you're friends with benefits, but he falls for you (Luke)

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  'Lukeeeeeeeee come over :)' you pressed send and waited for his reply as you laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling. You felt your phone vibrate and you grabbed it quickly, reading the text from Luke. 'Be there in a few' you smiled at the text and put your phone on your side table. You sat upright and turned on your tv and watched it as you waited for Luke to come over. Since you had the house to yourself for the weekend you figured might as well have him over for the night, right? No harm done. You got to your feet and walked into the washroom and checked your hair and made sure you were presentable. Sometimes, you felt that you needed to try and impress him, but other times you realized he really didn't care if you had makeup on or didn't because the odd times he would tell you that you were beautiful without it. You suddenly heard a loud knock at the door. You walked down the stairs and opened the door to see Luke standing there. He gave you a small smile then walked into your house, looking around. "Home alone?" He asked as you shut the door behind him. "Yep." You grinned at him and he turned around and just stood there looking at you. You were confused. Normally, by now he had you against the wall and was kissing you, but he hadn't even budged. "Uh, are you thirsty? Hungry? Anything?" You asked him as you awkwardly walked past him and towards the kitchen. You felt him following you and you wanted nothing more than for him to come up behind you and kiss your neck or something. The whole reason you invited him over was because of that, so why the hell wasn't he doing anything? "(Y/N)..." His voice trailed off and you turned around becoming impatient. "Are you going to kiss me or not?" You asked abruptly. He sighed and leaned against the wall and just stared at you. "I enjoy this. I enjoy it a lot, don't get me wrong, but-" "But what?" You interrupted him. You weren't really in the mood for this. "I don't know what it is about you, but I want to take you out for ridiculously expensive dinners and argue with you on who is paying. I want to cuddle up with you when you're not feeling good, or when you are cold, or just in general. I want to watch your favourite movies with you, even if that means I hate them. I want to be with you. I don't want to be just friends with benefits with you anymore, (Y/N). I don't think I can do that with how I am feeling about you." At this moment he was right in front of you and you had no idea what to say to him. 'I-I didn't know you felt like that..." You admitted, looking down at the ground. He put his finger under your chin and made you look up him. You gulped and he just stared into your eyes. "You don't have to say anything. If you want to give it a try blink twice, and if you want to stop this then blink once." He said and you stared at him, not even daring to blink. You stared into his eyes for a few moments then blinked twice. His lips stretched into a smile and he leaned down and gave you a kiss. "This would have been awkward if you blinked once." He laughed causing you to laugh along with him. His laugh was extremely infectious.

  Authors Note

  If you guys want me to do certain ones, just inbox me and I'll try to do it :)

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