Chapter Ten

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"Mya, he walked in on us almost getting it in!" Alex exclaimed as they sat in the airport coffee shop on Friday evening. They'd left work early and headed straight to the airport after getting themselves ready. Their flight wasn't due for around 2 hours but Chris had told the girls they had to hurry up because he knew how long they could take when given the opportunity. "It was so embarrassing!"

"What did Jason do?"

"Nothing. He just told me that what just happened was good because now Jonathan won't think that he's still the main thing on my mind which I guess is true and all but," she sighed exasperatedly, "I don't know.

Mya looked on at her friend in shock. "Alex, don't tell me you want that cheating negro back?" She shook her head at Alex and took a sip of her coffee, watching her for any facial expression change.

However, as soon as the question left Mya's lips, Alex shook her head adamantly. "I don't want him back, hell no. I just- I can't bring myself to stop loving him. There must be something wrong with me."

"What did I miss?" Chris asked, rejoining them and taking his seat next to Mya. Instantly, his arm went around her waist and he pulled her in closer, a gesture that wasn't missed by Alex. "Alex?"

"Yeah, hi. Oh, not much, just the normal girl talk. I think I'm gonna need another latté." She didn't wait for a reply and left the table.

"You guys were talking about Jonathan, weren't you?" Mya nodded. "But I do have to say she's in much better moods than when I last saw her, its almost like she's back to her old self."

"I'll gladly take credit for that." They looked up at the voice and saw that it was Jason. He was holding a small luggage bag and was simply wearing dark sweats, white Air Jordans and a white hooded sweatshirt.

"Wait a minute, why are you here?" Mya questioned as he sat down in Alex's seat and grinned at them both. "Chris?"

Chris had the guiltiest look on his face as he greeted his brother. "Erm, babe, did I forget to tell you that Jason is also coming with us?"

"Uh, yeah. Does Alex-"

Almost as if she'd heard her name, Alex appeared at the side of the table, glaring down at Jason who was seated in the comfortable armchair. "Jason, you're in my seat." He looked her up and down, silently praising her choice of outfit. She had on a pair of skinny jeans, brown ankle boots and an off white cable knit sweater with her hair pulled back into a casual messy bun. Chris and Mya seemed to be the only ones to notice Jason's intense stare, Alex was only concerned about getting her seat back. "Earth to Jason!" His piercing gaze snapped back up to her face and once again she felt herself going back to her high school days when she'd be completely captivated by him sparkling green orbs.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers. Pull up one of those wooden ones."

She rolled her eyes and placed her latté on the table as she walked away to go find a seat. The place was packed and there were hardly any spare chairs left. "Immature son of a-" just as she reached for a chair on the next table, a man came and sat down right on it. Not wanting to cause a scene, she walked back over to the table.
"There's always my lap." He smirked and she could already feel herself wanting to jump on him and kiss him senseless. After one small smirk.

"Fine." Reluctantly, she placed one arm behind Jason's neck and slid onto his lap, her legs dangling off the arm of the chair. He had to hold back a sigh when her intoxicating smell entered his nostrils.

"So you had to choose the most complicated way of sitting as opposed to just having your back to me?" He laughed as she sat up to turn, "no don't worry, I wasn't complaining, Flatty." His arm went out to rest across her lap, a simple action that made her heart quicken.

Mya cleared her throat. "Hey! You guys forget that we're still here?" Alex blushed and reached for her drink whilst Jason just laughed at her embarrassment. They continued to talk for the next hour or so, the conversation ranging from what Alexandra was like at high school and some of the insults the two would hurl at each other to where they all planned on staying tonight and tomorrow evening.

"Jason, where are you staying?" Alex asked, playing with the strings on his hooded sweatshirt absentmindedly. Mya slyly elbowed Chris so he could pay attention. "Every year when we go, my mom keeps the guest bedroom open for Mya and Chris. Alexis gets her old bedroom and Jonathan and I get-" she stopped herself and Jason felt her tense, "We would get my bedroom but because of obvious reasons, he's gonna be sharing with Alexis." Nobody answered and their table fell into a silence.

"I could always stay with you."

Chris looked at him in confusion. "What about cousin Aaliyah? She doesn't live far from where Alex's-" Jason shot him a glare.

"I'd much rather enjoy staying in Alex's room."

"Well that's settled, you'll be staying in my room, there should be some spare sheets somewhere for when you sleep on the floor." Jason's face dropped. "I'm joking."

"Ha ha. I'll be back, I'm kinda hungry." Alex stood up so that he could go to the line.

"Don't expect there to be an available seat when you get back." She quipped and he turned his head to give her a 'I dare you' look which she returned with a grin.

"Alex!" She whipped her head back to Chris. "Were you just staring at Jason's butt?" Her expression was like a deer caught in headlights. She hesitated before laughing nervously.

"Fuck it, yeah I was. He has a nice ass, so sue me!" They all fell about laughing at her confession.

"Oh my goodness, isn't this a surprise?" Recognizing the voice, Alex groaned inwardly and looked up into the eyes of her sister. Her hair was waved out and parted in the middle whilst she wore a black polo knitted jumper, an oversized leopard print fur half jacket and black UGGs with leggings. "Hey Mya, hey Chris." Her gaze fell onto Alex. "Sis."

