he finds an old picture of you (Calum)

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"This wasn't here before." Calum pointed out as you were walking up the stairs to get to your room. You leaned against the wall and laughed. "Yeah, my mum wanted to decorate the walls up here so she put our baby pictures up. She said it was too plain when you walked up here and this is the result." "Awh," he cooed, looking at every picture on the wall in front of the two of you, "Is that one you?" He pointed to the small baby that was sat in a high chair with spaghetti all over their mouth and in their hands. You smiled at the picture and nodded your head. "Mum said that I refused to use my spoon that she gave me and I always used my hands. I wouldn't even eat it when she tried to feed it to me. I was a messy kid." You laughed as you continued looking at the pictures. "Still have a huge smile on your face that is so damn contagious." He turned around and grinned at you. You returned the grin and looked down at your feet. "You're cheesy." You shook your head and began to walk up the stairs, Calum following behind you.

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