he finds an old picture of you (Ashton)

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"No way!" Ashton cried with laughter. You looked over at him and you looked at him in horror after you realized what he had just found in your basement. "Ashton. Please don't look at that!" You yelled as you got to your feet and ran over to him. He turned away from you and opened the album, flipping through the pages and smiling at every one. "You were so cute, what happened?" He joked, turning around and flashing you one of those famous smiles of his. "You're a jerk." You grunted, trying to get him to give you back the large book. "Babe, it's just baby pictures what's the big deal?" "I - nothing..._ "Exactly. You still have those pinchable cheeks." He grinned over at you, pinching your cheeks in the process. You swatted his hand away causing him to laugh at you. "Oh, stop. I'll put it away just because I love you." "Thank you." You huffed and walked away from him, going back to cleaning the basement.

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