you have a panic attack (calum)

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The crowd, the screaming, the flashes. It was making you more and more nervous with every step you tried to take towards the car. Calum was doing his best to push through, but the mob was too thick. You had gotten to the point where you could barely breath. You were panicking now, tearing your eyes around, trying to find any open space to escape. "Calum!" you yelled, trying to get his attention. You needed to stop. Your chest was tightening up, and the whole world was spinning. "Calum," you said again, grabbing his hand tightly and pulling back, making him spin around. Taking one look at your stature, he immediately was shielding you the best he could. His arms formed a protective shield over you. "In and out babe," he whispered before looking up, yelling out."Everybody move!" It was loud and angry, but it did the trick, making people open up. Tears were falling down your face as he guided you into the car, quickly closing the door behind him. "It's okay... You're okay..." He comforted, taking you in his arms and holding you close as the car pulled out of the venue.

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