he loves you, but you have a boyfriend pt 1 (Luke)

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   The boys had all come over to your house for a movie night. Your boyfriend, Curtis, was gone for the weekend and you wanted to hang out with the boys all together since you haven't for a while. You were getting the popcorn together and walked out to the living room to place two of the bowls out. You stopped behind the one wall once you heard the boys talking. Normally, you wouldn't have eavesdropped, but they were talking about you, so you were curious. "Then tell her Luke. If you like her, tell her." You almost dropped the bowls of popcorn right then and there. "That's the thing though... I don't just like her. I love her and that's the problem." You heard Luke sigh and you felt your heart stop. Your best friend loves you and you are just finding out... The worst part is that you're finding out because you're eavesdropping. This is probably something he didn't want you to know. "I don't want to say anything to her because I don't want it to affect hers and Curtis' relationship. He's a cool guy and I know how happy he makes her. I don't want to ruin her happiness for my own selfish needs. I could never bring myself to do that..." The room fell silent and you heard low mumbles. You shook your head as you tried to ignore everything you had just heard. "Popcorn is ready!" You called out as you brought out the two bowls of popcorn. They all immediately shut up and looked at you with a suspicious look. "Don't worry. I didn't poison it." You laughed as you put the popcorn in front of them. You looked over at Luke and gave him a small smile and he looked away from you. You took that as your cue to forget what you had just heard.

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