Chapter Twenty Five

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Alexis gently knocked on her own bedroom door and walked in. She had given Alex that room after she had cried so much that she could barely take a step without shedding more tears. That had been two days ago. The entire previous day, Alex stayed locked in the room doing God knows what. Alexis hadn't even alerted her mother that her other daughter was here.

Alexis was happy though. Happy that she had her sister back and that she was going to be the one her sister could lean on.

"Alex." She called out, watching as Alex stirred, slowly opening her eyes. "Breakfast is ready and mom and Gerry are downstairs so I thought you would like to say hi seeing as you ignored them yesterday."

Alex bolted up, seeing this as her chance to confront her mother about the truth on her father. She ran past Alexis and was about to run into the bathroom when her twin spoke. "Oh and by the way, Mya called me to tell you that Jason came back looking all over for you. He apparently spent the whole day yesterday asking around for your whereabouts. Mya didn't tell him you were here but I don't think he'd even think about coming here." She cursed under her breath and ran a hand over her face. The mere mention of his name still made her heart pulse harder and her mind race with images of the two of them together. But each and every time, the images of the two with each other would be squashed with the vivid picture of he and Zara kissing.

She figured that she had at least a couple of days to get herself together before finally seeing him and having to talk to him again. She had had time to think last night whilst Alexis thought she was sleeping. In fact she had spent the entire time thinking. Thinking and crying but mainly the latter than the former. However, as tears raced past her cheeks and her heart wrenched, she would think about what she was going to say. And whether Mya was right or not. She hadn't heard him out so there was a chance that what she saw was not 100% true. But then again she saw him continue the kiss with her own two eyes. So she would hear him out. But when it came down to it, she was definitely ending the relationship. She wouldn't get back with him, to only risk having her heart made vulnerable again. Besides, he didn't even love her back!

"Thanks. Erm, I have an announcement to make to mom and I want you to be prepared for what I'm going to say okay?" The look of confusion on Alexis' face made her reach out and place a hand on her arm. "It's about dad. The truth about him." Without another word, she stepped into the bathroom and locked herself in there. She turned on the water and let the shower run for a while.

Wiping the condensation off the mirror, she took a look at herself. Her hair was wild, her eyes puffy and red and her eyes looked lifeless. She fingered the reddish purple mark at the base of her neck and sighed, remembering where she had gotten it. It was from their last night together, where he had pleasured her from head to toe before taking her. She wrapped her arms around herself, realising that she did miss Jason. A damn lot but if she was going to end it for good, she had to learn to get used to it. Once again, she heard her phone ring. She brought it out, ready to press 'Ignore' when she saw that it was Chris calling.

"Chris, is everything alright?" Her voice was still raw from all the crying. The line was quiet for a full 10 seconds. "Chris? Is it Mya?! Oh my gosh-."

"Alex, where are you?" Immediately she knew who it was. Her heartbeat gave it away. "I need to talk to you. You have to understand that-."

She clicked 'End' and dropped her phone, every muscle in her body now suddenly weak. He had such a huge effect on her and she wasn't even sure he realised it. That was another reason why she had to end it. She'd fallen way too quick which made the relationship more dangerous. She heard her phone vibrate again and again but she ignored it. Alex stepped into the hot shower and let the water calm her.

Half an hour later, all heads turned and two mouths dropped. "ALEX! What? When did you get back?!" Her mother squealed, jumping up to hug her.

"And why of all places did you come here?" Gerry questioned sceptically. Alex awkwardly returned the hug.

Adele returned to her stool next to Gerry's. "That is a good point." Alexis explained to them that they were back on good terms now and her mother and Gerry rejoiced! "Ah, I'm so happy! When did you get here? I didn't see you yesterday?"

Alex fixed herself a plate of food and sat opposite her mom, with Alexis beside her. "Actually, I got here the other night, I just asked Lexis not to tell you."

"W-what? Why did you your vacation short? Barbados is beautiful!" Alex shut her eyes and went on to catch them up on her life and current state. She fully explained the arrangement, Jason kissing Zara and how she ran away. She also mentioned that Jason was looking for her now but she needed to hold him off for a couple of days whilst she got herself together. "Oh honey! I'm so sorry!"

She sighed as her mom continued to blab on about how she should hear him out. Finally, Alex finished her food and placed her dishes in the sink. "Since your mother and I only have one day left in Chicago, we're going furniture shopping." Gerry said, cutting Adele off and ignoring the glare she gave him. Gerry, being the only person who could be patient with Adele, didn't answer when Adele started rambling about how he had to get rid of his bad habit of cutting her off.

"Fine, let's go. We'll be back in a few hours girls!"

