he loves you, but you have a boyfriend pt 1 (Ashton)

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   "Why do I have to do this?" Ashton complained as he held the script up. You looked over at him and pouted. "I usually have Klayton help me, but he's busy working on a project for science, so I asked you to help me!" You smiled at him and stood in your place. "I'm not doing the kissing scene. Klayton would kill me." He said as he read through the script. You rolled your eyes at him and sighed. "Just read your lines and I'll do the acting, you just help me with memorizing." You told him as you stood a few feet away from him. "You mean to tell me that you've been fooling around behind my back?" You started to circle around Ashton who was laughing at you. You ignored him and he looked at the paper. "That's preposterous. I never would do such a thing!" He over exaggerated everything and you tried not to laugh at him for not taking this seriously. "Then explain the lipstick marks on your neck, or the smell of a perfume that I've never worn in my life on your shirt you wore last night. You try to tell me you've been faithful to me when you've been running off with other women without my knowledge? Well, it ends here, Gregory. This ends now and I will not - Oh get your filthy hands off of me you imbecile!" You yelled at Ashton who was taken back at you raising your voice. He knew when you were acting you were in a whole different world. "Please, my love, understand that I have never been unfaithful to you." "Bull! That is bull and both you and I know it. Don't string me along anymore because I am no longer your marionette. I am a human being and I deserve to be treated like one." You shoved Ashton and he laughed at you once again. You cracked a smile then shook your head, getting back into character. You watched as he stared at the script for a few moments, not saying his line. "Um, Ash? You can go." You told him and he looked up at you and nodded his head. "But my dear, Victoria, you know my love for you is never ending and will last forever. The first moment I laid eyes on you I knew I had to have you. You were a goddess and I was not going to stop till you were mine. What makes you think I would do such a thing to such a beautiful creature like yourself?" He took a step towards you and stroked your cheek, just like in the script. You were slightly taken back to how well he had said the lines. "And that's the scene where we kiss." You laughed and he nodded slowly, staring at you. "You know, Ashton, you're pretty good when you try." You smiled at him and he just nodded his head slowly, never changed the expression on his face. "I guess I could just relate to the first part." He muttered, finally breaking the gaze between the two of you. You nodded your head slowly and took the script from him, reading over some things to make sure you had everything right. You were extremely confused on why he had acted that way, but just brushed it off.

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