Chapter Five

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13 years ago...
Jefferson High School
Tampa, FL
"Alexandra, you still look beautiful, stop worrying and eat your breakfast so you girls can get to school." Her mother commanded, rushing around the kitchen to try to get her own morning duties done before she went to work. "Where's Alexis?" Alex shrugged just as her sister walked in and took the seat beside her. "Alexis sweetie, isn't that your sister's top?"
At her mother's words, she turned and took in her sister's outfit. White denim skirt, purple low heeled sandals and Alexandra's lilac crew neck tee. The shirt was Alex's so that meant it was 3 sizes too small because Alexis had always developed faster in the chest area. "Alexis that top looks like its hanging on for dear life. I thought you were gonna take my baggy tee. That would've fit you."
"This does fit me! This is the look I'm going for." She stated, fingering her wavy hair.
"Alexis, go change. You are not leaving this house like it's summer! We are in fall, now go cover up." There was something about the way that Adele Armstrong told you to do something that instantly made you do it, no questions asked. With a subtle eye roll, Alexis left the table to go and change, whilst Alex fingered the glasses that lay in front of her. "Have a nice day, girls! I'll be home around 7." She kissed Alex's cheek and left the house.
"Alexis! She's gone!"
She walked out of the bedroom, still in the same outfit and Alex sighed. "Thanks, Lex. I'll have your top back to you tonight." She finally noticed the distraught look on her twin's face. "What's up?" She simply nodded towards the glasses. "Oh these?" Alexis picked them up and chuckled.
"Its not funny, Lexi. Everybody's gonna make fun of me!" She stood up and placed her bowl in the sink, rinsing it out. "And I just know Jason and his crew are gonna tease me!"
"So? Alex, stop letting every single little thing they say get to you!" She gently slid the glasses onto her twin's face. "You still look beautiful, Binky... And I'm not just saying that because we look alike. If Jason says anything, I'll slap him, okay?" A small smile tugged at Alex's lips because of the nickname and she pulled her into an embrace. Binky was the name that Alexis called her sister because of how when they were younger, every time Alex would cry, the only way she'd shut up was if Alexis gave her her binky. However, Alexis' nickname was Blinky because of her bad habit to continuously blink when she was a baby.
"Ouch!" Alex jumped back and rubbed her chest. "I can't even hug you properly because of those balloons!" The two shared a laugh and began clearing the kitchen before they heard a loud horn. "That must be your man." A blush crept up on Alexis' cheeks and she gathered up her things as Alex followed her out, shutting and locking the door behind her. They both walked up towards the car and Alex couldn't help but look away as her sister shared a kiss with her man.
It wasn't that she was jealous. She just hated seeing her sister kiss the one guy she absolutely detested with every fibre in her being. "Are you sure you don't want a ride, Alex?"
"No, its fine. André should be here soon, anyway." Alexis' man turned to face her and she couldn't help but feel a sudden catch in her throat as his eyes pierced into hers.
"So Alex, I guess I should start calling you four eyes now?" She rolled her eyes just as her sister slapped his arm.
"Jason, stop it! He's just joking, Lex."
She rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth with disdain. "I'm sure he is." Alex had to curse herself when her palms started to moisten just as Jason flashed his perfectly dimpled smile. "I'll see you at school, Lexi."
She smiled back at her as Jason drove away. She hated him. Hated his voice. Hated his walk. Hated his dazzling smile. Hated his smooth, light complexion. And most of all she hated his captivating emerald eyes. She hated him! She hated how attracted to him she was. But then again, the entire population of Jefferson High School was attracted to him.
"You look nice." She jumped, startled at the voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She didn't even hear his car pull up. He opened the door for her and she walked around to get in.
"I-it's fine, André. What were you saying?"
"I said you look nice with the glasses, it’s a good look." Alex gave him a genuine smile and looked down at herself. She had just thrown on a pair of figure hugging high waisted jeans and a tucked in tee with her hair slicked up into a tight bun and her face make up free.
"Oh, thanks, André." She looked over at him and leaned over to give him a sweet kiss. André was her boyfriend of 2 months and he was also one of her closest friends. He had soft brown skin and dark brown eyes with juicy lips that instantly reminded people of LL Cool J. He too had many fans at JHS, but he only had eyes for Alex. The rest of their journey to school consisted of listening to the latest Donnell Jones song and picking up the other member of their group, Janelle.
"I'll see you in second period, babe." She simply nodded as he walked away to his homeroom.
"So what's with the glasses, ma?"
"Argh, I have to wear them for the next couple of months." Alex whined as they made their way to homeroom.
"It looks cute... Makes you look even smarter and stuff." Alex shot her a look as they walked in, only to be met by the sight of her sister and Jason tonguing each other down by Alex's desk. She cleared her throat and Alexis pulled back, looking embarrassed as she slid off her desk.
"Sorry, Alex." Jason however, didn't move. He stayed seated on top of her desk, eyes dancing with mischief.
"Why did you have to stop us? You coulda watched so you could learn how to really kiss instead of those little pecks you and André have." Alex stayed silent and rolled her eyes. "It's alright, flatty, next time I won't mind you watching." At the sound of his nickname for her, she glared at him.
"Shut the fuck up, Jason! And move the hell off my desk!" Something seemed to tick inside of him and he quickly got up and in her face.
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Don't call me flatty!"
He looked down at her and smirked. "Well if the shirt fits or should I say if the shirt doesn't fit?" Alex blinked up at him, determined not to get lost in his eyes.
"I hate you."
"And everybody hates you." That's when Alex took a step back and looked away as the class erupted with laughter.
"Jason!" Alexis scolded, pulling her boyfriend away and going over to hug her sister. She was taken aback when Alex pushed her arms away.
"I'm okay." Everyone knew she was anything but.

