you slip & fall in the shower (ashton)

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One second you were reaching to grab the shampoo, the next you were at the bottom of the bathtub, your head throbbing from where you had hit it on the way down. Groaning in pain, you put your hand up to your forehead, only to pull it back and realize there was a little bit of blood. "Ashton!" you called out, the water continuing to run over your naked body. "Ashton!" The water made it almost impossible to hear the approaching footsteps, but when you heard his voice, you knew he had heard your cries for help. "(Y/N) is everything okay?" he said loudly, words slightly muffled by the door. "No! I slipped and fell. I need help!" you replied, the pain beginning to become more intense in your temples. The door opened quickly and Ashton's silhouette could be briefly be seen on the other side of the shower curtain before he ripped it open. Seeing the blood, he remained calm, turning off the water and grabbing a towel to cover your body. Once you were able to get the towel around a majority of your body, Ashton silently and gently helped you stand up, not risking another fall. You weren't on your feet for long because the minute you were up straight, your boyfriend had you swooped up in his arms, carrying you into the bedroom. "What hurts baby?" he asked quietly, going to grab a wet wash cloth for your cut. "Just my head," you replied when he came back. You winced slightly when the cool cloth came in contact with your head. "Just try to relax okay? I'll grab you some pain killers and such. You'll be okay in no time." He smiled slightly in your direction, paying more attention to your so called injuries than anything. "Thanks Ash."

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