Bob is not a young lady's name.

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Subject: Bob is not a young lady's name.

Well first of all Bob I feel we have began a lovely friendship, so I feel that I can stop with the whole letter format. Secondly, what is wrong with your parents Bob is the name of a dude not a "beautiful" young lady like yourself. If I were your parent I would've given you a much nicer name such as, Imogene, Gertrude, or Lou. And NO I am not just taking the names of my best friends' grandparent's. Also I am FAR cooler than Daniel, again the kid is stocky for Pete's sake. He has no life and probably has never had a girlfriend before. I also doubt you've ever had a boyfriend, maybe I could set the two of you up. I mean what's better than a couple with a stocky dude and a scrawny girl? Oh and btw I'm taken I am happily dating Gilly who despite popular opinion is NOT a slut. Thank you. Btw I am the blonde haired guy who is extremely "cute". I sit in front of the hippie girl, you know the one who tells people she's fat because unicorns grow children inside of her. I sit behind Derek, you know the soccer player with, one ear, and the fake grey hair, and the three broken teeth? Anyway I got to go. -S'ban.

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