Throughout the 20 minutes of homeroom, Alex kept her head down in her French text book as everyone around her seemed to be engrossed in their conversations. A few times, Alexis would try to get her attention but each time Jason would cut in and make a crude comment at her, forcing her to roll her eyes and rotate back to the front. She couldn't help the thankful sigh that escaped her full lips as the bell rang. "See you in second period, buddy." She automatically rolled her eyes at the voice and stood to leave, hitting the floor face first a second later. "Woops. I thought those glasses help you see better, ma?" He brought his leg away and chuckled as he walked out, his boys following him. "See you in chemistry, Flatty Ally!"
The next thing she knew, two pairs of arms had lifted her up and grabbed her things. "Thanks."
"Alexis, how the hell can you go out with him? I mean, I know he's sexy and all but he's a complete ass to your own sister!" Janelle ranted. Alexis sighed and shook her head as they left.
"I'm sorry about that, Lex. I'll see you third period."
"Alright." Was her only reply as she quickly made her way into her first class, AP Maths, ready to brush away all of Jason's comments.
 "D-, Mr Arden." Alex couldn't contain the smirk that crept up on her face at his result of her chemistry test in her 6th period later that day. "Another amazing result, Miss Armstrong. A+." One thing that Alex took absolutely seriously was her education and her results never fell below a B. She heard Jason snarl beside her and turned to him.
"What's your problem?!"
"You're a damn nerd, that's my problem." Alexandra's hands curled into fists as she tried to reign in her temper.
"Wow. Are you that insecure about yourself that you make fun of my grades?! A-And what? At least I know where I'm going in life! You think your football is gonna get you far? You're friggin' pathetic." Jason didn't say anything and she continued. "There are thousands of other boys who want to be drafted in so what makes you so special, huh?"
"Miss Armstrong, can you-"
"What the hell makes Jason Arden special?! Your looks? Oh please honey, they will definitely fade over time. You love to feel like you're superior to everyone! As if you're God's greatest gift to man, but NEWSFLASH, you're not." She shouted, drawing in the attention of the entire class.
"NO! He needs to hear it! This jackass needs to hear how fucking sick I am of his constant teasing! You're not special! You're just like every single other person here so stop acting like an ass!" She breathed heavily, her chest heaving up and down as she pushed back her chair.
"Miss Armstrong, to the principal's office, RIGHT NOW."
She turned towards Jason again, whose face was completely unreadable." As long as it gets me away from him? Gladly." She stormed away, but when she looked down she saw one of Jason's boys’ legs sticking out to try to trip her up. "Not today." Violently, she kicked it out of the way and walked out.
Finally, Jason spoke. "Must be ol' girl’s time of the month." He chuckled along with everyone, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. Something about what she'd said had bothered him. Bothered him to the point where he decided his teasing towards her would become worse.
Bothered him to the point where he made sure she hated going to school every day and it bothered him to the point where he decided the best way to get back at her would be to cause a rift between her and her sister. A rift that would soon turn into hatred as the years went by.
Jason Arden ruined Alexandra Armstrong's life because she was the only person to call him out.

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