you slip & fall in the shower (luke)

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Getting into the hot shower, you were trying to do anything you could to clear your stuffed sinus'. You closed your eyes as you turned the water hotter and hotter, letting the steam rise. As much as the heat was helping, it was also making you kind of light headed. You tired to ignore it, closing your eyes again. It wasn't helping. Your thoughts became blurred and before you knew it, you were falling, your feet slipping out from under you. You landed with a loud thud and fell unconscious in seconds. When you woke up, you were dressed and in bed underneath a nice pile of blankets. Along with your stuffy nose, you now had a pounding headache. "Babe?" Luke asked, coming into your range of vision. "Oh good you're awake, I was so worried," he whispered, brushing some hair from your face. "My head hurts..." you mumbled. "I figured it would. I heard the fall, it sounded pretty nasty," he explained, reaching over and grabbing you some water. "So until you're all better, I'm not leaving you alone. I'm not risking anymore injuries."

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