenly quiet and wasn't talking as much as usual.

Jason leaned back and he saw Alex still moving around as if she was on a mission. The entire night he'd seen her helping around and making sure everything was perfect, not once had he seen her take a moment to just rest and have fun. She stepped out onto the patio and smiled at everyone before walking past and out towards some more guests who had occupied the dance floor.

"Damn." Dwayne breathed as his eyes stayed glued to her, burning a hole through her maxi dress. Alexis suddenly appeared from inside and greeted them all before sitting on Jonathan's lap. 'Butterflies' by Alicia Keys started playing and Jason instantly placed his beer down and left.

"Where's he going?" She asked, watching him closely and sitting up.

Uncle Adonis raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care?"

Jason walked over to Alex who was busy talking to one of the caterers and took her hand, pulling her onto the make shift dance floor. "Jason wait! I was talking to the caterer before he le-."

"You've been running around the entire day and evening; take a break."

"I will, just let me-."

"Flatty." He said firmly and she knew there was no point in arguing so she didn't resist when he pulled her in closer. "I love this song."

She laughed as he twirled her around and pulled her back in. "You said that the last time we danced together."

"Because it's true. I love Bilal, Alicia, Raphael Saadiq, Ledisi and Angie Stone. That kind of stuff."

"So do I."

Jason gasped."We have something in common!" She playfully pushed him back before placing her head on his shoulder and just swaying to the music. "You give me butterflies..." Alex looked up at him in shock. "What?"

"You sing too? Is there anything you can't friggin' do?" He laughed heartily as he tilted his head back.

"I forgot to tell you," she placed her head back on his shoulder, "you look amazing." She blinked. He was complimenting her again. She knew he didn't mean it so she thanked him and continued to dance.

"May I ask what that kiss was about earlier? I would think that the terms of our deal would prohibit such an act."

Jason let out a breath and tightened his grip on her just for the sake of having her closer. "Those women were talking about you and-."

"You stood up for me?" She stared up at him, unable to believe that he would do that for her.

"Let's not get excited, Flatty, it just pissed me off." He was quick to reassure her and he could've sworn he saw her smile falter but she quickly covered it up with an eye roll. "Unless you were planning on thanking me for it..." His voice trailed off suggestively and she broke away from his hold, taking his hand to lead them away. He winked at the guys as they passed them on their way inside and almost died of laughter when Alex pulled him into the linen closet upstairs. "A linen closet? Really?"

She pouted even though he wasn't able to see it. "Yes really. Now shut up and kiss me."

"Yes ma'am." He didn't wait to be told twice and pinned her against the first flat surface her body collided with. It took him a while to bunch her dress up all the way to her thighs. "If we're gonna keep doing this, you need to start wearing clothes that don't take so damn long to get you out of." He pushed the material higher and grinned to himself when he felt that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. He touched her most sensitive place and she arched into his hand. "You done this for me didn't you? Not wearing any panties?"

"N-no," she stuttered, "I just didn't want a visible panty line."

"I'm not even gonna waste precious time answering that." He reached down to unbutton his jeans.

She suddenly paused and stopped kissing his neck. "Did you hear that?" He shook his head and resumed his previous actions but growled in frustration when she stopped again. "Okay, I know you heard that." She slipped out from under him and walked towards the door. "Listen." They both kept quiet as they listened.

That's when Jason finally heard something. "Wait, isn't that Mya and Chris?"

"It sounds like arguing." The two raced out of the linen closet and burst into the guest bedroom to find a tired looking Chris and a tearful Mya. "Guys... What's going on?" Mya waved her off.

"It's nothing. I think I just need to sleep. Can I sleep in your room tonight, girl?" Alex, still confused at what was going on, simply nodded and stepped back for Mya to walk through.

"Is everything cool, Chris?" Jason asked, arms folding across his chest. Chris swore before sitting on the bed and dropping his head into his hands. Jason turned to Alex. "Well, they're alright, let's go back to-."

"Jason. Go check on your brother, I need to go comfort Mya."

"But we were just about to-." She leaned up and kissed him lightly.

"Sorry." She walked into her room and shut the door softly. Jason did the exact opposite.

"Let me tell you now, man, I'm not sleeping on the floor." Chris didn't answer as he shook his head and prepared to get ready for bed. 10 minutes later, he slid underneath the covers next to Jason but facing away from him.

"I'm sorry 'bout all this, Jay. I know this ain't probably how you wanted to spend your Saturday night."

"Damn right it ain't. And you better believe your ass is explaining what happened in here tomorrow morning." He shut his eyes and went to sleep, dreaming about what could've went on in that linen closet.

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