he sees your scars

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  The second he sees them he looks into your eyes and gently takes your arm in his hands as he stars at the scars on your wrists. His eyes flicker up to yours and you can see tears starting to form in them. He reaches out for your face and shakes his head. "Please don't do this. You're so beautiful, (Y/N). I know things can get hard, but it hurts me knowing you're hurt..." He gently grabbed your face and kisses you, his lips lingering on yours for a few moments before he pulled away and looked at you straight in the eyes. "I'm not going to ask you to stop, but at least try... I get it how hard it can get sometimes, but I'm here to help you get through this, okay?" You nodded your head and cuddled with him the rest of the night, thanking that you had him around.


  He stood in front of you with a horrified look on his face when he saw the scars on your thighs. He now understood why you always told him you hated wearing shorts or even a bathing suit. He took a step towards you and grabbed onto your hands, rubbing the back of them with his thumb. "This scares me a lot because I used to be in your position and I really just want you to know that I am here to help you get through the struggles in your life. I love you, okay? Every little part of you, even those scars." You stared up into his eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck, tearing up.


  His hands wandered around your body and landed on your stomach. He lifted up your shirt slightly and his fingers landed on your scars on your stomach. He stopped and looked up at you, you froze choking back tears. You were afraid he was going to freak out, but instead he surprised you by lifting your shirt up a little more and kissing each one of the scars which made you break down and cry. He didn't even have to say anything to you because his gesture meant the world to you. "You are beautiful." He whispered in your ear before kissing you on the cheek and holding you in his arms, making you feel loved.


  His eyes shifted and locked on your arms, noticing the old and fresh cuts on your arm. He stopped what he was doing and dropped his phone, rushing over to you and engulfing you in his arms. "I'm sorry." You pushed him back slightly and looked at him with a confused look. "For what?" "I feel like I've failed you... I just want you to know that you are loved and such an amazing girl. I wish I could have been there to help you when you were having those thoughts and doing this to yourself... Promise me that whenever you are thinking of doing it draw a line with a marker and come see me or call or whatever I will always reply and be there for you. You've helped me with so much now it's my time to help you when you need me the most." You ignored the lump that was in the back of your throat and hugged him tight, smiling into his chest.

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