he dies (Luke)

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  "Hey! You've reached Luke. I'm not available at the moment so just leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can - no! (Y/N)! I'm making my voicemail, ugh now I have to redo it all." A faint smile appeared on your face as you heard the familiar voicemail. You found it so funny that you begged him to keep it like that and he did. "Hi... So, here I am, calling you... Once again. I don't know why I keep finding myself dialing your number. Maybe it's because I yearn to hear your voice. I yearn to hear you say my name and tell me you love me, but all I have left is memories in my mind and this voicemail. I miss you so much it's crazy. I can't believe it's been a year since you passed and I still haven't gotten out of my house. The boys try to check up on me every once in a while, but I think they've given up on me... I don't know what you did to deserve to leave so early... I need you... I don't know how much longer I can go on without you." You laughed into the phone. "I remember when you used to walk into my room and wake me up with kisses and I would hit you with a pillow every time because you woke me up... What I would do to have that back... I don't care if you wake me up from my sleep I just want you back... Come back to me..." The voicemail cut you off with a short beep and you placed the phone on the bed beside you, staring at the wall. Nothing was going to bring him back and that killed you.

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