you have a panic attack (ashton)

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It just came out of the blue. Your thoughts had gone back into the dark place and you couldn't take it. All the awful memories of your parents and childhood was enough to send you into a panic. One second you were sitting on the couch, the next you were struggling to breathe, hands over your ears. Your breaths were coming out in short intervals, and you were already beginning to feel light headed. Ashton came into the room, taking one look at your panicked face and taking bounding steps until he was in front of you. "(Y/N), look at me," he said sternly, taking your face in his hands. "Look at me," he repeated. Luckily he had learned what to do when this happened the first time. And he always knew how to calm you down pretty quick. "In and out babe. Look I'll do it with you." He looked into your teary eyes and began guiding you in a breathing exercise. "You're doing really good (Y/N), a couple more." The light headed feeling had gone away and thanks to Ashton, you had managed to control your breathing. "That's it, just like this. It's okay." He gave you a reassuring smile, coming to sit next to you. "We're okay. You're okay babe." Kissing your temple, he pulled you into him, continuing the relaxation process a little further.

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