Just as she got up from her seat, Alex spoke. "Mom, what happened to Dad all those years ago?" Even Alexis stared at her, puzzled as to why she was suddenly asking this.

"What? Alex you know your father just up and left us for no reason!"

What Alex said next made Adele freeze completely. "So you're telling me you don't know that he left us for Jason's mom?" Alexis gasped and Gerry sighed. "That they are probably somewhere out there right now together?" Her mother seemed at a loss for words. "I'm guessing that the silence means you did know?"

"How did you find out?"

"Oh my gosh, it's true!" Alexis exclaimed, dropping her head into her hands.

"Jason's grandmother dropped hints but then he finally told me. Ma, why didn't you just tell us?" Adele glanced at her daughters and shook her head. "MA!"

"Because I was embarrassed!" She yelled. "How do you think it feels knowing that your husband left you for another woman?" A lone tear escaped as she blinked, her voice cracking. "That you weren't doing your job well enough and so he felt to go and find another woman to do it? It's not easy!"

"But why didn't you say anything? Sure we would have been angry at him, but we would have understood."

"I didn't say anything because I thought you would be angry at me. Angry that I hadn't done my job right!" Alexis pulled her mom into a hug and held her tightly.

"We wouldn't have been angry at you. You didn't do anything!" She whispered into her ear. She pulled back and Gerry was instantly by her side, soothing her.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you girls the truth. I should have and I didn't, for that I was wrong."

"It's okay. At least we know the truth now, right?" Alexis nodded in agreement to the statement.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's go." Gerry cooed, wiping the remaining tears off her face. Alex felt a pang of jealousy as she watched him help her out of her seat and hold her tightly. "See you later girls." They left quietly and Alexis was still in the same spot she had been in for the past few minutes.

"I'm in shock. Your man's mom is with our dad? Wh-what if they have a child? That would make you and Jason-."

"Technically, we would just share a half brother or sister. More the reason for us not to be together because that shit is just plain old weird." She shuddered in disgust as she washed up the dishes.

"Are you really going to end it for good?" Her sister nodded in reply. "Well then I think you're an idiot. A big fat idiot. That man loves you and you love him but because of one mistake which we aren't even sure on what the full story is, you're going to give up on it?"

"Look, I know what I'm doing alright? I'm protecting myself." Alexis opened her mouth to reply. "Don't you have to go to work?"

"Fine, cut me off. I'll be back around 7. Bye." She hugged her goodbye and left, leaving Alex on her own with her thoughts.

For the next few hours, she continued to think about Jason. Jason was at the forefront of her mind but she doubted that she was at the front of his. Around 3pm, she realised she had to get her work organised as she had been neglecting it. She made arrangements for meetings and also for someone to take over the project for Jason's restaurant.

She was so into her work and finally putting aside any thoughts of Jason that she was startled when the doorbell rang. She checked the time and saw that it was only 5 so it couldn't be Alexis. Alex checked through the peephole and was surprised to see Jonathan. What was he doing here? Not caring much about what she was wearing, she pulled the door open and watched as Jonathan's face changed from a shocked expression to a sudden lustful one. She looked down at her simple choice of denim jeans and her CSU sweatshirt... Not exactly an outfit that could be deemed sexy.

"Alex? I, uh, I expected Alexis to be here, is she-."

Alex ran a hand through her now wavy hair. "Actually, she should be back in 2 hours." She didn't see any sign of disappointment on his face, instead his eyes still held that same dark and devious glint they had whenever he was aroused. Suddenly feeling awkward, she moved to close the door. "I'll let her know that you came."

"Do you wanna grab some food?" The question made her pause and she sighed, about to launch into a speech on how it might not be the best idea for them to have lunch. "I know what you're going to say but this will be platonic! I promise."

"Jonathan..." She warned.

He rubbed the top of his head nervously. "Look, I know you better than anyone. Hell, I know you like the back of my hand so I know when something's wrong. Let me cheer you up!" She was torn between what to do. She could end up giving Jonathan false hope if she agreed. "I'll take you to Nu Chef and we can get the buffet like we used to." But then again she did love Nu Chef's chinese food. "And I can eat your plate when you get over confident on your eating skills." She ignored his last statement and ignored the look of longing and regret on his face.
She needed a pick me up. Bad. She took another glance at his pleading face and smiled. "Alright, let me just go and change into something more acceptable." Although she wanted to send a clear message to Jonathan that she was no longer as bothered on appearance as before, she didn't want to be seen out in her current state. "Come in." Jonathan walked in and patiently waited for Alex as she changed.

