you have a panic attack (michael)

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The big exam was tomorrow and you had it set in your mind that you were going to fail. You just couldn't get the information down and even though Michael had tried to help, it just made your stress level shoot up. So now here you were, sitting at your desk like you had been for the last 5 hours. Michael was already in bed, going through his phone. He had tried to get you to come to bed numerous times, but every time it would be the same reply. "No, I told you, I need to know this." You were beginning to reach the point of exhaustion and all the thoughts about the test tomorrow was making your anxiety get worked up. You could feel your heart palpating violently in your chest. You began to tear up, the pen falling from your fingers onto the paper. Suddenly you had an overwhelming feeling of being trapped so you swung yourself away from the desk, falling off the chair and onto your knees. Hyperventilating on the floor, Michael was immediately by your side, jumping out of bed and rushing to your side. "(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, getting in front of you and grabbing your shoulders. You were doing your best not to scream and cry, but you couldn't help it. The stress you were under needed to be released. Sobs began pouring from your mouth as a terrified Michael grabbed your small body and crushed it into his. He didn't know what to do or what to say, so this was the best he could do. "Shhh... babe it's okay. It's okay... It's okay," he repeated, rocking your bodies gently on the floor. "I promise it's okay." You gripped onto his shirt letting everything out. And he stayed in the same position with you until you were ready to head to bed, forgetting about all the studying for the night.

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