on the phone/skype; luke

874 12 1

You and your friends were talking to Luke. Your friend videoed you and Luke talking, because Luke was drunk.

"Babeeeeeeeee." Luke said clingy.


"I loveeeeeeeeee youuuuu."

"I love you too. I think you should have some water."

"Come visit me soon. I miss your cute little butt." Luke said, you laughed at the end.

"I'll visit soon. Are you with the boys?"

"Yeah." He said a little distracted.

"Okay get some water and then rest."

"Okay bye."


Your friend uploaded that in two parts on instagram. Luke texted you the night day.

I'm clingy to you when I'm drunk

I know btw I'm visiting soon me and Ash worked everything out



I cant wait :)

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