he loves you, but you have a boyfriend pt 2 (Luke)

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   AUTHOR'S NOTE: Not all of them will end up happy, some might, others might not. Just letting you know.

   "It was amazing! It was great to see all my family that I haven't seen in so long. I didn't know some because the last time I saw them I was like four years old, so how was I supposed to remember them?" Curtis laughed and you just laughed along. Sometimes you felt the need to laugh along with him even if what he said wasn't remotely funny. You were just being nice. "Wow I have made this all about myself, how's my baby?" He asked you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him. "It was good. Had a movie night with the boys then went to the mall with (Y/F/N)." You smiled up at him. He leaned down and gave you a kiss. "So, what movie did you guys watch?" "Oh, we wanted to watch a horror movie so Michael went to buy one and it was like three dollars so he bought that and it ended up being really interesting. It wasn't scary it was just fucked up." You chuckled as he grabbed onto your hands. "Well, I'm glad you had fun. Didn't miss me too much, did you?" He smirked and you leaned up closer to him. "Only a lot." You were about to kiss him once again when you heard a phone ring. Curtis sighed and took a step away from you and reached into his back pocket, pulling the phone out. "Hello?" He held up his finger indicating he'll be back in a moment. You nodded your head slowly and leaned against the wall. You had to go back home soon and go with Luke because he asked you to help him buy something for his mother. You waited for a few more minutes and finally Curtis came back. "Sorry, that was work. They want me in for three, so I'll see you later?" He asked you and you nodded your head. You gave him a quick kiss before you left his house and went home. When you got home you gave Luke a text to tell him you were home and you'd meet him at the mall. Your dad dropped you off and you sat outside the mall waiting for him to come so you can get something for his mother then go home to sleep. You were dead tired. You noticed a familiar car pull up to the front entrance and you smiled as you saw Luke walk out of the car wearing that famous beanie he always wore. "Before we go in I wanted to talk to you." He said and you nodded. He turned around and waved to his mum in the car then turned back to you. "She thinks I'm here to help you buy something for your mum, so don't tell your mum that I'm here getting something for her because your mum will tell my mum and it'll be a huge mess and I wanted to surprise her." He said and you laughed, nodding your head agreeing with him. "Okay, I won't tell my mum." He smiled and started to walk into the mall with you following behind her. "I was thinking maybe some candles and stuff, but I didn't think that was enough." He sighed as you two wandered around the mall. "What about some jewelry?" You suggested and he looked over at you. "This is why I brought you here." He smiled down at you and you nodded your head. Something was telling you he only asked you to come because he wanted to see you. You knew he was capable of getting his mother a gift on his own he didn't need your assistance. Ever since you overheard him talking to the boys about his feelings for you had noticed it more and more. He was almost desperate just to spend a minute with you. "So, on Friday night -" "That movie was fucked up." He laughed and you nodded your head. "Right... Um, when I was in the kitchen I came back and I heard some things..." Your voice trailed off and he stopped walking and looked over at you. He looked nervous. "Like... What kind of things?" "That you're in love with me." You turned to look at him and his face went bright red. He coughed awkwardly and looked straight ahead. "Did you, now?" He began to walk again and you stood there for a moment then caught up to him, grabbing him by the arm and pulled him to the side so you wouldn't get in the way of people walking around. "Is it true or is it not?" You asked him and he sighed. "Yes. It's true. I don't want to talk about this right now. We can talk about this another time when we're not in a public place-" "No, I want to talk about it now. Why would you fall in love with me when you knew I had a boyfriend?" You tried to keep your voice quiet, but it was hard. His eyes widened at you and he rolled his eyes. "I didn't just wake up one morning and ask the man upstairs for me to fall in love with you. It just happens. You don't ask for it and I didn't let myself do it. Are you actually that stupid to think that I asked for these feelings?!" Your jaw dropped and you stared at him in rage. "Don't call me stupid!" He shook his head at you and groaned. "Well you're acting like it! Did you ask for fall for Curtis or did you just realize that you have fallen for him, huh? Because that's what happened to me and every other person who has fallen in love before, (Y/N). You don't fucking ask for that it just happens!" His voice echoed through the mall and a few heads turned to look at the two of you. You tried to ignore the peoples looks and continue talking to Luke. "Well, you knew I was with Curtis." You folded your arms across your chest and he took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with you. No matter who you're with I still would have fallen for you because the fact is I love you and I'm sorry if it's something you can't grasp onto and I'm sorry if you think that it's going to affect your relationship with him, but it won't. I'm not going to ruin a relationship because I want you for myself. I'm not that much of an asshole to do that. I do admit it is hard to see you with him when I wish it was me instead, but I won't ruin what you have." You looked at him and wrapped your arms around his chest. "I'm sorry." You said to him and you felt his arms around your body. "It's okay. But the moment you use this against me because you know I can't say no to you I am gone for good because I don't want to be your little toy, okay?" He asked you and you nodded your head. "Deal."

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