"Please tell me you're not on the 9:30 flight?" Asked Alex as she finally noticed Jonathan, who looked extremely good today in his grey fedora hat and his glasses.

"Believe me when I say I don't want to be near you, let alone on the same plane but yes we are on the 9:30. Baby, can you get us some chairs?" Jonathan quickly reached behind and got them some chairs. It was only then that Alex noticed that there were now a lot of chairs available. She hadn't even noticed over the past hour. He pulled up her chair and sat next to her.

"Alexis, why the hell is your suitcase that big? You act like you're going for a damn week."

"If I may have you know, I called mom yesterday and she told me that although it was gonna be sunny tomorrow, it was going to rain on Sunday so I need a wide variety of outfits." Alex and Mya shared a knowing look.

"Jonathan, how you doin' man? How's your job?" Chris greeted, not wanting there to be any tension at the table.

"Its great. Actually, I'm working with Alex's firm right now so-."

"That was a complete waste of $4. This tastes absolut-"

"Jason." At hearing his name spoken by a foreign voice, Jason looked towards the sound and saw that it was Alexis. Jonathan instantly recognised him but got angry at the fact that his girlfriend knew him.

"You know him?" He asked, making his irritation known.

Alexis blinked a couple of times, taking in Jason's beauty. He really did look fine as hell in such a simple outfit. "Y-yeah. We used to go out in high school."

"Hey, I remember you." He chuckled and set his coffee down, extending a hand to Jonathan."I don't think we've officially met; Jason Arden." Jonathan looked to Chris and he nodded, answering his unspoken question. Now it was Alexis' turn to be confused.

"Wait, you two have met?" Jonathan's eyes darted to Alex who was looking at the ground as if there was something interesting there.

"Yeah, he caught your sister and I in the middle of something last night. Awkward, right?" He nonchalantly shrugged as Alexis' glare fell onto Alex. "I want my seat back, Flatty." Alex was amazed at how easily he handled such tense situations. He handled it almost as if he was talking about the weather. She stood and allowed him to sit before reclaiming her position on his lap. This time he locked his hands around her waist, pulling her in closer. Neither of them noticed all the eyes watching them.

"Am I missing something?" Questioned Alexis. "Last time I checked you two hated each other and now you're sitting on each other's laps?" Jonathan shot her a look and Alex rolled her eyes.

"Last time I checked my relationships weren't any of your business. Well," she tilted her gaze to Jonathan who suddenly went quiet.

"Don't be bitter, Alex. Just because you couldn't keep him. Shit, you could never keep a man anyway." As soon as he felt her about to leap out of his arms, Jason pulled her back. "Behave, Alex, we're out in public."

"Shut the hell up, Alexis. Damn, your ass is so annoying!" Mya exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

'Flight 01232 to Northwest Florida Regional is now boarding.' Jonathan was thankful that their plane was ready so that they could escape the awkward situation.

They checked in and boarded the plane, nobody speaking to Alex or Alexis. They ended up sitting near each other with Alex and Mya getting seats next to each other, Jason and Chris getting the seats beside them and Jonathan and Alexis getting seated behind Alex and Mya. Once the plane took off, Jason removed his belt and turned his head to Alex. Both had an aisle seat so it made it easier for them to talk whilst everybody else had fallen asleep. "Alex."

"What?" She whispered so that Mya wouldn't awake.

"I'm bored." She gave him a look and sighed, knowing exactly where he was going with the conversation.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" He gave her a mischievous and licked his lips.

"You ever joined the mile high club?" A soft laugh escaped her full lips and she shook her head. That was the one thing Jonathan and her had never done. "Here's the plan: you're gonna head to the bathroom and I'll leave 30 seconds after you." She didn't waste any time and got out of her seat, headed to the bathroom. Jason couldn't wait the full 30 seconds and left his chair.

"Jason, where are you going?" Alexis asked, eyes narrowed at him.

"Where do you think?" He didn't wait for a reply and walked down the aisles towards the toilet, knocking on it.

"Occupied, sorry!" He heard Alex call out.

"Its Jason." She quickly opened the door and he stepped in, shutting it behind himself.

"That wasn't 30 seconds." He lifted her up easily into his arms and placed her on the counter, stepping in between her legs. As soon as she felt him she gasped.

He began to kiss her neck. "I couldn't wait."

"Well then hurry up, I don't want to get caught." She moaned as he fumbled with unbuttoning her jeans whilst she easily slid off his sweatpants. Then it dawned on her. "You'd planned this hadn't you? That's why you wore the sweatpants!"

"And you just had to wear the hardest piece of clothing to remove, didn't you?" She giggled before pulling his head to hers for a lustful kiss.

15 minutes later, they both walked out of the bathroom having spent 5 minutes fixing themselves up again. Alex had a noticeable wide grin on her face and Jason looked content. Neither of them noticed the two pairs of eyes watching them closely as they returned to their seats. They shared a smile and he winked at her before turning in his seat to listen to some music, feeling much better than he had before.

"You smell like sex." Mya said, tiredly turning towards Alex.

She couldn't help the fact that her grin grew wider. She felt amazing! She wasn't even aware of the fact that Jonathan and Alexis were behind her together. To be honest, at that moment she didn't care. She grinned to herself as Mya fell back into a deep sleep.

She was now a member of the Mile High Club.

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