No more than 10 minutes later had she came downstairs, having switched her sweatshirt for a chocolate brown turtleneck sweater with some ankle boots to match. Already she was missing the sun of Barbados. "Ready?" She asked Jonathan as he stood up.

"Yeah, let's go."

"Have you gotten my texts?" Jonathan asked as he took a break from eating. He was now on his third plate as Alex was still on her first. She had almost forgotten how big his appetite was, it was almost as big as Jason's. She was about to curse herself for even thinking about him when she finally realised what Jonathan had said.

"Um, yes I have and I need to talk to you about them."

"Go ahead."

"Jonathan, we can't get back together." He didn't mask the look of disappointment that marred his features. "For two reasons. One, because well, you cheated on me with my sister and two, I love Jason."

"Oh him. He was at the office today looking for you and he was there yesterday too." He sneered. "You love him?"

"Unfortunately yeah. But I seem to have a bad habit in picking men, I always pick the unfaithful ones." She murmured the last part, taking another bite of her sweet and sour chicken.


"Nothing. But I hope you understand that even though you and Lexis broke up, it doesn't mean that we can get back together or pick right back up where we left off." She said, her tone unwavering.

He sighed but nodded in understanding. "I guess it was a little selfish and crazy to think you would be up for it, huh."

She placed her index finger over her thumb, leaving a little space. "Just a little." They stared at each other before falling into laughter. "I don't mind being friends though."

"I thought you said earlier that-."

"The wounds have healed." She grinned at him and he beamed at her, happy that he had her back in his life in some form. "I honestly can't believe that you've just finished plate number four."

"And I still can't believe you're only on plate number one! Hurry up and eat, woman! This is a buffet, eat all you can!" She continued to laugh as they stood up to go and get more food.

By the time Jonathan had dropped her back at Alexis', her mood had been lifted. She found herself laughing and smiling and although those hypnotising green eyes were never far from her mind, she managed not to concentrate on him too much. "Thanks for a wonderful time, Jonathan, I really needed that."

"No problem, Lexi. It was fun making you smile and I'm happy we're friends again." She expressed similar thoughts and they hugged briefly. "You coming in to work tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I have a whole lot to do so I can't miss another day."

"Are you gonna need any help?"

She waved him off. "Nah, I'm sure I can handle it all by myself."

"Alexandra. Always being superwoman!" He joked as he took a step down. "When are you going to stop trying to do it all?"

Without thinking, she voiced the first thing that came to her mind. "When I find my superman."

"What, you haven't found him yet?" He asked hopefully.

"Well, I guess I have but he's just not as super as I thought he was." She sighed and stared off into space.

"Goodnight Alex." He turned and headed off to his car as she turned the spare key Alexis had left on the table and walked in. For the first time all night, she rached for her phone and turned it on.

14 missed calls from Jason and a text message that made her shiver in realisation.

'You can't hide from me forever'

He was right. She couldn't. But she would damn sure try, that was for sure.

The next morning, after having borrowed Alexis' olive suit and silk hunter green shirt, Alex walked into her floor at McKinley&Co. Straight away she headed for Tracey's desk and placed a purple binder down in front of her. "Alex! How are you feeling? Boy have I missed you! Woah, what's this?" She fired questions left and right at Alex.

"This has everything Harley is going to need for the 'Taste of the Islands' project. If you could get this to her as soon as possible, I would appreciate that, Trace."

"Yeah, I'll get right on it!" She thanked her assistant and ticked her mental to-do list, the last thing on there now was to stay away from Jason.

"Good luck with that one, Alex." She muttered to herself as she entered her office.

"Actually Alex, whilst you were gone you got quite a lot of messages from a Jason Arden." Alex whipped her head up and egged Tracey on to tell her what the messages said. "Nearly all of them say 'Call Me' or 'Let Me Explain'."

"Erm, if he calls again would you just do whatever you have been doing for the past two days please?" Tracey nodded and left her office, leaving Alex to get caught up on her neglected work.

Alex loved her job but working with a broken heart and a pre-occupied mind wasn't exactly the best way to get work done. 5 hours into her work, Tracey walked into her office. "Um, Alex, Mr Arden is on the phone, he says he knows that you're in."

"How the hell did he figure that out?" Judging by the way Tracey gave her a sheepish look, she knew how he had figured it out. She sighed heavily. Looking down she saw that the light for line 2 was flashing. "Can you do me a favour? Can you tell him that since I am no longer on the project I am the wrong person to be contacting? And then can you forward him Harley's number?"

"W-why can't you do it?"

"Because I asked you nicely, Tracey." Not wanting to argue, Tracey went back to her desk and did as she was told, but not a minute later was she back. “Did you do it?”

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